Specialization reward track, PvP or PvE?

Specialization reward track, PvP or PvE?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Super Fohd.6245

Super Fohd.6245

Quoting the last blog post about the chronomancer.

Just as the structure of time within the Mists might seem fluid and ineffable to mortal minds, chronomancy has a decidedly mystical bent. The signature shield skin, which is earned through the elite specialization reward track, is an arcane mechanism that invokes various methods of telling time—clockwork, an hourglass, and celestial bodies. The elite specialization shoulder skin, which is also available through the reward track, displays glowing magical runes. Skilled chronomancers slip nimbly through the flow of time while bringing their enemies to a screeching halt; if the perception of time is an illusion, it’s one that they’re uniquely equipped to both create and shatter.

In this text they don’t mention that the reward track is exclusive to PvP, so will the elite specialization reward track be something we unlock while playing the elite specialization in PvE? Or is it just a PvP reward track that’s mesmer specific or contains all weapons/armor pieces of all elite specializations. Discuss!

Specialization reward track, PvP or PvE?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Jaxom.7310


prob referring to mastery reward tracks

Specialization reward track, PvP or PvE?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Shivas.9263


They have mentioned several times that they are calling the new trait lines reward tracks. So when they say elite specialization reward track, they mean the line that you unlock in the hero panel in order to use the elite specialization.
They said during the 4 hour ready up last week that these new tracks have rewards in them other than just skills/traits, for example the new weapon and shoulder skins that you mentioned.

Specialization reward track, PvP or PvE?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Super Fohd.6245

Super Fohd.6245

They have mentioned several times that they are calling the new trait lines reward tracks. So when they say elite specialization reward track, they mean the line that you unlock in the hero panel in order to use the elite specialization.
They said during the 4 hour ready up last week that these new tracks have rewards in them other than just skills/traits, for example the new weapon and shoulder skins that you mentioned.

Cool that they will probably unlock weapons/armor as we unlock stuff in that specialization track. But I do feel like we can unlock everything at day one if we got enough hero points left… I guess we will just have to wait untill they announce how those tracks work