After having played HoT now for a Week, having seen all the actual Masteries and their Effects of what they do, I can feel only but of beign disappointed, how underwhelming the Starter Package practically is and how much potential there got wasted to make the Masteries more of a Long Term Progression System.
There should be in my opinion more Masteries – both in Maguum, as like also for Central Tyria. More in regard of more different Mastery Categories, as like also in regard of more Mastery Tiers per Category as .
Tier 1) Glider Basics = Unlocks for you the ability to use Gliders in Maguuma Maps
Tier 2) Updraft Use = Enables you to use Updrafts to reach higher places.
Tier 3) Lean Techniqus = Enables you to lean forward or backwards to glide either faster or slower at the cost of losing faster glide endurance when you lean forward and regain glide endurance when you lean backwards.
Tier 4) Advanced Glider = Gain a chance of 25% to dodge Attacks and gain Regeneration while gliding.
Tier 5) Stealth Gliding = Dodge while gliding to gain Stealth for short periods.
Tier 6) Leyline Gliding = Gain Access to new earlier unreachable places by using Leyline Energy Flows
Tier 7) Expert Glider = By quick double dodging for the cost of 1 dodge you are able to perform Spirals now or Loopings based onit, if you dodged forwards or backwards. A Looping will guarantee you not to be hit by anything, while a Spiral will reflect projectile attacks and grants you Aegis to avoid damage from Poison Clouds when you spiral through them, while it will let you move also for a second forward faster.
Tier 8.) Dragon Starter = Unlocks for you in Maguuma Maps the Ability to use Wings of Glint to jump with your Glider alot higher than usual.
Tier 9) Dragon Glider = Unlocks for you in Maguuma Maps the Ability to use Flight of Glint improving your Spiral Technique to a on demand fast fly you no longer lose enduracne anymore to stay in the air
Tier 10) Dragon Child = Unlocks the final Glint Skill which lets you jump with your Glider not only alot higher than usual, but also to a ground target at a wide range.
Exalted Lore (currently has 5 Tiers, should have 10 Tiers)
Tier 1) Exalted Markings = Become able to decipher their Language. Unlocks ability to use Exalted Teleporters
Tier 2) Exalted Acceptance = Gain the trust of the Exalted. Unlocks Exalted Vendor Tier 1
Tier 3) Exalted Assistance = Learn to use Exalted Recall Devices. Unlocks also Exalted Vendor Tier 2
Tier 4) Exalted Purification = Enables you the Ability to fight against Exalted Champions daily for special unique Rewards that you can gain only from them on defeat.
Tier 5) Exalted Magic = Improves your Powers as a Exlated Armor (25% Increased Movement Speed, Removed Mechanic of losing the powers if you don’t move, 25% increased Vitality, Power, Toughness and a significantly stronger CC Bar that doesn’t get depleted so fast by Mordrem Attacks/Conditions, so you dont get so fast stunned
Tier 6) Exalted Gathering = Unlocks new Gathering Materials for you to gather all yround the Maguum Jungle including Lumps of Aurillium
Tier 7) Exalted Oversight = Increases while being in Auric Basin your Stats as Player. All Stats + 100 and you gain now increased Magic Find by +100% per 50% of Map Event Participation you have. So at 200% Map Participation, you would have +400% Magic Find while being in Auric Basin
Tier 8.) Exalted Empowerment = Unlocks for you an unique Exalted Finisher and gain Access to special Maguuma Map unique class specific Exalted Healing, Utility and Elite Skills.
Tier 9) Exalted Superiority = Gain access to a special set of unique one time craftable accountbound legendary Exalted Weapons/Armors/Back Items. Example for a legendary Exalted Spear – The Ursurper. Or an example for a legendary Exalted Sword Excalibur – the Golden Light
Tier 10) Exalted Combat = Gain Access to the power to turn yourself in Maguuma Maps whenver you want into an Exalted (changing your Weapon Skills into Exalted Skills) through the immense magic of the Exalted flowing through you by now after having sucessfully gone through an ancient magical Exalted Ritual
Itzel Lore
Tier 1) Bouncing Mushrooms = Unlocks the Ability to use Bouncing Mushrooms to reach new places
Tier 2) Itzel Language = Enables you to understand Itzel, gaining access to Itzel Vendors Tier 1
Tier 3) Itzel Lore = Makes you immune to Maguuma Jungle Poison and unlocks for you Itzel Vendor Tier 2
Tier 4) Blazing Mushrooms = Enables you to use Blazing Mushrooms now in all Maguuma Maps
Tier 5) Itzel Leadership = Unlocks for you the Ability to combat daily against Itzel Champions to get on defeat unique Rewards that you can gain only from them.
