Speculation on Skill "Types"

Speculation on Skill "Types"

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Knighthonor.4061


All skills in GW2 will be applied to a certain “Type”.

Well how you think this will be handled for current skills across classes?

There are already cross class types like “Shouts” and “traps”.

Well now we have some new skill types to add to that list.

*Wells – Necromancers and Mesmers get these.

I speculate that Guardian’s Spirit Weapons and Ranger’s Spirits will also be merged into a type.

Speculation on Skill "Types"

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: VocalThought.9835


All skills in GW2 will be applied to a certain “Type”.

Well how you think this will be handled for current skills across classes?

There are already cross class types like “Shouts” and “traps”.

Well now we have some new skill types to add to that list.

*Wells – Necromancers and Mesmers get these.

I speculate that Guardian’s Spirit Weapons and Ranger’s Spirits will also be merged into a type.

Prof. / Spec./ Weapon/Skill Type
Warriors/ Paragon/ Staff/ Phantasms
Guardian/ Seraphim/ Long Bow/ Spirits
Necromancer/ Reaver/ Great Sword/ Shouts
Mesmer/ Chronomancer/ Shield/ Wells
Elementalist/ Tempest/ Sword/ Traps
Thief/ Tumbler/ Staff/ Stance
Engineer/ Demolitioner/ Hammer/ Minions
Ranger/ Druid/ Staff/ Arcane

Speculation on Skill "Types"

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Eggs.3142


Prof. / Spec./ Weapon/Skill Type
Warriors/ Paragon/ Staff/ Phantasms
Guardian/ Seraphim/ Long Bow/ Spirits
Necromancer/ Reaver/ Great Sword/ Shouts
Mesmer/ Chronomancer/ Shield/ Wells
Elementalist/ Tempest/ Sword/ Traps
Thief/ Tumbler/ Staff / Stance Sniper/ Rifles / Meditations
Engineer/ Demolitioner/ Hammer/ Minions
Ranger/ Druid/ Staff/ Arcane

Fixed one thing :P

Speculation on Skill "Types"

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Prof. / Spec./ Weapon/Skill Type
Warriors/ Warmaster/ OH pistol/ Survival
Guardian/ Seraphim/ Long Bow/ Stance
Necromancer/ Reaver/ Great Sword/ Shouts
Mesmer/ Chronomancer/ Shield/ Wells
Elementalist/ Tempest/ Sword/ Traps
Thief/ Tumbler/ Staff / Stance Sniper/ Rifles / Meditations
Engineer/ Demolitioner/ Hammer/ tricks
Ranger/ Druid/ Staff/ Arcane

Fixed one thing :P

some other fix

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Speculation on Skill "Types"

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: FrozenChinchilla.5249


Why would a hammer engi get tricks? There is nothing agile about a hammer.

Speculation on Skill "Types"

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Frightlight.3796


Unless its a rocket hammer

Speculation on Skill "Types"

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: VocalThought.9835


Prof. / Spec./ Weapon/Skill Type
Warriors/ Warmaster/ OH pistol/ Survival
Guardian/ Seraphim/ Long Bow/ Stance
Necromancer/ Reaver/ Great Sword/ Shouts
Mesmer/ Chronomancer/ Shield/ Wells
Elementalist/ Tempest/ Sword/ Traps
Thief/ Tumbler/ Staff / Stance Sniper/ Rifles / Meditations
Engineer/ Demolitioner/ Hammer/ tricks
Ranger/ Druid/ Staff/ Arcane

Fixed one thing :P

some other fix

Paragon/ Staff (melee)/ Phantasms
Warlord/ OH pistol/ Traps

Seraphim/ Long Bow/ Stances
Monk/ OH Mace/ Spirits

Reaver/ Great Sword/ Shouts
Spectre/ OH Axe / Mantras

Chronomancer/ Shield/ Wells
Enchanter/ OH Dagger/ Traps

Tempest/ MH Sword/ Marks
Warlock/ Hammer/ Glamours

Tumbler/ Staff (melee)/ Stance
Assassin/ Rifles / Meditations

Demolitioner/ Hammer/ Minions
Warden/ MH Mace / Traps

Shaman/ Focus /Banners (Totems)
Druid/ Staff/ Arcane

(edited by VocalThought.9835)

Speculation on Skill "Types"

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263



Chronomancer = Wells
Druid = Shouts (improved as Roars)
Tempest = Symbols
Saboteur = Traps
Pioneer = Banners (Drones)
Legionnaire = Minions
Reaper = Spirits (fuseable with the Weapons to gain Spiritual Weapons)
Crusader = Stances
Revenant > Ritualist > Meditations

However, basically I’d not like it if ANet just copy pastes now only Skill Types arond from each Profession to the others, but instead woul and should be also so creative enough to add also completely new Skill Types to the Game to give Elite Specializations where it fits also for the design and gameplay of the Specialization something new and unique.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Speculation on Skill "Types"

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Knighthonor.4061



Chronomancer = Wells
Druid = Shouts (improved as Roars)
Tempest = Symbols
Saboteur = Traps
Pioneer = Banners (Drones)
Legionnaire = Minions
Reaper = Spirits (fuseable with the Weapons to gain Spiritual Weapons)
Crusader = Stances
Revenant > Ritualist > Meditations

However, basically I’d not like it if ANet just copy pastes now only Skill Types arond from each Profession to the others, but instead woul and should be also so creative enough to add also completely new Skill Types to the Game to give Elite Specializations where it fits also for the design and gameplay of the Specialization something new and unique.

Druid = Shouts… but Ranger already has Shouts.

Speculation on Skill "Types"

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263



Chronomancer = Wells
Druid = Shouts (improved as Roars)
Tempest = Symbols
Saboteur = Traps
Pioneer = Banners (Drones)
Legionnaire = Minions
Reaper = Spirits (fuseable with the Weapons to gain Spiritual Weapons)
Crusader = Stances
Revenant > Ritualist > Meditations

However, basically I’d not like it if ANet just copy pastes now only Skill Types arond from each Profession to the others, but instead woul and should be also so creative enough to add also completely new Skill Types to the Game to give Elite Specializations where it fits also for the design and gameplay of the Specialization something new and unique.

Druid = Shouts… but Ranger already has Shouts.

Improved Shouts > Roars (with Echo Effect)

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Speculation on Skill "Types"

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Seth Moonshadow.2710

Seth Moonshadow.2710

Summoner = Necromancer + Elementalist | Summons half bread elemental Fiends and Golems

Would you want to fight a burning undead life stealing earth golem? Just my thought.

| Dungeon Adventures | Blackgate | PvE | Lost Precipice | Gilded Hallow | Windswept Haven (soon)

Speculation on Skill "Types"

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: FrozenChinchilla.5249


Summoner = Necromancer + Elementalist | Summons half bread elemental Fiends and Golems

Would you want to fight a burning undead life stealing earth golem? Just my thought.

Yeah because companion AI and response time always sucks.

Speculation on Skill "Types"

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: meeflak.9714




gaurdian-lb- spirits



engi-hammer-minions(based on the hot trailer)

Necro-gs-cantrip/venom. I hate the idea of shouts on a necro (also, leeching venom trait skill for thief siphons life, something important to the necro)


All professions lvl 80. x2 elementalist
main Druid ~~Adalyn Del Rayna~~ [SIGH]
[Ehmry Bay]