Sidekicks and Allies
I know what you mean, I’d just love to use my characters of my account to use them as “Heroes” that can accompany my character that I play at the moment.
This would for example allow players also to play as a “Family” where you can have your played character for example have as a hero on their side their Brother/Sister for example to follow you around just as a simple example for those peopel that like to roleplay that for example by giving their characters the same surname.
Or you could handle them simply like friends/ companions that follow you to help you on your quests and adventures to help you become a legend in your story
And if not for the persistent world, then at least for something like Fractals/Dungeons/Personal Story/Livign Story …
That would be so awesome!! Bringing your alts along as backup to kill champions and for special PvP capture the castle type events!
Then personal story quests could have difficulty settings. You’d have to have a player group or bring some NPC alts with you to be able to complete at higher difficulties.
So, when you mentioned training and equipping a group of allies, it started me thinking. What if you could create and level your own? Like, you could pick from your alt characters, and they would become your little troupe, and you play them individually to level and equip them…
Either that, or a little scurry of skritt that follow along behind you collecting all your loot for you (“shiny, shiny, SHINY!”)
(Edit: this is what I get for starting a reply and walking away…I forgot to refresh before hitting ‘post’. It’s nice to know that I’m not alone in thinking this would be way cool, though)
(edited by borogove.4739)
Anet has been pretty clear about NOT introducing features that would discourage partying with other players and Heroes / Mercenaries from GW1 would certainly discourage general human interaction.
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
Anet has been pretty clear about NOT introducing features that would discourage partying with other players and Heroes / Mercenaries from GW1 would certainly discourage general human interaction.
Yeah, that’s a good goal. Sadly the game is already at a point where finding a group in open world is getting to be nearly impossible. The maps are large empty zones and there’s not really a good way to find other people to help with story missions or general open world content. So my request is a response to the game already being a basically solo experience.
In GW1 heroes were introduced for basically the same reason. So many zones were empty because higher level players were all concentrated in the same spot and most of the game world was a ghost town.
While the full 5 man squad from GW1 would be overkill, one or two sidekicks wouldn’t be too bad. Since the maps are generally empty anyway, the processor overhead wouldn’t be that much greater than it is already. It would also add a lot of possible end game content types. If you ever played in Cantha from GW1, you’d know that epic battles and missions can spring from small groups with heroes.
A three man group could do what is essentially a 10 person raid type mission and it would be so epic!
Anet has been pretty clear about NOT introducing features that would discourage partying with other players and Heroes / Mercenaries from GW1 would certainly discourage general human interaction.
I don’t agree.
Prior to Living World S2, yeah, that was true, but the Living World S2 essentially provides you with a mini-party for most of it, and certainly you are not encouraged to seek out other players to do the episodes with (it is an option of course).
Dungeons are being essentially moved away from in HoT, and they had the most inarguable “other people” requirement outside of Group Events/World Bosses.
So I think that whilst we will continue to see a lot of stuff in the open world which does encourage grouping with real people, I suspect that instanced content, if there is more, may actually move more towards a Heroes/Sidekicks model – probably not in LW S3, but maybe in S4 and beyond.
Gw 2 has a dynamic scaling system. Heroes wouldnt work in this game like in gw 1. In my own experience i always can find people to do almost every boss in the game (apart from some very exotic placed bosses on the outskirts. Since the Megaserver system its always crowded. Before that it whas a problem yes. Are you playing at exotic times maybe?
And heroes in pvp, it wouldnt be pvp anymore would it, and a big messy heroe zerg. Not to think of WvW, which already is Zergblob against Zergblob.
And it would actually turn this game into a singleplayer game (dungeons etc) , just the opposite of what you saying.
(edited by particlepinata.9865)
I’d love to have heroes with similar posibilities as they were in GW1. So I can manage their gear and builds and micro their skills. Thanks to them I woudn’t have to play with other people anymore.
Heroes were implemented into Guild wars 1 to help with the dwindling population, guild wars 2 has no such issue.
If you don’t want to play with other players for certain content, then either learn to solo it or accept that you will not be able to do it on your own. It’s an MMO, you’re encouraged to play with other people.
Thief 80 | Elementalist 80 | Mesmer 80 | Necromancer 80 | Revenant TBA
Heroes were implemented into Guild wars 1 to help with the dwindling population, guild wars 2 has no such issue.
Oh really? Because heroes were introduced with Nightfall campaign which was the top of GW1 popularity. Why are you spreading misinformation?
As much as i would like to have a female norn guardian/valkyr squad cover may back, i think it’s more fun to play with real players.
Those AI allies wouldn’t enthuse players to play more together.
Allthough i really wish there were a easy way for players or an incentive to actually play together. All the time i wander around doing some rnd events here and there.
Sure there are other players but no interactions ( beside combo attacks and the occasional revive) and after the event is over everybody goes there own way.
The thing is, i don’t play much and my last break from the game was about 11 months, so i didn’t join a guild yet but instead created an own.
It is dedicated to the guardian class in a more supportive way of playing ( like the trait strength in numbers as maxime).
