(Spoiler) Treahearns Story

(Spoiler) Treahearns Story

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: OtakuModeEngage.8679


His story was basically over already.

Sylvari are dragon minions who basically prepare the world for the awakening of Mordremoth. Although part of a collective, They have individual jobs to do, individual programming called a dream. Trahearne’s job was to take out Zhaitan.

Once Zhaitan is gone, what’s the point of Trahearne? He did his job, he fufilled his reason for existence. All that was left for him to do was to retire.

… so if you were born with one predetermined purpose in life (imposed by the will of another, not to mention an evil figure you have no intention or desire to serve) and achieved it early on in your adult hood… you would just give up… just stop trying, stop living, stop caring??? I certainly wouldnt be satisfied with or accept such a fate, and neither did Treahearn.

(edited by OtakuModeEngage.8679)

(Spoiler) Treahearns Story

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Arius.7031


1. from the very beggining trehearne replaced a dear NPC character to me, That had just died, my mentor and I was thrust into HIS story of a wyld hunt, which i deduced from the conversation from the pale tree the first time we met…

No you were thrust into the story of killing Zhaitan, which involved his wyld hunt but is not limited to it. This is why the end mission is victory or death, NOT the source of orr. You’re flat out wrong and it has been proven.

This is one of the myriad of common complaints made by Trahaters, and it’s among the least intellectually credible of them all (and that is saying something).

Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]

(Spoiler) Treahearns Story

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Arius.7031


That death was completely and utterly unnecessary for the story. Completely.

It had a story impact, though. Judging by the community reaction, the death seems to have packed an emotional punch for a lot of people. For many it made the victory bittersweet, which I think was intentional.

Killing ANY character has story impact, that doesn’t mean any time you kill someone and there’s a reaction it’s a good thing. There is such a thing as cheap deaths, deaths for sake of shock value alone etc… If a death doesn’t substantively contribute to the story (ie Eir’s prompted Broham to take up her mission and caused him to develop into someone with a drive to see the Elder Dragon’s undone, moreso than most other characters).

Trahearne was written out. It wasn’t natural, it didn’t feel like it belonged, it felt like fan service, and analyzing the situation rationally I’m pretty sure that’s the case.

Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]

(Spoiler) Treahearns Story

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: OtakuModeEngage.8679


Even during the cleansing ritual, there was no defending him… everything aggros the player and you end up just killing things yourself anyways(which is my point, he doesnt do anything beneficial for you or your party). But to be honest, my comment was meant for a more broad sense of the situation(as in the ENTIRE time he features in YOUR storyline).

Next fact… “his mission was done when orr was cleansed…” Why is he the pact commander if he is gonna stop leading the pact when his personal mission was done? No general in history ever told his subordinates he wasnt going to finish the fight all the way through to the end!! This makes no sense to me logically, why would he stop fighting before the end?

hey guy!
I’ve found someone who skipped all dialogues in storyline thinking he knows what happened///

1. from the very begginning its said that Trehearn’s Wild Hunt was to cleanse the Orr of dragon corruption – as for example Caithes was to kill Zhaitan

2. he becomes pact commander only because PC suggests so as he was not member of any order “yet respected by them all”

3. cleansing of Orr during Source of Orr personal instance – of course he is not “helpfull” to the fight because if you haven’t noticed (yeah you did not) he was performing cleansing rituals while it was up to you to keep enemies busy
suuuure every scholar out there can in same very moment do some bashing and perform complicated magical rituals….

4. he did not backed up “jus tbefore the end” he finished his wyld hunt, he was drained out of energy after ritual – so he entrusted leading last atack against a dragon to his most trusted commander – tell me – if you’d just finished performing very difficult and energy draining magical ritual – would it be so logical for you to try to lead atack in exhausted state, or loose invasion momentum by waiting for you to come back to the state of being able to command or maybe you’d have chosen your best warrior to lead your armies into the last atack in the moment as you are regaining your strenght?

yet another person making assumptions about me… I do know the story Guy!

here goes:

1. from the very beggining trehearne replaced a dear NPC character to me, That had just died, my mentor and I was thrust into HIS story of a wyld hunt, which i deduced from the conversation from the pale tree the first time we met…

2. I had no choice in naming him as the pact commander (and I surely wouldnt have given an ACTUAL choice about it) It was hardscripted for me to do so thus taking away any choices I had in the matter entirely.

