TD Meta - is anyone still trying?
It is not as much of the fact that the events are hard to or that it is time triggered at 2 hours but the fact that it is possible for a group of people to come in and do HP runs for example. If the map fails for such a reason while you have been doing events for 2 hours then I feel like there is some flaw in the system. It would be ideal to make overflows that is an hour difference or something. The system in the Silverwastes worked just fine if you ask me.
I have given up on this meta and the specialisation trophy that is gated behind the Gherent.
I have scanned for hours every night after work on LFG tool to find a map and it never happens, VB, Tarir and DS are all regular on LFG and have no problem joining but TD is a no show.
Guys, don’t lose hope. I strongly believe Arenanet won’t ignore empty maps.. It is 25% of the new open world pve they made, they want to, and will keep it healthy.
Tried it today with an semio organized group, some ppl were ferried in with lFG we had avbout 18-24 ppl/lane and we got 1 down, 1 @ 5% 1 @ 10% and 1 @ 20% wew treid hard in ogre lane but 5% was the max we could mnage with 20 ppl, we had a lot of ppl killed a few leavers due to the time (23:30 start) and in the end not enough sustained DPS….
I myself died during the second DPS phase… and respawned only to face a long walk of shame… losing most of the second 3 min DPS opportunity.. I noticed good condition dmg is quite powerfull, but the duration and the stacks need to be there… when everybody is dodging around it’s the main dmg for the lane, at least in ogre.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
I recall a good amount of threads bemoaning Teq when that fight was updated, even mentioning that it might be a guild-only thing in order to get the organization needed, and now it’s difficult to fail it even with rapid organization in an overflow.
HoT hasn’t even been out for a month. It’ll normalize.
This is not even close, when Teq was introduced there was no other major meta in the game to go to that required so many people to do it, this is why it go so much attention, if Teq was introduced now to the game as brand new, and required a few events then a 60+ minute wait to spawn, NO one would be there.
You cannot compare anything pre HoT to this TD meta, like I stated before you just have to look at the LFG tool,
LFG – AB Meta
LFG – VB Meta
LFG – DS New map
LFG – CoF farm
There are just so many events now that are done to completion that reward you for the time spent on them, but as it still stands TD takes 2 hours and failed in 6 minutes, this is why no one is there trying to beat it, and 99% of the players will never get onto a map that an NA/EU community is trying to organise,
If the 1 armor item was not locked behind this event, there wouldn’t be a single complaint on the forums about it, Anet messed up here, and messed up badly, and as usual are now ignoring the problem,
I sometimes wonder when these posts are made do Anet look at all the complaints and go, well 1 person said they beat it, so it must be ok, lets just ignore that.
Guys, don’t lose hope. I strongly believe Arenanet won’t ignore empty maps.. It is 25% of the new open world pve they made, they want to, and will keep it healthy.
How so though, Anets own Megaserver system is completely up the left at the moment, last night in DS it say the map was empty and move to another one, even though there was an entire Map Zerg starting the Meta, 1 hour later while fighting the final boss, the map just closed and kicked everyone out, if they are relaying on the MS to tell them what maps are full and are not full, we have no hope.
They have made a great expansion, but the problem that has always been Anets downfall is the silence from pretty much the entire Dev team.
(edited by Ok I Did It.2854)
Its a raid, except it is not, while being one.
So close but so far away. I still havenĀ“t gave up, but many people just give up before it even starts. It goes like this.
me: Anyone wants to try meta event ?
other: Its going to fail so do not bother.
I hope that Anet, either tweak the event a bit or remove the mistward from it.
I REALLY hope they dont take threads like this to mean “NERF GERENT”. I havent completed him, but I dont think that event needs a nerf.
I REALLY hope they look at the crazy downtime between event chain completions and the gerent spawn. having the prep phase begin no longer than 5 maaaaaybe 10 minutes after the last event chain has been successfully completed would mean more maps running, more people doing gerent, more learning the encounter, more of that map getting done and less people spending so much time watching LFG for an organized TD event map to no avail.
Nuhoch lane’s task of getting the legendary to come to the surface is frustrating. You need enough DPS to kill the boss but if there are too many in Nuhoch, you have to stomp so many nodules that you run of ones to stomp and the mushroom mobs you have to kill to make more nodules are difficult for the scattered groups to kill in a timely manner.