I don’t think that i will ever have that glorious guardian army/guild, cause i don’t think among all those meta and berserk players is anyone interested in such a guild, but hey i can earn enough influence to sustain guild flags und slowly building improvements.
Allways gives me a smile, if someone takes the time to thank me for the flag(s).
TL;DR many players, but small actuall playing together – allways doing more my own thing
Heroes were implemented into Guild wars 1 to help with the dwindling population, guild wars 2 has no such issue.
Oh really? Because heroes were introduced with Nightfall campaign which was the top of GW1 popularity. Why are you spreading misinformation?
Why do you want to play an MMO but play on your own?
If you want to play with a party of characters you set up yourself, go play a Bioware game.
Thief 80 | Elementalist 80 | Mesmer 80 | Necromancer 80 | Revenant TBA
Heroes were implemented into Guild wars 1 to help with the dwindling population, guild wars 2 has no such issue.
Oh really? Because heroes were introduced with Nightfall campaign which was the top of GW1 popularity. Why are you spreading misinformation?
Why do you want to play an MMO but play on your own?
If you want to play with a party of characters you set up yourself, go play a Bioware game.
Why do you care how I play any game? Heroes were always a choice. Those who want to play with people can play with people and those who in some cases prefer using heroes those could play with heroes. In GW1.
Expanding options is always better than stale set of rules.
I would welcome heroes in GW2 but I don’t really believe we will see them.
P.S. plz answer why you are spreading misinformation about heroes in GW1 as I quoted before but you kindly ignored my question.
Heroes were implemented into Guild wars 1 to help with the dwindling population, guild wars 2 has no such issue.
Oh really? Because heroes were introduced with Nightfall campaign which was the top of GW1 popularity. Why are you spreading misinformation?
Also why does
Why do you want to play an MMO but play on your own?
If you want to play with a party of characters you set up yourself, go play a Bioware game.Why do you care how I play any game? Heroes were always a choice. Those who want to play with people can play with people and those who in some cases prefer using heroes those could play with heroes. In GW1.
Expanding options is always better than stale set of rules.
I would welcome heroes in GW2 but I don’t really believe we will see them.
P.S. plz answer why you are spreading misinformation about heroes in GW1 as I quoted before but you kindly ignored my question.
OK, i’ll respond to your comment which claims nightfall was at the top of guild wars 1 popularity.
All i need to say is this, can you provide evidence that backs up YOUR claims of it being “the top of gw1 popularity”?
In response to you asking why i care about how you play the game, i don’t, couldn’t give a kitten how you play, what i do care about is you wanting to add in meaningless content that would only bring the game down, content will become easier to accomodate those who “want to play by themselves with their heroes” as a result making the game noticeably easier, as it did with Guild wars 1.
As i said, if you want to play by yourself, play another game. You don’t need heroes in guild wars 2, it was bad enough in GW1.
This thread was made with the sole purpose of the OP thinking that finding a group in GW2 is “impossible”, i quote:
Right now in GW2 PVE finding a group to adventure with is nearly impossible
It’s not? It’s insanely easy to get a group for anything you want to do.
He claims that because he has yet to receive a good group, that must mean the lfg is impossible to use.
Here’s how it works, okay? I’ll educate you somewhat.
GW2 uses a different framework to GW1.
To code in what you would call henchmen would require more time and effort than it’s worth, it would also take up valuable development time that can actually introduce new content that can be played by everyone, not just those who want to treat an MMO like a single player game.
If you want henchmen and heroes, go play GW1 or a bioware game, because as you said yourself, you won’t be seeing them any time soon, if ever.
Thief 80 | Elementalist 80 | Mesmer 80 | Necromancer 80 | Revenant TBA
(edited by JoshuaRAWR.4653)
Meaningless for you, quite cool for me. Adding heroes in GW2 is not limiting your gameplay but it’s expanding my options so you won’t be punished by it in any means. Just because you don’t like it, it doesn’t mean it’s bad.
About proving anything. You were the first who claimed that heroes were introduced due to shrinking player population in GW1 so the burden of proof in on you. Once you do your part I can agree with you and retreat or prove my counter argument. This is how it works dude.
I don’t know how many people here played GW1, but one of the greatest parts of that game was being able to acquire, train, and equip a small group of allies to go with you on missions.
Does anyone else miss that aspect of GW1? Or is everyone here content with the empty feeling solo world that GW2 has become?
For you first line, thats an opinion, one i do not share. One of the greatest parts about that game was the fact that it had actual challenging content and a very well written story, heck even nightfall had a well written story. The Lore of that game was another good thing, to me, heroes and henchman are dead last, i thought they where boring really and they made things to easy.
I dont miss it at all really, i enjoyed playing with other players more than heroes or henchman(Played GW1 for 7 years actively). I dont know where you got empty…but i cant run around the world and not run into people nowdays. Its also not impossible to find a group for content in this game, just because you arent getting a good PUG doesnt mean the population is low.
HOT will also increase the population, and if it provides a challenge ill be surprised if it bleeds people at a faster rate than the base game has.
I logged on for the first time in many years TO SUPPORT THIS SRSLY I DID NOT EVEN KNOW THAT WAS POSSIBLE.