[Spoilers] Regarding Story Mode

[Spoilers] Regarding Story Mode

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

Main single player story and HoT story spoilers

Does anyone else feel like how we ‘kill’ elder-dragons is kinda backwards. I haven’t played GW1 so I’ll start with GW2 on Zytan. So in the personal story in original GW2 you learn slowly about Zytan and how he is an elder-dragon and is controlling ‘zombies’. What do you do about it? Gather together fighters from different ‘clans’ (Durmand Priory, Order of Whispers, and Vigil) and form a massive army to fight him. In the end though a small group of people kill the elder-dragon while the pact does… whatever it was doing (mostly just fighting minions that will continue in endless fashion). Ok now skip ahead to HoT, same exact thing happens. We for an alliance between strong fighters (this time races). We create a massive army to fight the dragon. This time there is a bit of a disaster and most of the army get’s destroyed. It’s ok though because all you really need is a small gorup of players to defeat the all powerful and mighty elder-dragon.

I understand the idea that, hey we kill one by doing this repeat unless we get other intel, what I’m more dissapointed in is the execution. Both times the ‘powerfull’ elder-dragon was kill by a mere ~5 heros. Both times the ‘massive-army’ basically just kill minions near where the dragon ‘lived’. Where is the epic large scale battle to defeat the dragon not just some small party experience. I know there is dragon stand and they did mention in the story Mordremoth was distracted however the killing blow was delivered by a small group rather the other way around.

A small party of ‘heroes’ killing the elder-dragon felt to ‘easy’ for something that is supposed to be so powerful.

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

[Spoilers] Regarding Story Mode

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Randulf.7614


There is some truth to what you are saying and I understand the feeling that stems from the 2 fights, however;

- Zhaitan was killed by the Pact. Without the combined forces of the Pact, we wouldn’t have got into Arah, nor would such a mighty ship have been built with the capability to take him down.

- The physical fight against Mordremoth still requires an entire map to join forces with Pact forces to defeat him

I think the way the story skipped over the Dragon Stand meta contributed to the feel, plus how it felt like the defeat of the Dragon was secondary to rescuing our captured comrades. The Pact have played a significant part though.

(edited by Randulf.7614)

[Spoilers] Regarding Story Mode

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


The meta events on the maps contribute to the story although it’s not really made apparent.