[Suggestion] Class icons.

[Suggestion] Class icons.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sealreth.1425



I was thinking that it might be nicer to change the change the icon of for example a Mesmer to a Chronomancer (a clock?) or something and similar for other classes.

The main reason I would like this are:

1- Telegraphing. Some form of indication what you are fighting

2- Actually make the name Chronomancer (etc) have impact on the game other then just a fancy name. As chronomancer’s cease to be mesmers. but are specilised.

(I do realise if they plan to add more subclasses to classes that would mean 4 potential class icons per class, but I am talking about slight modifications on the original professions logo, mesmer logo with a clock worked in or something)

just some thoughts.

Sethy Alre [Main: Thief, 19 Characters] -
[TSP] The Shadow Phantoms – Guild master
Gunnar’s Hold

[Suggestion] Class icons.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: dsslive.8473


I’ve read somewhere that they are planning on giving them different icons. But got no official source

[Suggestion] Class icons.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


its on the works for that, when HoT releases, all Elite Specializations and upcoming ones will receive completely own class icons … has been also already officially confirmed, but can#t find the thread, as the thread is already like x months old …

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside