Start of Thorns is depressing

Start of Thorns is depressing

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

In GW1 there were always sidequests that you were at the right level to do. So if you were too low a level for one quest you just did a different one.

In core GW2 if you’re ever too low a level for something you want to do, you always have plenty of options to level up. Complete the map you’re on, map completion on a different map, if there is an event farming zerg you could join it, you could WvW.

You also had the option of attempting content you were too low a level for.

Now Heart of Thorns and masteries come along. I’ve currently got my personal story paused until I earn enough xp to get updraft. So I look at my options:
– Map completion. NOPE. I’ve got all the map completion I can get without other masteries.
– WvW. NOPE. XP earned there doesn’t count, so any time spent there is time where I’m not progressing masteries.
– Attempt the content without the mastery. NOPE.
– Solo events. NOPE. I can’t solo champions and those are the only events I can find.
– Follow the commander tag I see on the map. NOPE. Turns out he’s up in the canopy in a location I can’t reach unless I have updraft.

The only options I had for earning XP was to keep killing enemies as they spawned. Which was depressingly boring. Especially with the number of times GW2 had already said no to ways in which I wanted to earn XP.

Sure, there were plenty of events I could find and complete while it was daytime in Verdant Brink. But that’s not helpful when I entered the map near the start of the night.

What do I suggest that ANET does about it ?

That’s simple. Let XP earned anywhere in Guild Wars 2 count towards any of the mastery tracks. Then I can go do core content that I enjoy any time I don’t have enough XP to get the masteries that are required in HoT.

Start of Thorns is depressing

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: NTDK.4897


the commander tag you mentioned, you can use a helicopter at night to reach him. They are most likely killing the night bosses, which are accessible at night with helicopter. No need for updraft.

though, just do events man. There’re plenty of events around during day and night. There’re super easy one like protect rally point, pact supply, etc. Killing night bosses give good exp too.

oh and there’re adventures. You can do them daily. They give daily exp and permanent exp from achivements. You can just do easy ones like the vine burning one, or the one at bottom of a gladium. Both of them are easily accessible.

All your alternatives are there. Just because you dont bother looking or understand how events work, that they aren’t there.

ign: Larxene Rakushinu
Incoming Quaggans [iQ]

Start of Thorns is depressing

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Flimsa.3712


Fully agree with you Snoring Sleepwalker. I dont think HoT turned out well. Focusing around events is boring and there should be options. Those mini games are always locked when I have the time to play. For me events are boring, unchallenging, braindeath and I instantly loose my good mood.

Start of Thorns is depressing

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tigaseye.2047


I agree with you.

I understand that they want to encourage people to play the new maps, but trying to force them to, against their will (by giving them no alternative), is counterproductive at best.

“Turns out when people play the game, they don’t admire your feet at all.” sephiroth

Start of Thorns is depressing

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Brangwen Liana.5632

Brangwen Liana.5632

I personally love HoT. I am enjoying the change, and the challenge of the maps. Sometimes I explore alone, but often I am playing with guildies that make it fun, and we work together to take down enemies. When we get stuck on stuff due to lack of mastery in an area, we just move on to another map and work on events, which there are plenty of, to level our xp. I have played gw2 since Beta, and am glad to have a challenge. There are some areas that could be refined, but I love it and don’t find it depressing at all. I am enjoying finally being able to work toward new goals.

Start of Thorns is depressing

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: NatasKrad.4978


This is exactly why I came to forums to see what people where saying.
Totally agree with Sleepwalker.

(edited by NatasKrad.4978)

Start of Thorns is depressing

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Raziel.4216


Agree with ya Liana, there’s plenty of stuff to do to get the masteries, it gives you a new goal to work for as long as you can manage to survive (gasp!) without having everything available on day one.

If Legend of Zelda came out tomorrow, the usual
forum dwellers would go nuts about the need to
“grind” to get exp, new swords, new potions etc

Start of Thorns is depressing

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Crossaber.8934


i found the mastery is blocking out my fun at first. But i have plenty of alt that need elite spec unlock. Therefore here comes the 2nd alt, the 3rd alt…..

they all just do the soloable stuff and their exp stack togethet and build up my mastery lv at the same time. What i am saying is, you may need some mastery to move on and those exp seems unreal at first but those exp come fast as well.

Start of Thorns is depressing

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Once you get most HoT masteries to rank 2, this become a non issue.

You are supposed to feel disadvantaged at the beginning of HoT. Mordremoth just wacked your fleet out of the sky, sylvari are turning on the pact, Destinys Edge is split appart, Caith is who knows where. It just wouldn’t fit the theme that Alpha super hero man comes along.

It also encourages people to play twinks and multiple characters with the shared mastery system.

Main problem I see is, you don’t know the maps by heart and you don’t know how to maximize experience gain. Which is perfectly fine for new content. Welcome to new and fun epxerimentation land. Enjoy it while it lasts, to soon you’ll be back at same old same old.