Whenever I join an organized, it’s always ALWAYS Nuhoch to fail to get the boss to emerge, usually in the 3rd phase. I feel that the bar for doing it in that lane is overtuned for scaling, when there’s not enough people for DPS the bar fills up easily but when there are the bar is difficult to fill. It creates a frustrating juxtaposition of worrying about having too many or too few and there’s nothing you can control about it.
We had maybe 25 people in Nuhoch and did just fine. In fact, we burned the gerent down to 20% in the first phase. Probably would have killed it had we popped consumables. You just need to spread people out to all of the mushroom tops and kill weak spawns as this supposedly makes modules spawn quicker. For the nodule phases after the first, you need to leave before the gerent going underground.
Tangled depths is just a bad map period. Why waste time there when the others are better?
As someone who had the pleasure of completing the event, I don’t think the event itself is too difficult. There are some problems with the event however…
- The re-spawn timer is far too long (2 hours!) and should be cut down by like 50%.
- The population cap of TD is set too low, but I believe this was already acknowledged by the devs and might be unintended.
- The difficulty levels of the lane specific mechanics feel unbalanced (Nuhoch is really easy to screw up, SCAR is almost impossible to fail) and needs tweaking.
- The no-CC tactic employed by most groups now, regardless of its effectiveness, feels weird and counterintuitive, because the rest of the game basically teaches you “if you see this blue bar, use all of your crowd control NOW and you’ll be at an advantage”. This needs to be changed imo.
- The bugs (duh), like e.g. the OS bug on Novus lane, but that should be a given anyways.
But, as I said earlier in a previous post, I had and still have a blast with the event and sincerely hope it doesn’t get nerfed too hard (I’m pretty sure it will get nerfed to a certain extent eventually).
Tangled depths is just a bad map period. Why waste time there when the others are better?
The rewards could be better to match the amount of effort it takes to succeed the meta but overall I think it’s a great map.
TD Meta - is anyone still trying?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781
This reminds me of all the complaints when Little Scarlet was the event of the week (i.e. the Marionette Fights in Lornar’s Pass). Each lane had some unique mechanic and it required 5-10 people per lane to understand the defense and at least 3-4 to understand how to destroy the particular boss (which could vary). That had to be coordinated across five lanes.
For a while, people struggled with it and a number of players claimed (loudly and repeatedly) that it couldn’t be done by PUG maps. This was proved incorrect over a short period of time. The secret was: communicate, communicate, communicate. The maps that succeeded has a leader (not usually a commander) who provided instructions and suggested builds before the fight began and offered reminders during.
This also has worked in Tequatl, Breach, and Vinewrath and it will work again in all the new metas. The problem is: these are all new, not everyone has been to every map and so we’ll see lots and lots of new players. This makes it more challenging on everyone.
I’ve been away a bit and so I’m just starting to have time to see what these meta events are and so far, none of the maps I’ve been to have had any sort of organization, whether I entered accidentally or via taxi. There have been Doritos galore (with or without apple flavor), but I’ve yet to see anyone offer any of the details that would help me to help them complete the event.
tl;dr the secret to completing Meta Events with PUGs is to communicate succinctly before the meta starts to have trouble. This isn’t happening yet; it will.
Tangled depths is just a bad map period. Why waste time there when the others are better?
Couldn’t disagree more. It is by far my preferred map. It is beautiful and complex. You see and feel the love in it. Yes, the meta event need some fine tuning (NOT nerfing) but that hardly make the map “bad period”.
Beat the meta tonight on a map organized by IQ. Thanks, guys, it was a lot of fun. The 20 point achieve for taking down the Gerent pushed me over the 5k mark as well, which was nice.
I really do like TD and hope to continue to spend time there.
Ill conceived: first go try it, then post on forum.
Misguided: if this meta is supposed to be like 3 headed wurm – beatable only in organised group – then it will share its fate and my attitude towards it postponing it for months and years because I never find energy to look for some organised guild, trying to join them and trying to get onto already full map
Ill conceived: first go try it, then post on forum.
