Hey all!
Hey, dev-s!
Since it came to the add-on, don’t you ever thought about the update and refinement of some character’s animation? I mean exactly an animation, not effects. After all, a weighty proportion of game impressions we get visually. And some animation, let’s face it, beginning to bore over three years…
Therefore, I had such a request.
For example: guardian’s “wave of wrath” (you know what I mean
) – couldn’t you make some attack chain for it or just a couple of random animations, like other staff-users have?
Or, for other example, a sword. All female characters (but Asuras) of all professions use absolutely the same animation of the sword. This is (I do not want to dramatize but…) repels from its use already. Replacement of warrior’s “final thrust” by “hamstring” seemed a breath of fresh air. However, the timing wasn’t corrected and the final blow in AA chain looks too fast and crooked (would be good to improve it too).
Many emotions in need of improvement. Still not fixed the problem of disappearing weapons and cloak. Very annoying at story script-scenes.
Norn’s female nimation of running with greatsword still not fixed after it’s change.
Well, in general, it would be just wonderfull if you’ll pay some attention and resources to the animation update.