[Suggestions] Verdant Brink Salvage Armaments

[Suggestions] Verdant Brink Salvage Armaments

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


The event “salvage armaments to build bombs” needs a nerf.

It is NOT FUN to do a “fetch quest” for more than 5 min. It took 3 of us 20 min to do this.

Why is The Silverwastes “repair walls” event tolerable? It’s short. 25 rubble pieces is a flat amount. The terrain is flat. It takes a few seconds to run back and forth between the collector and the scattered rubble.

This event is NOT FUN and NOT INTERESTING. It is TEDIOUS. It can be made tolerable by dropping the scaling DRAMATICALLY. 5 airship pieces per person. 5 piecies is a reasonable commitment. If I need to run over 20 pieces of airship over a course of 20 minutes, it’s safe to say I’ve become bored long before the event is anywhere near complete

The April 19th patch notes say the event scaling was improved. It is STILL horrendous.

Please dramatically nerf this event. It is neither fun nor interesting in its current state. It might as well be made short. Plus, it’s not marked as a group event. It should not require a zerg to make it take a tolerable amount of time

(edited by Sicarine.3985)