Misguided: if this meta is supposed to be like 3 headed wurm – beatable only in organised group – then it will share its fate and my attitude towards it
postponing it for months and years because I never find energy to look for some organised guild, trying to join them and trying to get onto already full map
It wasn’t THAT organized by any stretch.
Ill conceived: first go try it, then post on forum.
Misguided: if this meta is supposed to be like 3 headed wurm – beatable only in organised group – then it will share its fate and my attitude towards it
postponing it for months and years because I never find energy to look for some organised guild, trying to join them and trying to get onto already full map
It doesn’t need to be that organized. You just need to split players evenly between the lanes and ensure they know the mechanics for their specific lane.
Tangled depths is just a bad map period. Why waste time there when the others are better?
Yeppurs, I spent about 4 hours there to get the story and a (very) few HP and Masteries then left. The problem with using 3 dimensions is ANet don’t know when to stop with the third; might be the reason SW will always be full.
Even if the loot was raining from the sky I would still do a more horizontal map for longer than have to run around forever in frustration.
So Anet any feedback for us on this map/meta, the maps are still deserted, and when you do get a map you cant taxi anyone in as the server says the map is full with 40-50 people.
Or are we just facing another week of silence on this.
Think we assed out on this one since their main concern meow is Raids.
It’s obvious there is map issues in terms of taxing people in and the player limit hitting full way too early but I don’t understand why some people fee so entitled that it has to be nerfed/ expecting to have it down already in a non guild group.
Some things are meant to be hard to get, some things you actually have to LEARN the mechanics for.
It’s been done by a pre planned pug group once before and it can be done again, if you’re calling nerfs you’re everything that’s wrong with the faceroll content we’ve received in the past.
Raids are going to hit you like a truck.
It’s obvious there is map issues in terms of taxing people in and the player limit hitting full way too early but I don’t understand why some people fee so entitled that it has to be nerfed/ expecting to have it down already in a non guild group.
Some things are meant to be hard to get, some things you actually have to LEARN the mechanics for.
It’s been done by a pre planned pug group once before and it can be done again, if you’re calling nerfs you’re everything that’s wrong with the faceroll content we’ve received in the past.
Raids are going to hit you like a truck.
Except, not really. Just because some very select groups of people have managed to pull it of it doesn’t mean it’s okay. It’s undeniable that his event is flawed, a boss shouldn’t encourage you to NOT do something with their mechanics (break bar). Nuhoc lane respawn rate is too low, SCAR lane’s break bar window is barely 2 seconds long, waypoints are way too distant, the event is way too unforgiving with absolutely no room for mistake in other lanes. Usually in similar events, a failure in one of the lanes still has a grace period on others. This is not the case, often ending in “blaming others for my own failure”, as well as feeling you’ve been robbed of your time. Which is another point, way too long of a respawn timer, making it a huge investment. These events SHOULD be able to be triggered by guilds, just like teq and jungle wurm. Also, rewards are garbage unless you’re doing it for the revenant collection which only incentivices a “done and gone” mentality. And the boss just plain out has too much health. We were supposed to be done with the zerker meta and this is honestly the biggest advocate for it currently in the game.
Tangled depths is a horrible map, period.
It’s obvious there is map issues in terms of taxing people in and the player limit hitting full way too early but I don’t understand why some people fee so entitled that it has to be nerfed/ expecting to have it down already in a non guild group.
Some things are meant to be hard to get, some things you actually have to LEARN the mechanics for.
It’s been done by a pre planned pug group once before and it can be done again, if you’re calling nerfs you’re everything that’s wrong with the faceroll content we’ve received in the past.
Raids are going to hit you like a truck.Except, not really. Just because some very select groups of people have managed to pull it of it doesn’t mean it’s okay. It’s undeniable that his event is flawed, a boss shouldn’t encourage you to NOT do something with their mechanics (break bar). Nuhoc lane respawn rate is too low, SCAR lane’s break bar window is barely 2 seconds long, waypoints are way too distant, the event is way too unforgiving with absolutely no room for mistake in other lanes. Usually in similar events, a failure in one of the lanes still has a grace period on others. This is not the case, often ending in “blaming others for my own failure”, as well as feeling you’ve been robbed of your time. Which is another point, way too long of a respawn timer, making it a huge investment. These events SHOULD be able to be triggered by guilds, just like teq and jungle wurm. Also, rewards are garbage unless you’re doing it for the revenant collection which only incentivices a “done and gone” mentality. And the boss just plain out has too much health. We were supposed to be done with the zerker meta and this is honestly the biggest advocate for it currently in the game.
