

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: dead jezebel.4359

dead jezebel.4359

I really liked Guild Wars 2 at first… and I might try out the new expansion even though i haven’t even beaten the story of the primary. quite honestly, even with being a veteran of Guild Wars 1, I find this game to be EXTREMELY challenging and a lot less social than its Mother Game. It seems as though it is geared more towards the PvP aspect rather than the story of Guild Wars.

I often find myself alone in most PvE maps that aren’t newbie areas. chat screens are dead. asking for help with quests/missions that obviously cant be done with just one person is pointless because there is no one around or they are all droning around a black lion trade post. I feel that a lot of aspects that made me love GW1 are now gone with GW2.

for example – the henchmen/hero aspect of the game. Yeah i know this wasn’t there because this game was meant to be a game where everyone helps each other out. In a perfect world that would be great, but it just doesn’t happen.

another part that has me a bit sideways about GW2 is the living world. its a fabulous idea don’t get me wrong and i love what you guys have done for the most part. but putting high level monsters in low level areas can be quite intimidating for new players or low level player who took a wrong turn or have to go through it to get where they need to go.

im sure there will be trolls commenting on this post but all nonsense aside this is an actual issue… not just for me but for quite a few people. a lot of my friends who have played GW1 and 2 have completely abandoned GW2 because of some of these flaws.

i sure as hell dont want to play WoW because yeah no… but for me GW was an MMO i actually enjoyed. Hopefully one day something will change and i can come back and enjoy GW2 again like i once did. Maybe even love it as much as if not more than GW1.

thanks for reading.


in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Gern.2978


I don’t know what game you have been playing, but it doesn’t sound like GW2.

The thing that keeps pulling me back to this game is the community. I have never felt like any zone is dead; anytime an event pops I never have to worry about trying to solo it, because there is immediately a group of people there to kill it. I get into conversations with random people in zone chat every day. I have never felt like this game has a dead community, much less a toxic one. the forums have gotten a bit more toxic as of late, but in game it’s a completely different story. If I ask a question in zone chat, I immediately get several helpful answers and very very rarely get a troll response.

I am sorry you feel you haven’t had the same experience that I think most of us have had, but I think I can say that the vast majority of us don’t feel the way you do.

Hi, my name is Gern, and I’m an altoholic….


in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


Did you at least try to find a nice guild? My social interaction with other people in the game is mostly with TS, followed by Guild chat and then sometime there is an interesting conversation in map chat or say chat (mostly in a city or during World events). And I’m sure most GW2 players are like that. If you don’t make a little effort to find a guild and only relying on map chat, you won’t have much interaction.

Map chat is like talking to stranger in the streets. From time to time you found someone nice to talk too, but most of the time people get stuff to do, already have a conversation/activity with friends, or find you weird. It’s only in event when people get together for a specific activity that talking to people around you make sense.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD


in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


With megaserver there should be some people on the map. Maybe you’re playing on off-hours? Maybe everyone is in the Maguuma Waste maps trying to get that beta portal.


in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: GummiBear.2756


Yeah what Germ said pretty much and also putting highlvl mobs in lowlvl areas? WUT? on the contrary there is no such thing, since it is the high lvl players that get scaled down to the lvl of the area they are in, you sure it wasnt you that strayed into a highlvl map with a lowlvl character?


in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: dead jezebel.4359

dead jezebel.4359

Did you at least try to find a nice guild? My social interaction with other people in the game is mostly with TS, followed by Guild chat and then sometime there is an interesting conversation in map chat or say chat (mostly in a city or during World events). And I’m sure most GW2 players are like that. If you don’t make a little effort to find a guild and only relying on map chat, you won’t have much interaction.

