Shooting Gallery Cam Totally Screwed

Shooting Gallery Cam Totally Screwed

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kerin.9125


So, in normal playing when I select Action Cam the white dot is in the middle of the screen and my character mid-way between the bottom edge and the dot, meaning the camera is a long way off the ground and targeting is fine.

The moment I press F and the game forces me into AC mode the camera plummets to almost ground level with my character now next to the dot.
Targeting the dummies is impossible mostly because the camera is so low I can’t see anything but ground foliage.

The moment I press 0 to exit SG then the AC returns to normal.

How the hell do I stop SG screwing me up like this, I’ll never get silver as I have to spend do much time trying to target the dummies?

Why the hell does it go into AC mode when I AM IN SC MODE before I start the event?


So I tried first-person, still useless as I’m an Asura and the camera is still at ground level so the foliage and targeting is still a nightmare. I hate first person mode anyway and never use it in games where I have a choice, but the camera position on small races makes it impossible.

I watched a video of a charr doing it and he had no problems, the dot was well above ground level and so targeting was simply not an issue, he hit the first 7 targets without even having to move much at all.

Is there no was I can do this event in normal mode?

(edited by Kerin.9125)

Shooting Gallery Cam Totally Screwed

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: FlamingFoxx.1305


There’s a setting in the games settings menu that allows you to set where the camera height is positioned.

These two might be worth looking out for:
Vertical Position Near — Controls how much camera height increases as you zoom in.
Adjust Camera to Character Height — When unchecked, the camera will be placed at the same height regardless of your character size.

Specifically the second one, if you presently have it checked then that may be why the camera is so low on your Asura.

Shooting Gallery Cam Totally Screwed

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kerin.9125


Thanks for those pointers.

I don’t have “Adjust camera to character height” set and the other one is default, so I’ll mess with that .. my only doubt about this is that the AC is FINE in normal mode, it’s only when this kitten ed ‘adventure’ decides to for AC on me that the camera screws up.

However, I’ll certainly play with that other setting next time I get to try this.


Shooting Gallery Cam Totally Screwed

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: FlamingFoxx.1305


You could also mess with the Field of View sliders. Yours may be set in a way that makes the foreground much more apparent.

If messing with the settings doesn’t work perhaps create a support ticket and see if a staff member can help you out?

Shooting Gallery Cam Totally Screwed

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ShadowCatz.8437


Thanks for those pointers.

I don’t have “Adjust camera to character height” set and the other one is default, so I’ll mess with that .. my only doubt about this is that the AC is FINE in normal mode, it’s only when this kitten ed ‘adventure’ decides to for AC on me that the camera screws up.

However, I’ll certainly play with that other setting next time I get to try this.


My Chrono is an Asurian so I know how difficult it can be to see anything sometimes with AC active. You should also take a look into collision setting as that might actually also force Action Camera into a very close up to foliage and items near you which make it impossible to see anything at a distance. Drag slider to left to reduce how sensitive will act against objects behind your back and to right to make it ignore objects (but at cost of less fps).

Shooting Gallery Cam Totally Screwed

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kerin.9125


Sadly those setting you mentioned Foxx have no effect on first-person view.

I tried with a human and it’s a bit better but the camera is still a LOT lower than I see on videos, people are able to stand in one place and shoot targets 2-6 without hardly moving, I can’t do that, the camera is so low that I have to move around to see 4 and especially 5.

Best I’ve done is 25 about 5 times, I just have to move too much when it comes to the 21+ and the fact they’re random with zero on-screen indication of even which direction you need to go in makes it ludicrous IMO.

The collision setting did help a bit Shadow, but I’m still basically not getting to how I see on videos, I cannot hit target 5 without having move a long way towards it which means I waste precious seconds having to run back to be able to target #7, the one on the balcony.

I have no idea how the players who made the videos get to do what they show, I can’t.

Yes, I’ve seen videos, I see people do it, but frankly life’s too short for this rubbish, I’d not even be trying to do it if if weren’t for the fact Anet tied Masteries to this inanity.

I don’t play games like Halo for a reason, I don’t ‘do’ FPS which is what this crap is.

Thanks for trying to help.

Shooting Gallery Cam Totally Screwed

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: FlamingFoxx.1305


You should definitely submit a support request. You’re experiencing something which seems to be outside of the norm, so they may be able to help you?

Shooting Gallery Cam Totally Screwed

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Healix.5819


Only the camera height, which can only be adjusted to the character’s height, affects first person mode. As an asura, there’s basically no difference whereas as a max height norn, it’s going to double.

with zero on-screen indication of even which direction you need to go in

They’re displayed on the minimap. Zoom it out a little so you can see them all.

Shooting Gallery Cam Totally Screwed

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kerin.9125


I must be blind, I’ve looked at that numerous times and see no indication of their existence.

Shooting Gallery Cam Totally Screwed

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: FlamingFoxx.1305


I must be blind, I’ve looked at that numerous times and see no indication of their existence.

Try zooming the mini map both in and out, if you’re zoomed too far out they won’t show up, and if you’re zoomed too far in they might be out of range. They do show up as each target appears though. They’re sort of blue green marshmallow shapes. You can only see one at a time and obviously only when you’re actually doing the activity.