Tangled depths is a horrible map, period.
And aside from all the complaints you listed it’s still been completed by a pug group.
You say waypoints are too far, when in fact it’s faster to waypoint to the respective lane camp and take the wallow back to your lane landing you pretty much in the middle.
Just the fact you seemed to not have known that shows people still do not know the fight in its entirety.
I stand by what I said.
TD Meta - is anyone still trying?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781
Ill conceived: first go try it, then post on forum.
My point was it’s too soon to say that it’s too hard or complicated. That is exactly what happened with the Scarlet events and those were the only Meta available at the time. Similarly with Tequatl or Triple Trouble, when they were first introduced, that was all people focused on. Today, the game has a half a dozen metas in the new maps alone; I expect it will take the community longer to figure out
So no, it’s not up to me personally to figure out the TD meta and report back to the forums nor is it up to anyone else posting today. It’s up to all of us to give it a go, rather than giving up less than a month after the expac launched.
Since in this thead once again false information about that NOT breaking the break bar was required to do this event was produced once again I must make this clear once more:
The event does not fail if you break the bar, nor does breaking the bar make it any harder!
The decision to play strategy to not break the bar is purely individual taste. If you peeps are geared up and ready to evade lots and lots of red circles most of the time and hop around in melee fighting range then just do it and do not break his bar, this works fine, but is not any more easier.
If you break the bar you will have much less death zone clutter, at the cost of getting a few more frequently dropped insta death blob zones which are super lethal but on the other hand much easier to NOT accidentally stand in.
Also: people that die to the blob due to not paying attention will much more likely die to cave in red circles as those cover a lot more ground.
Breaking the bar at least gives you a few more seconds of totally unhindered DPS time during which you can safely ressurrect and during which all people that do not pay attention are guaranteed to not die from new fields of death spam.
Also: melee damage is not required for the fight either.
If you do not believe this, just check the facts on youtube for references of all different approaches to this fight with breaking, without breaking and also with pure ranged dps all being successfull at killing the Gerent with a lot of time left on the ticker much more than enough to go help another lane confortably.
This event will not fail due to not playing any given en-vogue setup but by not executing the event mechanics properly and efficiently.
The actual strategy to do it is largely your personal preference.
i have “done” this event many times
Hey, wheres my invite for your organized guild run? Been waiting over 6 days already. Yeah..nowhere.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Beat it twice today.
Btw a correction for SCAR lane. It’s not that there’s a 2 second window to break the bar, it’s that it breaks in 2 seconds.
Another correction: this is not the only boss to (debatably) benefit from not breaking the bar. Mouth of Mordremoth unarguably rewards not breaking the bar for a period of time, after which it has to be broken.
(edited by Wahaha.7938)
And aside from all the complaints you listed it’s still been completed by a pug group.
You say waypoints are too far, when in fact it’s faster to waypoint to the respective lane camp and take the wallow back to your lane landing you pretty much in the middle.
Just the fact you seemed to not have known that shows people still do not know the fight in its entirety.
I stand by what I said.
That isn’t entirely true though is it, anyone reading that comment would just think everyone else has no merit for complaint, the “pug” group as you put it wasn’t just a pug group though, yes they where pugs but where also on a TS server in a dedicated channel with dedicated commanders, going by your version of “pug” then Triple Trouble was also beaten by pugs, alas this is not the case,
There is a world of difference between random pugs on a map trying this event whom are not on a TS server with commaders and prep, Vs random pugs ON a TS server listening to the commanders to complete the event.
As it stands a random PUG map will never beat this event, the error margin for failure is way to high, it is completely unforgiven if you even have a few people short per lane, compiled with the Megaserver issue,
The only thing ill agree on is the Armor locked behind it, the sad sorry case for this map is, that 95% of the people wanting that meta want that item to be unlocked, if Anet did not lock that item behind this meta, then the map would be empty, and no one would be there at all do to the meta, and then there would be a completely different set of posts about it.