Map chat is like talking to stranger in the streets. From time to time you found someone nice to talk too, but most of the time people get stuff to do, already have a conversation/activity with friends, or find you weird. It’s only in event when people get together for a specific activity that talking to people around you make sense.

yes i have been in several guilds… 2 of them were quite decent but both disbanded sometime after i joined or in a group effort decided to move to a new server. which is all fine and dandy if you can throw away money to change a server.

and yes people do show up to world events but mainly only boss fights… no one is really interested in doing anything else in PvE besides the “Boss Train”. maybe if i could find a guild that wasnt completely focused on PvP and rep points it wouldnt be so bad. but most of the guilds that spam the chat are looking for point farmers or pvpers… i am a pve person. yes i play pvp sometimes but it gets to be quite repetitive.

like i stated before i havent even been able to complete the story on GW2 because once you get ot areas that are like lvl 70+ it gets to be overwhelming and its difficult to either not die or not be swarmed with enemies. and its like no ones around except a few afk’d people.

i have 2 lvl 80 toons that i think arent all that bad. they dont have ascended weapons or armor or anything but they do have good gear. idk.

im honestly not trying to kitten about the game because it has a lot of wonderful beauties to it and great aspects. i just feel like its missing a lot of what made GW such an outstanding and innovative game.

i haven’t given up on it yet and i still try to go back from time to time i just get discouraged when i really cant ever find help from the community


in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: dead jezebel.4359

dead jezebel.4359

With megaserver there should be some people on the map. Maybe you’re playing on off-hours? Maybe everyone is in the Maguuma Waste maps trying to get that beta portal.

this has been an issue for me way before the announcement of the expansion.


in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: dead jezebel.4359

dead jezebel.4359

Yeah what Germ said pretty much and also putting highlvl mobs in lowlvl areas? WUT? on the contrary there is no such thing, since it is the high lvl players that get scaled down to the lvl of the area they are in, you sure it wasnt you that strayed into a highlvl map with a lowlvl character?

what i mean by high level is those points of interest brought in by episodes of the living world. hot spots on maps through out the game including low level areas that have monsters that are just too powerful for low levels to beat even when in their own zone of level


in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Gern.2978


Yeah what Germ said pretty much and also putting highlvl mobs in lowlvl areas? WUT? on the contrary there is no such thing, since it is the high lvl players that get scaled down to the lvl of the area they are in, you sure it wasnt you that strayed into a highlvl map with a lowlvl character?

what i mean by high level is those points of interest brought in by episodes of the living world. hot spots on maps through out the game including low level areas that have monsters that are just too powerful for low levels to beat even when in their own zone of level

What? If you are fighting mobs from the living world, then you have entered a living world instance, and are no longer in a normal zone. Those living world instances are a part of the end game, and as such are level 80, and are not meant for leveling.

I get the feeling that you haven’t asked in zone chat for people to do zone completion with, or used the “looking for group” tool. There are always people looking for other people to do zone completion with.

Hi, my name is Gern, and I’m an altoholic….


in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: velmeister.4187


I often find myself alone ..

Therein lies the rub. Use the LFG tool. Take Charge. Form Groups. Have fun.

PROTIP: You do not need to know how to do a specific task to form a group to complete the task. Fake it till you make it! But, make it eventually.

“If there is anyone here whom I have not offended, I am sorry.”


in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: dead jezebel.4359

dead jezebel.4359

Yeah what Germ said pretty much and also putting highlvl mobs in lowlvl areas? WUT? on the contrary there is no such thing, since it is the high lvl players that get scaled down to the lvl of the area they are in, you sure it wasnt you that strayed into a highlvl map with a lowlvl character?

what i mean by high level is those points of interest brought in by episodes of the living world. hot spots on maps through out the game including low level areas that have monsters that are just too powerful for low levels to beat even when in their own zone of level

What? If you are fighting mobs from the living world, then you have entered a living world instance, and are no longer in a normal zone. Those living world instances are a part of the end game, and as such are level 80, and are not meant for leveling.

