Shooting Gallery reward tiers too hard.

Shooting Gallery reward tiers too hard.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: viola.7263


It takes 40 hits to get gold. Less than 25 players have ever done it (proof in attachment). If 5000 people have tried it, then 99.5% of players can’t do it. Most adventures are statistically a lot easier.

I’ve been playing FPSes since I was ten, won tournaments, and I could still barely get gold. If the RNG for target appearances is wrong it’s not even possible sometimes. Better tiers would be 10-20-30.


Shooting Gallery reward tiers too hard.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Day Trooper.3605

Day Trooper.3605

I agree the SG tiers seem just a tad out-of-whack compared to the other adventures in VB.

Plus SG is often locked, so it’s tough to practice and get better (something I need a lot of!)

Shooting Gallery reward tiers too hard.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Agreed. The best I’ve ever done was 35, and that was with a very lucky spawn. There’s a number of factors that combine to make this adventure particularly aggravating.

1. This adventure isn’t unlocked until almost the very end of the Nobles chain. By the time most maps accomplish it, there’s usually only 10 or so minutes left till nightfall, which gives you only 4 or 5 attempts to practice, followed by well over an hour until you can try again. This results in “the groove” being lost, with short-term memory and muscle memory fading in the meantime.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that occasionally the Nobles chain bugs out at Faren’s training where the last Bongo illusion disappears somewhere and makes the event uncompletable, resulting in even more lost time.

2. This adventure is unfairly harder for shorter characters, especially Asura. This is because the Action Camera positions itself relative to your character’s height, meaning that shorter characters have their vision obstructed by things like grass, making it far more difficult to spot targets or aim properly. As a result, this is the only time in the entire game where I would recommend using a max-size Charr or Norn character.

3. Two of the targets are particularly annoying; the one in the cave that’s partially hidden behind a bunch of baskets and boxes, and the one that’s blocked by a tree trunk and further obstructed by foliage, requiring you to go around it to get a clear shot. This means that if you get a spawn where you have to shoot these two targets, it will result in a lot of wasted time repositioning yourself.

Considering that the adventures are meant to be exercises in repetition until you have the rhythms and patterns down pat (for most of the other adventures, once you know where the targets are and what route to take, achieving Gold is merely a matter of practice), Shooting Gallery is extremely frustrating. I think the following suggestions (not all of which need to be implemented) might help alleviate the issue:

1. Change the targets from dummies to a simple round target. This gives the targets a bit more surface area, and helps players who have memorized the target locations a bit more room for error by not making them miss just because the shot happened to pass underneath the arm or a bit too far to the side.

2. Change the tiers for the reward threshold to 10 – 20 – 30, as viola recommended. 30 is still no mean feat for a lot of players, especially those who are not familiar with FPS-style gameplay.

3. Increase the time limit from 2 mins to 3 mins.

(edited by Zaxares.5419)

Shooting Gallery reward tiers too hard.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MindEraser.5739


The RNG, very accurate requirements for long range hitting (lol good luck seeing that target around your cursor) and mouse floatiness make this much more difficult than it should be.

It’s a neat idea in theory but it’s just poorly implemented for the adventure.