[Suggestion] Dragon Stand Client Crash

[Suggestion] Dragon Stand Client Crash

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Rentapest.6503


I’m a bit annoyed at being kicked out the map on final boss 5% left, because of a game crash and being unable to rejoin. So, to aid people in this similar situation, I’d like to suggest the following:

When a player logs out, leaves the map, crashes or zones out for ANY reason, their player slot is ‘reserved’ on the map for at least 180seconds

This will allow players to relog to another toon if needed, relog if they disconnect and relog if they crash.

I encountered 2 seprate errors, both preventing me from rejoining the map I was on. The “network error” happened after the final boss was killed, and the world was no longer ‘full’.

World Full: http://i.imgur.com/jd7AQyD.jpg
Network Error: http://i.imgur.com/kDrLyJC.jpg

(edited by Rentapest.6503)

[Suggestion] Dragon Stand Client Crash

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Jong.5937


Yep, totally agree there should be a grace period when if you rejoin you are guaranteed to go back to your previous instance, with participation. 5 mins has been mentioned.

But crashes are 90% fixed by switching to the 64-bit client. In fact I have not had one crash since changing, but I understand others have not been quite so lucky. For all it is a massive improvement.

Even with no crashes there are good reasons why the 5 minute rule should apply.

Piken Square

[Suggestion] Dragon Stand Client Crash

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Milan.9035


i cant begin to tell you how stressed i am about DS.

hard to get a good map. and when you do i always get some random crashes.

only place i crash in this game….

yesterday i was doing the map trying to get to the end so i can buy the scrapper insignia and i got dc and tried for like an hour to get back into the map. full. wasted my free night.

now today again no crashes, killed the boss looted the box. and walked to the npc and crash.

get back and i cant join, not full but says network error. i should check my internet. i dont understand why they just didn’t write kitten you in that dialogue box instead of check your internet.

its funny balance in pvp has driven me out of it into pve then this kitten drives me out of pve and into wvw which is dead so i just back to pvp when i suffer in agony as fight people in endless limbo.

man am i kittened lol