Submit your refunds

Submit your refunds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Random.4691


If you’re happy with how things are going then best of luck, for everyone else … start submitting your refunds speak to them with dollars seeing as how they refuse to speak english.

For everyone else best of luck I hope you enjoy the xpac for years to come.

Edit: for the record this thread does not break any TOS or rules so for you trigger happy mods, think twice because I’ve copied and pasted and will repost.

(edited by Random.4691)

Submit your refunds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Healix.5819


Why would you buy HoT in the first place if you had no intention of actually playing it?

(also yes, there is a justified reason to lock this thread and reposting is a violation)

Submit your refunds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Random.4691


Why would you buy HoT in the first place if you had no intention of actually playing it?

(also yes, there is a justified reason to lock this thread and reposting is a violation)

No there is not a justified reason, and I bought hot beacause of X, Y , Z. Not A, B , C.

You want the legal reason ?

They have until tomorrow at 12:01 PST to produce raids.

Submit your refunds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: cygnus.8913


At least try the game first? Could be the upset with hero points won’t actually take that long. Also, not sure how raiding will go down without elites and let’s face it, nobody will be able to jump straight in with those anyway.

Submit your refunds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Random.4691


No thank you, I’m happy you are enjoying or looking forward to enjoying the game. I wish you all the best but for those that are unhappy because they are being sold an incomplete product, well we have every right to expect a refund.

Enjoy your HoT Expansion, I hope you have many hours of entertainment.

Submit your refunds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: nacario.9417


Mmorpgs are large project, things doesnt always happen on set dates, but at least theyre being more open on whats to come, while they also have to factor in other variables making them hold on information.
If u truly enjoy gw2 then itll be a big loss for u in quitting, dont be random.

Power Ranger PvP
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore

Submit your refunds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Petrol.9086


I don’t want it later! I want it NOW! NOW NOW NOW NOW! If i can’t have it now i’m going to stop breathing! inhales loudly

Submit your refunds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Random.4691


I applaud your support for Arena Net, and the fact that you view them as a good company, this is your right to do so. My right is to be refunded for an incomplete product and as much as I wish both yourself and Arena Net the best of intentions in the future I simply cannot give money away for free. I paid for a product and as of this time that product has not been provided, this is by submission of the arena net staff that Raids will not be released. It’s unfortunate that I have to take this route because I was looking forward to raids, but my moral obligations cannot allow me to simply hand over money in todays economy because I feel bad for the multi million dollar company.

Submit your refunds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: cygnus.8913


No thank you, I’m happy you are enjoying or looking forward to enjoying the game. I wish you all the best but for those that are unhappy because they are being sold an incomplete product, well we have every right to expect a refund.

Enjoy your HoT Expansion, I hope you have many hours of entertainment.

Do we know when raids will be in? I plan to do those, but figure it’ll be a while before my chrono can play them. I am disappointed with the HP requirement but figure tomorrow I can get a very rough idea of how long it’ll take (or not if it’s very walked behind masteries.)

Submit your refunds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Random.4691


I don’t want it later! I want it NOW! NOW NOW NOW NOW! If i can’t have it now i’m going to stop breathing! inhales loudly

Don’t be so angry it’s not good for the health.

Submit your refunds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: TJgalon.5012


I am still happy giving them $100 for my expansion. I am still getting everything they said I will, and in fact, I bet I am getting more.

Also when they release things down the line, that was not mention, does that mean your going to pay them more. “You never said this be in the expansion that you added, here take more money”

Submit your refunds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Random.4691


No thank you, I’m happy you are enjoying or looking forward to enjoying the game. I wish you all the best but for those that are unhappy because they are being sold an incomplete product, well we have every right to expect a refund.

Enjoy your HoT Expansion, I hope you have many hours of entertainment.

Do we know when raids will be in? I plan to do those, but figure it’ll be a while before my chrono can play them. I am disappointed with the HP requirement but figure tomorrow I can get a very rough idea of how long it’ll take (or not if it’s very walked behind masteries.)

I cannot answer this for you, only Arena Net can, it seems though that they are very tight lipped for one reason or another. I wouls suggest (only if you’re unhappy or cannot afford it such as I) that you request a refund until they can provide you with a real ETA on the product you paid for.

I’m sure they have valid reasons but some of us are just normal day to day people that expect what we pay for to be delivered, if that cannot be delivered I will gladly pay for at a later date.

Submit your refunds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Random.4691


I am still happy giving them $100 for my expansion. I am still getting everything they said I will, and in fact, I bet I am getting more.

Also when they release things down the line, that was not mention, does that mean your going to pay them more. “You never said this be in the expansion that you added, here take more money”

I’m glad you’re happy with your purchase, best of luck to you friend !

Submit your refunds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Nekrothaft.6390


Edit: for the record this thread does not break any TOS or rules so for you trigger happy mods, think twice because I’ve copied and pasted and will repost.

No Mod is a match for this mans clipboard.

“Necros are in a good spot”…. let the kitten sacrifice commence.

Submit your refunds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: AdaephonDelat.3890


You want the legal reason ?

They have until tomorrow at 12:01 PST to produce raids.

Whilst you may have other reasons (and that’s your prerogative) can I just point out that raids were never promised on Day 1.

No we didn’t. What was said at the Raid reveal (think it was at PAX?) was that the first wing of the first Raid would be released a short time period after the release of the expansion to give people time to play some content and get their masteries levelled up a bit.

I believe this video will clarify a little for you

The live stream that announced raids said the first wing would be out a week or so after release and the other wings would be released after that.
—>before christmas.

[BAD] a casual PvE guild on Aurora Glade.
The Family Deuce. Asuran Adventure Specialists.

Submit your refunds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zach.2618


Lol grow up. You bought a virtual product its you call your risk for doing so. If it wasn’t up to your expectation just suck it up. Don’t come whining onto the forums with smart kitten smack talk. Boohoo you can’t handle your money well or do your research on a product before buying it, boohoo give me a refund now. Just grow up. If you want a refund just send them a support ticket, no need to come to the forums with so much negativity. Just another whining thread of a baby.

Submit your refunds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Random.4691


You want the legal reason ?

They have until tomorrow at 12:01 PST to produce raids.

Whilst you may have other reasons (and that’s your prerogative) can I just point out that raids were never promised on Day 1.

No we didn’t. What was said at the Raid reveal (think it was at PAX?) was that the first wing of the first Raid would be released a short time period after the release of the expansion to give people time to play some content and get their masteries levelled up a bit.

I believe this video will clarify a little for you

The live stream that announced raids said the first wing would be out a week or so after release and the other wings would be released after that.
—>before christmas.

Your prerogative is noted, I’m happy you feel that way, you are however wrong, if you buy a new car they don’t have to promise it comes with an engine but you can get your money back if the engine is not present.

Don’t be so hostile please, this is meant to be a non harmful thread for those of us who wish to support Arena net once the product is complete.

Frankly its insulting that you are attacking me because I saved up for this and did not get the full product and somehow I am the bad guy. Perhaps you will pay for the expansion for me ?

Submit your refunds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Random.4691


Lol grow up. You bought a virtual product its you call your risk for doing so. If it wasn’t up to your expectation just suck it up. Don’t come whining onto the forums with smart kitten smack talk. Boohoo you can’t handle your money well or do your research on a product before buying it, boohoo give me a refund now. Just grow up. If you want a refund just send them a support ticket, no need to come to the forums with so much negativity. Just another whining thread of a baby.

There is no need for hostility, if you don’t agree simply move on. That would be the mature thing to do, as you so hastily tell people to grow up.

Good luck to you in your future adventures I hope you enjoy your purchase for years to come.