They need to add a TIMER to the map just like VB,AB and DS, you can enter that map and have no clue when the meta is going to start,
They also need to make it that when each pre event is done, the map auto starts a count down timer for the boss, so that it can be spawned more times a day.
Until Anet address these issues or the fact that there is an issue to begin with, these posts will continue, its sad that as players we have to drag an issue to Reddit and other social media before Anet pay attention.
And aside from all the complaints you listed it’s still been completed by a pug group.
You say waypoints are too far, when in fact it’s faster to waypoint to the respective lane camp and take the wallow back to your lane landing you pretty much in the middle.
Just the fact you seemed to not have known that shows people still do not know the fight in its entirety.
I stand by what I said.
This hasn’t been completed by pugs and you know you’re just lying to prove a point you dont have. Just because there are a few random players (which is always bound to happen) in a map that organized by a huge guild which is communicating via voice chat doesn’t mean it’s a “pug group”.
I also like how you just completely dismissed a whole paragraph of problems I bothered to list with the event simply because you think I dont know about the nuhoc wallows. And then you made a topic on this forum complaining about players acted entitled. Wow. That’s sad.
I love how I often get comments about flawed design decisions taken down because they’re apparently not constructive to whoever is moderating this, but topics complaining about players complaining are totally fine.
It’s funny because if all these kinda complains people are having were feedback given during a beta period people would just go “relax, it’s a beta they’ll change it”, but because these maps didn’t have any beta time, something poorly designed is considered challenging.
The only organization this event needs is to get as many people as possible involved in the event, split evenly into teams, and make sure people know the mechanics of their lane. Beyond that, there is no more coordination required than the breach in Silverwastes.
There is very little margin for error, but no amount of coordination will actually change that.
(edited by Misguided.5139)
The only organization this event needs is to get as many people as possible involved in the event, split evenly into teams, and make sure people know the mapechanocs of their lane. Beyond that, there is no more coordination required than the breach in Silverwastes.
There is very little margin for error, but no amount of coordination will actually change that.
It also requires a load of DPS which means everyone should be running zerker builds
Its official. Nobody is trying any more. I haven’t seen a taxi on LFG for TD in 2 days, and ive been checking back at peak times when people normally do it.
GW2C also said they would be doing a run at 8pm today, but they changed their mind to go and do something else, so if you’ve got the biggest organizations putting it off, then the average player will as well.
Personally I think it’s a ‘perfect storm’ of a few reasons adding up to one big one.
-The map is very complicated
It’s been several weeks and I’ve had about 5 or 6 days solid in total to play HoT. I still have no idea where the hell I’m going sometimes in this map.
To be clear, I actually like the area. I think it’s my favorite of the lot; but that doesn’t change the fact the map isn’t helpful; it’s not clear how much height difference there is in areas shown, the bits going up and down aren’t very clear and I think that’s just a limit of the game engine, honestly.
Then there’s bits that are covered; mushroom area southwest of Rata Nova? Covered by a cube corner of the city so you can’t see anything in the map. Have fun with that potentially confusing area stuffed with enemies that like crippling and spiking you.
-The Chak are weird and not fun to fight
Aesthetically and thematically they came out of nowhere. Most things have a buildup (watchwork/sylvari for HoT, ect) or make sense; the mushrooms may be a pain, but we’re in a jungle and it’s dead. So the fungi spawn legs and chase you because… reasons. Okay, whatever.
The chak? They’re power/they eat leyline energy because… something? And despite eating the same stuff as the dragon they’re not related to them-okay, but they’re not affected by the dragons because… something? They don’t look ‘correct’ either; aesthetically they just don’t mesh with anything else in the game. They look like plastic.
The hive terrain seems bizzare too, itself not a bad thing, but with the game’s apparent obsession over circles and the plastic looking insects that have open sacs that can generate damage reflecting shields after the totally-not-fingers-on-a-tail wave themselves over it because asgflkjffgjagsjhafdggflfkfj.
Mechanically they’re okay, except for the kitten ed lobbers and that slowing gloop. 10% a hit means in some groups you better be good at dodging and quickly killing them or you’re getting encased (and almost certainly downed). The bigger ones have poorly telegraphed attacks too, especailly that 360 gloop-spray thing that does massive damage and due to it’s size can often be difficult to see. There certainly doesn’t seem to be much gloop being fired when it does it, and you don’t get slowed because Reasons, you just take lots of damage instead.
