Suggestion – New Destroyers

Suggestion – New Destroyers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: nopoet.2960


First off let me say that rolling powers from the defeated dragons to the new one is brilliant! I don’t know if you guys just came up with that recently or you had it planned all along but it gives you a lot of flexibility in the future. The problem, as I see it, is that powers were implemented in a way that makes your hard work less noticeable. Without the contrast of the original destroyers it’s hard to recognize the new Destroyers as an upgrade.

My suggestion is to fill areas with the original red destroyers but also create a very common structure called a vine touched fissure (artistic types ponder what that would look like). These structures serve two purposes. One, it spawns vine touched destroyers and two, it will convert red destroyers into vine touched ones. This will help players understand in a real way the green destroyers are in fact an upgrade.

For death touched destroyers, I think you guys should play around with the finisher mechanic. If you defeat a red or green destroyer and don’t finish it a black (if it doesn’t upset lore) should spawn. In small pve areas it won’t make much of a difference but in larger scale battles it will be almost impossible to finish all the enemies. Then the death destroyer ability to summon will really shine and create a new challenge for the players. In addition to this I propose another ancient mastery that makes finishing moves aoe (could it be used in pvp?).

Suggestion – New Destroyers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Torolan.5816


I loke your idea in general. The last thing PvP needs is an AoE finisher though. There are already more than enough ways to finish people without much danger for various classes.

Suggestion – New Destroyers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


I’d actually like to see the real, original destroyers, instead of just seeing the Mordrem upgraded versions of their weak-sauce imitations.

I mean the real destroyers from gw1, with their unique looks and functions, instead of lava-themed copies of normal mobs (trolls, harpies and crabs).

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Suggestion – New Destroyers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Nike.2631


First off let me say that rolling powers from the defeated dragons to the new one is brilliant!

I’m reminded of the big X-men vs. Avengers arc where the cosmicly powerful Phoenix Force got divided into 5 people, and as each one was defeated the power was re-divvied up amongst the remaining recipients. Pretty much THE big storyline in comics for 2012. Which would be about the right time to get into peoples’ heads and work its way through an MMO production cycle.

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

Suggestion – New Destroyers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


I find the new destroyers to be a downgrade instead of an upgrade. They are much easier to deal with than the old versions because they don’t do any damage and die instantly.

The destroyers in Taimi’s game were a real evolution, but for some reason we don’t fight those but rather some weakened versions. The new destroyers are a joke. Not that the core tyria ones were very threatening, but in higher level zones they were more of a threat than the new ones.

Also, I never liked the design of the GW2 destroyers, they had such awesome designs in GW1 and they made them look generic re-skins of existing creatures in GW2. But this isn’t an expansion so I hope when the Primordus expansion is released we’ll get loads of totally new mobs to fight with actually interesting mechanics and powers.

Suggestion – New Destroyers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Omega Zoa.3859

Omega Zoa.3859

I find the new destroyers to be a downgrade instead of an upgrade. They are much easier to deal with than the old versions because they don’t do any damage and die instantly.

The destroyers in Taimi’s game were a real evolution, but for some reason we don’t fight those but rather some weakened versions. The new destroyers are a joke. Not that the core tyria ones were very threatening, but in higher level zones they were more of a threat than the new ones.

Also, I never liked the design of the GW2 destroyers, they had such awesome designs in GW1 and they made them look generic re-skins of existing creatures in GW2. But this isn’t an expansion so I hope when the Primordus expansion is released we’ll get loads of totally new mobs to fight with actually interesting mechanics and powers.

This, a million times this, during the story mission when it said “the destroyer of hope approaches” i was excited i thought id see the destroyer of hope from gw1, instead its just the same destroyer from SF and megadestroyer.

“Might makes Right” – the ability to commit an act is sufficient justification to do it.

Suggestion – New Destroyers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Christina.7926


@Omega Zoa, same. I was so pumped about that “destroyer of hope” and then… the letdown.

Bump fixing the Monk Outfit?