3. you are partially right, I didnt notice him doing anything because I was too busy killing things that were attacking me… (even if its scripted for him to do the cleansing, it is still another instance in which he provides no physical help in the fight at hand. had Anet simply said kill the mobs or protect him from the mobs is irrelevant. he still did nothing in the fight, and even in previous instances his “fighting” role was more like me running back and forth either rezzing him or unsticking him from the surrounding twigs he couldnt seem to walk over.) Also I think mesmers necros and eles can perform things and fight as well.. scholar has nothing to do with it.

4. i understand your view here, but my comment on that was a rebuttal of the other guys statement that made it look like he was only there to cleanse orr, and that was as far as he was gonna go with it.

1. You see it as him ‘replacing’ your mentor, stealing their place. But I see it as him coming into your life at a point where you’re about to fall to pieces and really need someone to be there for you, for mental and moral support, as well as to help you do what must be done.

Your dear friend and mentor is dead without you being able to do anything to save him, his corps is lost, so you can’t so much as even have a funeral, you just faced the worst defeat in your life, crushed by a powerful foe beyond anything you’ve ever seen with no hope of defeating him, you failed your order, you failed your friend, and you failed lions arch, which will soon fall because you couldnt do anything to save it; there is no hope, all is lost.

Then treahearn is there for you: to comfort, aid, and support; to give you hope, show you a path, and make you all the stronger for it. A terrible loss, but now you have a new friend to help you through it, and and give you hope for the future. That’s how I see treahearn, though, that wasnt portrayed as strongly as it should be.

2. He said pc, as in player character, not as in player… Story wise your character likes treahearn, even if you the one playing him doesnt. So from that angle, it is a sound descision.

3. All nps fighting is pathetic, that’s not just trehearn, but every member of Destiny’s Edge, your new guild DE 2.0, your mentors, order leaders, and above all, the nameless ‘sereph’, ‘pact soldier’, excetra.. but there are two simple reasons for this: 1, to show that you are the strongest hero among your comrads, and two, to keep game difficulty in battle. If Destiny’s Edge, Treahearn, and DE 2.0 were as OP as the story/lore suggest, there would be no difficulty in game, you could just sit back and let them do the work for you, like watching a movie.

(edited by OtakuModeEngage.8679)

(Spoiler) Treahearns Story

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ErickDntn.1847


I liked the way he said Clawr Island.

I also realised just now that he’s the first ever Reaper. I keep forgetting he was a necromancer but Caladbolg was a greatsword after all.

Caladbolg isn’t a greatsword, it’s a bundle like the Ice bow or Fiery Greatsword.

In the early personal story, any sylvari is capable of using it regardless of class during the personal story steps in which they have possession of it.

No… given gw2 terms/lore, it’s shape and size makes it a greatsword, even if it was temporarily available for use as a bundel, it was a ‘greatsword bundel’. Ever since players first met treahearn and saw him, a necro, using a greatsword, players have begged for necro to be able to weird greatswords, and thats why when they made the first elite specialization for necros, it featured greatswords as the new weapon…

Trahearne is not a reaper thoug. His caladbold skills are rather light and nature-based theme, not necromancy. But whether anet is inspired by it or not to make reaper, no one knows.

However the first reaper that is ever recorded as far as I know is Marjory Delaqua. The origin of her new technique is shown in LS season 2. Reaper spec is based on her power.

To the topic, that last part of the story really breaks my heart. I think Trahearne is one of the wisest, yet has his own naive quality, but I love his character really much. It was just unbearable </3

He will be remebered as long as the Elder dragons still alive and until the end of Tyria sends us all to oblivion.

(Spoiler) Treahearns Story

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Eponet.4829


I liked the way he said Clawr Island.

I also realised just now that he’s the first ever Reaper. I keep forgetting he was a necromancer but Caladbolg was a greatsword after all.

Caladbolg isn’t a greatsword, it’s a bundle like the Ice bow or Fiery Greatsword.

In the early personal story, any sylvari is capable of using it regardless of class during the personal story steps in which they have possession of it.

No… given gw2 terms/lore, it’s shape and size makes it a greatsword, even if it was temporarily available for use as a bundel, it was a ‘greatsword bundel’. Ever since players first met treahearn and saw him, a necro, using a greatsword, players have begged for necro to be able to weird greatswords, and thats why when they made the first elite specialization for necros, it featured greatswords as the new weapon…

It’s a greatsword in the same sense that fiery greatsword is a greatsword. Just because necromancers have always been able to pick up and use a fiery greatsword that an elementalist drops for them, it doesn’t make them reapers.