Then there’s the drone that can only be killed by removing it’s stability. Hope you have a skill that can do that or you’re stuffed and that enemy it’s tagging is unkillable too!
Outside of these, they’re just annoying inconveniences
I’ll skip over audio after saying ’the chirps and noises they make are wheedling and annoying. Even moreso than the GW1 fire imps, which is honestly impressive.
-The event timers
Flogging a skeleton; it’s too long. For a setting like this, it makes more sense for it to be tied to the setup meta events.
-The loot
I can flog this skeleton too, so I will. The loot is terrible, even the currency drops are bad.
-You can take the back door to the next area.
The meta event has no affect on the Dragon’s Stand area (which is good) and there’s a way through without having to faff around with a difficult event with pithy rewards in a hard to navigate map with annoying enemies in a meta event that does not tolerate errors. I tried to stop the stampeding chak going for an aetherlaser/leylinecannon/whatever and because I failed to kill two or three, the event failed, the laser was lost, and the entire lane was gone. Despite the fact I could have easily mauled the last two or three chak to death and it would have been perfectly fine.
I think some of it is unfixable-the map is fairly straightforward once you wrap your head around it, but because of the way the map feature works you’re basically stuck wanderoung around memorising things. Sort of like the undercity in Cantha, back in Guildwars I: Factions.
The meta event needs more players and a bit more leeway to recover if things foul up, in my opinion.
I tried to get to some organised map and it seems like there is hardly any… In the end I managed to join one and it was just pseudo organised and failed in 5 minutes… I mean, I don’t mind hard content, I don’t mind if the whole map has to participate…but somehow this map got a bad reputation so there is hardly anyone who is still willing to try progressing it.
TD both the map and the meta are the worst of what HoT has to offer players. It’s a horrible map and a horrible meta event. If you suffer from geographical dyslexia (yes, it is a real thing for about 20% of the population) then you may even find the TD map unplayable as you’ll end up dead from being constantly mobbed as your mind tries to process your location and direction. I ended up going into map chat and offering gold to get runs around the map to specific story mission points, etc… That strategy worked pretty well for me and I only spent about 10g on it (roughly $1.00). Money well spent for a mad designed in a way I couldn’t play it. I do not have directional problems on ANY OTHER MAP in the game. Just TD and I refuse to go into it again except to grab specific hero challenge points.
I agree, TD is a very confusing place to navigate and the meta is just as confusing, whilst it’s beautiful to look at and to go through you’re never always sure exactly where you are. I’ve spent a fair few days in it already and I’m starting to get use to it as things become memorised but when I look at the map I sometimes feel a little overwhelmed, especially when I’m trying to find out where I am using the map layers.
I’ve not seen many organised metas going, sometimes random people just turn up to fail to get the crystals. I think most have given up on it, I’m only in to do the map for the story and work towards map completion, I’ve stopped participating in the events and stuff, the map is just far too big and complex to get anything organised going, especially when you compare it to VB and AB.
We just had another successful map (NA) about 15-20 mins ago they took a map/group screenshot, so someone may be posting it on here or reddit, but woo. Glad to get my rev headpiece out of the way finally.
I had to sacrifice watching Walking Dead for it, it’s taped though.
i have “done” this event many times
Hey, wheres my invite for your organized guild run? Been waiting over 6 days already. Yeah..nowhere.
I kind of get the impression here that you made a wrong citation here.
Or did you cite an earlier post way too much up there that I already forgot about it?
But whatever that may be, Wums runs are always open to public guesting: -> DE Tri-Wurm (german speaking)
There is also an english channel on the server that too does the event publicly.
Just succesfully did the meta on a pug map. Basically spent whole afternoon trying to do it on the map and finally done it on the third attempt.
It is definitely a bit too overtuned for pugs. The current difficulty seems more appropriate for a guild event. I would love to see it being adjusted for some harsh scaling on certain lanes.
The only organization this event needs is to get as many people as possible involved in the event, split evenly into teams, and make sure people know the mapechanocs of their lane. Beyond that, there is no more coordination required than the breach in Silverwastes.