I get the feeling that you haven’t asked in zone chat for people to do zone completion with, or used the “looking for group” tool. There are always people looking for other people to do zone completion with.

ok here is an example of the mobs im talking about… you know how in different spots in areas there are naga or something surrounding some sort of pylon (this is an old example mind you) in the normal open world… where you run around and explore… yeah those mobs are in newbie areas too… regardless this isnt quite an issue for me considering the 2 toons i play on the most are level 80. even with the down scaling of level they are normally more powerful than the other foes of the area. im just saying that those spots can be frustrating for people who are new to the game because your running around exploring the area you are in and you run into a mob that you think you can beat and they slaughter you almost instantly. in the open world… not an instance.

i have owned the game since it was pre-orderable. i know what im talking about.

yes i have used the different aspects of the chat window… i know how the functions work.


in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: dead jezebel.4359

dead jezebel.4359

I often find myself alone ..

Therein lies the rub. Use the LFG tool. Take Charge. Form Groups. Have fun.

PROTIP: You do not need to know how to do a specific task to form a group to complete the task. Fake it till you make it! But, make it eventually.

the problem there is finding a group with the same interest or goal… like ive said… most of the people running around pve are just going for the boss train.


in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kratan.4619


I read this post and in my head it sounded a lot like Eeyore.


in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: khani.4786


I often find myself alone ..

Therein lies the rub. Use the LFG tool. Take Charge. Form Groups. Have fun.

PROTIP: You do not need to know how to do a specific task to form a group to complete the task. Fake it till you make it! But, make it eventually.

the problem there is finding a group with the same interest or goal… like ive said… most of the people running around pve are just going for the boss train.

not at all true. Yeah there are lots of people who do the boss train, but many more who do not.

And your complaint about the living story season 1 mobs insta-gibbing folks. Yeah if you get surrounded at a group event and you’re solo you’ll have issues if you don’t know what you’re doing. But with the way they’re doing living story now it’s all instanced and not an issue.

And your complaint about maps being dead….I’ve been working on my 15th map completion and have yet to find a map that I’m the only one there. If you poke your head up in mapchat and start talking you’ll get people talking back. Sometimes you have to take initiative and want to talk to folks, but they’re there and someone will talk back. Don’t assume that since you don’t see people swarming everywhere in every map you go to that the maps are dead and people only want to boss train. That assumption is incorrect.


in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: dead jezebel.4359

dead jezebel.4359

I often find myself alone ..

Therein lies the rub. Use the LFG tool. Take Charge. Form Groups. Have fun.

PROTIP: You do not need to know how to do a specific task to form a group to complete the task. Fake it till you make it! But, make it eventually.

the problem there is finding a group with the same interest or goal… like ive said… most of the people running around pve are just going for the boss train.

not at all true. Yeah there are lots of people who do the boss train, but many more who do not.

And your complaint about the living story season 1 mobs insta-gibbing folks. Yeah if you get surrounded at a group event and you’re solo you’ll have issues if you don’t know what you’re doing. But with the way they’re doing living story now it’s all instanced and not an issue.

And your complaint about maps being dead….I’ve been working on my 15th map completion and have yet to find a map that I’m the only one there. If you poke your head up in mapchat and start talking you’ll get people talking back. Sometimes you have to take initiative and want to talk to folks, but they’re there and someone will talk back. Don’t assume that since you don’t see people swarming everywhere in every map you go to that the maps are dead and people only want to boss train. That assumption is incorrect.

honestly, maybe its just the server im on… i havent really checked server activity in a while. idk, like i said, i havent given up on the game yet… if i had then i wouldnt even bring up the issues i have had. which from what i have read here some of the issues have been corrected… like the living world portion. didnt know they changed the way they did it.


in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Nova.3814


Gw2 is kinda based around working together, if an event says [group event] it will be considerably more difficult, hence they’re tagged as group event. I’m 99% certain you mean the Toxic Alliance events and they are meant for groups. Either you ask for help (join a social guild, use the groupfinder, just chat with people you encounter) or you step up your game and do it alone if you enjoy a tougher challenge (assuming no-one joins in) or you walk around it. The thing with Gw2 is the choice to go around, you never get stuck on something unless you allow yourself to be, can’t manage an event alone? No worries, move on to the next. Since they’ve introduced Mega Servers I hardly ever find myself alone (whether I like it or not) unless I play in the deadest of hours.