The fact that he used a bundle in the shape of a greatsword is not evidence of being a reaper.

(Spoiler) Treahearns Story

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zabiyaka.2567


A good story has emotional impact, a beloved character had to die.

Depression and desolation. Thank you very much for such emotional impacts.

(Spoiler) Treahearns Story

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: BrotherBelial.3094


I’m glad he’s dead, and better still, I got to deliver the killing blow! Thank you ANet!

i5 4690K @ 3.5Mhz|8GB HyperX Savage 1600mHz|MSI H81M-E34|MSI GTX 960 Gaming 2GB|
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|

(Spoiler) Treahearns Story

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zabiyaka.2567


I’m glad he’s dead, and better still, I got to deliver the killing blow! Thank you ANet!

We were talking bout Eir Stegalkin. Sorry for missleading post.

(Spoiler) Treahearns Story

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: BrotherBelial.3094


I’m glad he’s dead, and better still, I got to deliver the killing blow! Thank you ANet!

We were talking bout Eir Stegalkin. Sorry for missleading post.

You might have been, I was not.

i5 4690K @ 3.5Mhz|8GB HyperX Savage 1600mHz|MSI H81M-E34|MSI GTX 960 Gaming 2GB|
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|

(Spoiler) Treahearns Story

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: AnimangaGirl.5348


I liked Trahearne and I was really sad about his death.

I think he desirves a funeral in the grove, and a speech of the pale tree. But I don’t even know if the pale tree is okay.

(Spoiler) Treahearns Story

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SuwanHime.7685


I know there is a lot of Trahearne hate out there, but In memory of his heroic deeds and ultimate sacrafice, I want to take a moment to remember our great sylvari for what he was; a hero, a leader, mentor, comrade, and friend.

  • was there for us from the moment our mentors died, helping us get back on our feet and pick up the pieces.
  • showed us a broader world as we became more than just order members, but leaders of an organization bigger than any one nation or order alone, unifying the world against the dragons.
  • co-founder and primary leader of the pact
  • strategically led the battle of claw island from his vantage point over the gate.
  • consulted in our advice, as to which of his strategies would best help lay Zhaitain low
  • trusted in our combat and leadership abilities to lead the pact deeper into orr.
  • complemented, thanked, and rewarded us for our efforts and achievements, always letting us know how much he appreciated our friendship and battle prowless.
  • in the background of personal story (off-stage if you will) he was responsible for the strategic and tactal advancement of the pact, doing all the planning and nogotiating while leaving the task to pull off his plans up to us.
  • cleansed orr
  • believed in us without hesitation or second thought, when we revealed the dangers of mordremoth, and immediately gave our campaign into the maguuma jungle full support.
  • until the very end, even as lesser sylvari faltered, even as his body was merged with the elder dragon mordremoth itself, kept fighting for us and the pact.
  • gave his life to end mordremoth.

Thank you for your wonderful list, Trahearne has been and always will be one of my favourite NPCs.
I asbolutely admired his knowledge as a scholar. As we all have been new to the game, he had a lot of knowledge about Orr, the dragonminions and its sources, but also had ties with the orders and other (lesser known) races like the Largos.
So I enjoyed learning more about the world of Tyria through him. He always gave us the information but left the choice with us, as a true team. The Tactician and the Strategist, as you will

VII. From the smallest blade of grass to the largest mountain, where life goes—so, too, should you.

(edited by SuwanHime.7685)

(Spoiler) Treahearns Story

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Trise.2865


I’m glad he’s dead, and better still, I got to deliver the killing blow! Thank you ANet!

That’s right! Rejoice that you betrayed and slaughtered a man who did nothing but support and encourage you, rely on you, and elevate you to positions of honor and respect that your skills deserved. Rejoice because you didn’t like his superior position, connections, strength, skills, morality, and knowledge.

Take that, Dad!

(Spoiler) Treahearns Story

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DaShi.1368


The Trahearne ending, like the Scarlet ending, is what happens when you give into to fan service. You’ll make some people happy, but you’re ultimately sacrificing your art and integrity.

(Spoiler) Treahearns Story

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Axialbloom.8109


He DID NOT steal our credit, nor did he do nothing. We stole HIS credit (and a lot of other people’s). He did everything, and we just attacked stuff.

(Spoiler) Treahearns Story

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ezhcim.3075


‘let those of us who liked him honor his memory in peace’ oh lord please this was just cringe-worthy