Tier 6) Adrenal Mushrooms = Enables you to use on all Maguuma Maps now Adrenal Mushrooms to instantly refresh your Skills and gain a long time Fury Boon
Tier 7) Itzel Agility = Enables you in Maguuma Maps now to regenerate Endurance faster
Tier 8.) Refresh Mushrooms = Enables you in Maguuma Maps to use now Refresh Mushrooms, which clean you from all Conditions and let you gain for some time Resistance and give you back also some lost Health
Tier 9) Itzel Superiority = Gain access to a one time craftable unique set of Itzel Legendary Weapons/Armors/Back Items and unlock for yourself a unique Itzel Finisher
Tier 10) Ameyallis Blessing =Gain access to special unique class specific Itzel Healing, Utility and Elite Skills on all Maguuma Maps.
An Example of a new Central Tyria Mastery:
Dungeon Master
Tier 1) Dungeoneer = Enables access to Dungeon Hard Mode. Experience Dungeons in a new Way with new Hard Mode Achievements for all Dungeons.
Tier 2) Relic Hunter = Adds new Rewards for Dungeon Tokens to all Dungeons (new Ascended Dungeon Weapons, new Ascended Dungeon Armor Sets, Minipets ect.)
Tier3) Dungeon Runner = Adds Access to new Daily Dungeon Achievements for doing specific Dungeon Paths within a specific Time Limit.
Tier 4) Experienced Dungeoneer* = Increases your Exp, Money and Karma Rewards from doign Dungeons and killed enemies have now chances to drop additional Dungeon Token Bags
Tier 5) Archeologist = Unlocks for you the access to gain from new Dungeon Chests that are now seeable and lootable for you materials from which you can craft unique one time craftable legendary Dungeon Armors/Weapons/Back items
Tier 6) Dungeon Explorer = Unlocks Access to new Zelda like Solo Dungeon Instances within the existing Dungeons with their own unique rewards (Craftign Recipes, Materials, Sigils, Runes, Minis, ect.)
Tier 7) Dungeon Crawler = Unlocks access for you to new Dungeon Crawls, special Dungeons which are everytime you enter them different, which you can play either solo, or as group of 5 or 10 people
Tier 8.) Hunter’s Grounds = Unlocks access for you to go visit new Hunting Grounds to go farm there new special enemies with loot, nowhere else to be found in the game, as also find gaherign nodes that you can find only there protected by very powerful huge monsters. You can go in these places either solo or as group, but beware, in Hunting Grounds is Open PvP active, so you can go also hunt for other players loot.
Tier 9) Elite Dungeoneer = Allows you the access to enter the very first and new old Elite Dungeon Map where the whole map is a single Super Dungeon Playground in GW2 – The Underworld with 100 floors to the Depths. Basically a different form of Fractals.
Tier 10) Dungeon Grandmaster = Unlocks a special unique Finisher and lets you gain access to new special Dungeon related Guild Decor and GuildWeapon/Armor/Back Item Sets
To ensure, that the game just provides enough Mastery Points for this change, just adapt the Mastery Points from the Story Portion and from some achievements to reward you with 2 instead of 1 Mastery Point and reduce the required amounts of Mastery Points, so that the earlier tiers requirer lesser Points than now.
This way should work the Tier 10 System in regard of Mastery Points:
Tier 1 = 1 MP
Tier 2 = 2 MP
Tier 3 = 3 MP
Tier 4 = 4 MP
Tier 10 = 10 MP
Total = 55 MP, the current System requires 31 MP, so 24 MP need to be added per Category. 3x 24 + in regard of Exalted 36 MP need to be added more = Total of 108 more MP needed.
The Story has 14 Segments, so that are 14 MP that could be added by letting them reward 2 MP instead of 1.
Successfully doing all Achievements of the Story could reward you with 10 bonus MP per Chapter, so that would be 40 done, so 54, another 54 left .
Explorer Achievements. ANet should add MP for completely exploring all regions of the Maps, currently you get only 5 AP for this, but each of those 4 achievements should reward you with 2 MP (8), so 46 left over
Exploring the Maguuma Maps to 100 and not just only the regions % should give you MP as map reward. 5 per map (20), so 26 left over.
Add 3 more Mastery Insights to the game and let then all mastery insights reward you with 2 instead of 1 MP and the missing 26 MP would be done as well, cause we have currently 23Insights each rewarding 1 MP.
(edited by Orpheal.8263)