I get that some parts of Gw1 are missed, but a lot of things were done for a good reason. Henchman and Heroes often made people a lot less sociable, because Heroes would do the job (often more reliably than a random person) whilst allowing you to have full control, a majority of the players I know would take Heroes over Players in 99% of the game (anything but speedclears.) Even in PvP Heroes shined for a moment for how good they are if build properly (I think every HA player remembers Tease-Bot Gwen.) So I get this was completely avoided in Gw2 (not that a similar system would be easy to implement in a game like Gw2.)

Gw1 was also a lot more cluttered because you had cities/outposts, cluttering people together with a common goal (that particular mission / end-game challange.) Everything else was simply a road to the next outpost. Gw2 is more focussed on the actual maps and the usage of the groupfinder. I wouldn’t say one is better than the other, but I don’t feel Gw2 is a step back from Gw1.

I didn’t play Gw2 upon release because it was so different from Gw1 (and I’ll never appreciate Gw2 as a PvP-only game which I did with Gw1.) But if you can look at it like a different MMO, it’s really quite a cool game in my opinion.


in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Elendur.9342


I never felt like any map was empty, tbh, and I am a pve player too…

Still, if you feel like you need more people to team up with, you can friend me if you want. Call me in game whenever you want ^^


in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ralanost.8913


Yeah what Germ said pretty much and also putting highlvl mobs in lowlvl areas? WUT? on the contrary there is no such thing, since it is the high lvl players that get scaled down to the lvl of the area they are in, you sure it wasnt you that strayed into a highlvl map with a lowlvl character?

what i mean by high level is those points of interest brought in by episodes of the living world. hot spots on maps through out the game including low level areas that have monsters that are just too powerful for low levels to beat even when in their own zone of level

What? If you are fighting mobs from the living world, then you have entered a living world instance, and are no longer in a normal zone. Those living world instances are a part of the end game, and as such are level 80, and are not meant for leveling.

I get the feeling that you haven’t asked in zone chat for people to do zone completion with, or used the “looking for group” tool. There are always people looking for other people to do zone completion with.

ok here is an example of the mobs im talking about… you know how in different spots in areas there are naga or something surrounding some sort of pylon (this is an old example mind you) in the normal open world… where you run around and explore… yeah those mobs are in newbie areas too… regardless this isnt quite an issue for me considering the 2 toons i play on the most are level 80. even with the down scaling of level they are normally more powerful than the other foes of the area. im just saying that those spots can be frustrating for people who are new to the game because your running around exploring the area you are in and you run into a mob that you think you can beat and they slaughter you almost instantly. in the open world… not an instance.

i have owned the game since it was pre-orderable. i know what im talking about.

yes i have used the different aspects of the chat window… i know how the functions work.

Those are events that are left over from living world season 1. They are dead obvious and easily avoidable. They aren’t part of map completion. Why are they an issue?


in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bellizare.5816


I am finding it more common to get the low population, move to another map message unless I am in some zone that is over-farmed.