There is very little margin for error, but no amount of coordination will actually change that.
It also requires a load of DPS which means everyone should be running zerker builds
Misguided is pretty much right I think. Those are the key factor about this event, not spreadsheet dps calc hallucinations again.
Actually running Zerkers or not well it does make a difference in your flat numbers… yet what you actually do, your timing the bonus events and how much actual damage uptime you can achieve does pretty much determine a lot of how fast you can burn the Gerent down.
Just look at the immense spread in damage output of the exact same group in consecutive phases when under the exact same level of bonus lane effect.
That spread is often far far more than what any stat min-max-mindgame can potentially give you.
So while playing the stats in your favor to enhance the playstyle and strategy you chose, actually playing the fight and be clever what to do in every situation does a lot more.
Therfore I’d suggest to concentrate giving people good info in how to react to certain common situations that can happen in the fight for various builds and classes rather than restarting that old pretty much outdated “holy grail of zerk(g)ing” mantra.
The main hindrance for running this map event ad-hoc seems to be that when prerequisite quests start things may be so obvious that these are linked to the main event and how despite that the game advertises these when they complete.
Also the fact that one empty lane prematurely fails the event for all lanes pretty much is a major turn off for ad-hoc training of the event. As soon as not all lanes are fully staffed or seem to be everyone will just leave.
So when there are not at least 4 tags in the early staging pre-quest phase there pretty much is no point in gathering over time because you rightfully would expect to do long prequests for not event getting a shot at running at least one lane.
The fight event does not need any nerfs. It is easy enough and not over complicated.
Just make sure the public staging has a proper chance to work, like it does with the Tarir Meta-Event in Auric Basin.
So remove the one lane fails all mechanic and add reduced rewards for completing only a single or some lanes so you get some extra juicy crystalline thingies per lane completed to spawn in the lanes where the Gerent has been beaten.
Then it should be fine.
I’ve been trying this meta for about a month now with no luck…I came to the conclusion that every time this meta goes on and you ask who is new there are like 15+ people raising their hand…so that kinda gives you an idea why this meta always fail and beside that you gotta scream no cc but still people use it anyway.
The only organization this event needs is to get as many people as possible involved in the event, split evenly into teams, and make sure people know the mechanics of their lane. Beyond that, there is no more coordination required than the breach in Silverwastes.
There is very little margin for error, but no amount of coordination will actually change that.
That’s the thing you get as many people as you can and the majority of them are un-experience. You got like more then half of those people running pwr, toughness and vit lol so maybe only a few are only zerk.
The only organization this event needs is to get as many people as possible involved in the event, split evenly into teams, and make sure people know the mechanics of their lane. Beyond that, there is no more coordination required than the breach in Silverwastes.
There is very little margin for error, but no amount of coordination will actually change that.
That’s the thing you get as many people as you can and the majority of them are un-experience. You got like more then half of those people running pwr, toughness and vit lol so maybe only a few are only zerk.
Well TBH, the stat unlock for the map is trailblazer (tough/vit/condi/expertise). So the people that are on the map are far from the zerk or die players that are needed for the meta.
I think a lot of groups gave up and this is now only done by guilds. This isn’t necessarily because there’s anything wrong with the meta (some minor adjustments could be made) but more because a large amount of what it takes to be successful is for players to listen and follow directions. Unfortunately this is just something that isn’t happening.
Is there actually good loot out of this? Because I run the VB meta and end up with a near full inventory, and yes, they are just crappy blues and greens, mostly, but all those mats end up making a decent penny for us not chasing legendaries.
Same for AB after a successful Tarir. We open all those 25-26 chests and the inventory is full with a few rares to the mix. Again blues and greens but GW2 has specialized in quantity over quality.
But what of TD or DS? These difficult metas, what do people usually get as loot?
I think a lot of groups gave up and this is now only done by guilds. This isn’t necessarily because there’s anything wrong with the meta (some minor adjustments could be made) but more because a large amount of what it takes to be successful is for players to listen and follow directions. Unfortunately this is just something that isn’t happening.
There are other reasons, though, like ley-line Sparks.
Is there actually good loot out of this?
No. There’s a big chest at the end which could potentially give you something good, but most of the crystallized caches are already accessible.