Outside of Queensdale, I also get this message in the starter zones. Guessing key farmers still keep QD a busy place.


in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mara.6782


Problem is you dont benefit for doing low lvl events. Everyone wants gold and farm dungeons and champions. why go do low lvl events when you can do high lvl events and get better reward. Thats the problem i see why many map are empty.


in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: niceusername.8745


Hey! You can friend me too!
I’ve just recently gotten all of my characters to level 80, so I’ve been hanging out in the Mists lately, but I still love to run around in PvE and do map completion, dungeons, etc.
If you’re interested, PM me in game! I’d be so down for another travel buddy!


in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Genlog.4983


the problem with most mmorpg pll don’t play much pve ore any pvp
they like to spend most off there time ad trading ore hanging out in ea city

even in pvp loby they all stand there doing nothing
and then complain why WvW is so empty

only area that is very popular is edge of the mist
i do that allot and there is so 300 ore more peeps on the map

but its not the only mmorpg i no that have it


in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bubi.7942


ok here is an example of the mobs im talking about… you know how in different spots in areas there are naga or something surrounding some sort of pylon (this is an old example mind you) in the normal open world… where you run around and explore… yeah those mobs are in newbie areas too… regardless this isnt quite an issue for me considering the 2 toons i play on the most are level 80. even with the down scaling of level they are normally more powerful than the other foes of the area. im just saying that those spots can be frustrating for people who are new to the game because your running around exploring the area you are in and you run into a mob that you think you can beat and they slaughter you almost instantly. in the open world… not an instance.

i have owned the game since it was pre-orderable. i know what im talking about.

yes i have used the different aspects of the chat window… i know how the functions work.


You have owned the game since pre-order, yet you do not know that the naga people are called Krait?

You have owned the game since pre-order, yet you do not know that the pylons you are talking about, I assume are the toxic spore events from LS1?

It really is starting to smell like a troll post… but I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt.

The Toxic spore events are unique, and the mobs there are from an alliance (Krait – Nightmare court) fused together, they should feel powerful. Also the event clearly states group event. Even with that, it can be solod.

Yes, if you are inexperienced or low level, you WILL get killed. So what? WP for 1 silver and you are done.

Also, these events grant a unique crafting component at the end.


in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Algreg.3629


your preemptive troll-bomb is not a very good way to get any sympathy. That may come as a shock to you, but people who disagree with you can have valid reasons for it and, another shock, there is a possibility you are wrong. If you are so afraid of opposing opinions, posting in a public forum isnĀ“t really the way to go for you.


in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: IrishPotato.6327


Let me start off by saying OP: Your first mistake of writing this post was assuming GW2 was going to be like GW1. You will find countless examples and explanations denoting that the two games are not to be compared in gameplay

For someone who’s had the game since launch and is claiming they know what they’re talking about…..a majority of your explanations seem like you just bought the game…“Naga people” like Bubi said…Dude you played GW1 the “Naga people” were Krait in both games. Orrian zones that you’re talking about are relatively easy to maneuver if you don’t aimlessly wander around and pull half the map to yourself like you claim to be overwhelmed. The game is made to be taken at a casual pace, so play it that way and your experience as “a veteran player” (that I still don’t see) will be easier


in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

I have never felt like this game has a dead community, much less a toxic one. the forums have gotten a bit more toxic as of late, but in game it’s a completely different story.

I dunno…I’m a relatively semi-social player so I’m not one to shun chatting or even get anal about the game, but the dungeon community IS pretty bad and that was about 80% of what I did in game and is now about 50% so I tend to get all types. It ranges from “at least they weren’t kittens” to ~right click~ ~block~ ~leave team~. I cannot say that I’ve had an overwhelming amount of players were were nice in PuGs and most that me and my friends are nice to tend to get a mild response back at best.

I mean, I wouldn’t put the game as bad as the OP says but I’m not going to lie and say the community is a completely 180 from the forums.


in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Elendur.9342


I don’t have good experiences using the LFG tool.

I did meet a few nice people, but they were few…

I would rather go with guildmates or friends, or ask for help on map chat. The first time I fought Teq I asked for help on the map and a guy/girl invited me to his/her party and taught me pretty much everything that should be done on Teq…

Last time I used LFG I asked for directions on a boss and got “minimize the game, google it so you don’t have to ask questions and make a char that is not a ranger” for an answer. Of course, it was only one guy at the party, and the others were a lot nicer, but still…