TY Anet for Necro/Warrior

TY Anet for Necro/Warrior

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

I’m so happy for the new Necro specialization. Just by reading the blog today, I can tell that this will make Necros the new anti-zerg meta in the proper set up.

As a Necro/Warrior, these players are no longer just a mid to back line threat. Now, they can have a dual role, playing it safe from the back line by casting conditions and CCs, and instantly switch to a high powered melee dealer in the Reaper mode. Traiting with Chill focused sigils and runes, and you’ll be able to effectively control groups of targets within zergs. Add in some PTV armors for sustainability, and that’ll give you some time to pull off your Gravedigger attack within enemy groups.

Dare I say it… Necros are looking to be awesomely Overpowered!

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

TY Anet for Necro/Warrior

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lily.1935


I’m so happy for the new Necro specialization. Just by reading the blog today, I can tell that this will make Necros the new anti-zerg meta in the proper set up.

As a Necro/Warrior, these players are no longer just a mid to back line threat. Now, they can have a dual role, playing it safe from the back line by casting conditions and CCs, and instantly switch to a high powered melee dealer in the Reaper mode. Traiting with Chill focused sigils and runes, and you’ll be able to effectively control groups of targets within zergs. Add in some PTV armors for sustainability, and that’ll give you some time to pull off your Gravedigger attack within enemy groups.

Dare I say it… Necros are looking to be awesomely Overpowered!

Have you read the Chronomancer at all? They chew on the reaper like candy. Unless we get some reveal skills, stability, resistance, movement skills and party support not only are we going to be destroyed, we’ll be permanently pushed out of competitive play. Not to mention still having no place in PvE.

TY Anet for Necro/Warrior

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: TheFantasticGman.9451


Was this a PVP thread? Unsure.

Either way, until all the new weapon skills and utilities are known I think you are extremely premature in your claim about the Reaper being even remotely overpowered. We shall see though.

Speaking from a PVE-only point of view…

TY Anet for Necro/Warrior

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Requiemcliff.1920


Was this a PVP thread? Unsure.

Either way, until all the new weapon skills and utilities are known I think you are extremely premature in your claim about the Reaper being even remotely overpowered. We shall see though.

I can agree on that point, we saw maybe one or two new skills, one in death shroud, a shout, no talents, nothing else, it could be pretty much any way how it will work until then, it’s fun to speculate, but until we see the PoI tomorrow, no point in crying Overpowered or Useless.

TY Anet for Necro/Warrior

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CodeHavoc.7926


Jeez, GS/DD necros will be rampant. I’ll be one of ’em.

Necro Jesus is a thing apparently
The Zerker Bunker meta is the biggest bug in the game

TY Anet for Necro/Warrior

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


As a Necro/Warrior, these players are no longer just a mid to back line threat. Now, they can have a dual role, playing it safe from the back line by casting conditions and CCs, and instantly switch to a high powered melee dealer in the Reaper mode. Traiting with Chill focused sigils and runes, and you’ll be able to effectively control groups of targets within zergs. Add in some PTV armors for sustainability, and that’ll give you some time to pull off your Gravedigger attack within enemy groups.

I don’t think you’re going to be to able to spec a Necro to be both good at range condi and close range zerker. Not to mention we don’t even know if the condi changes are going to finally make condi a bit more viable.

TY Anet for Necro/Warrior

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

Necros are limited by being a Light armor class. It won’t be viable to trait as a close range zerker. But that doesn’t stop them from being able to be condi-ranged, and then switch to Necro/Warrior for short term, close ranged AOE bursts. Proper CCs into a zerg will prevent them from avoiding the Gravedigger attack.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

TY Anet for Necro/Warrior

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: umbra lorde.9675

umbra lorde.9675

As a Necro/Warrior, these players are no longer just a mid to back line threat. Now, they can have a dual role, playing it safe from the back line by casting conditions and CCs, and instantly switch to a high powered melee dealer in the Reaper mode. Traiting with Chill focused sigils and runes, and you’ll be able to effectively control groups of targets within zergs. Add in some PTV armors for sustainability, and that’ll give you some time to pull off your Gravedigger attack within enemy groups.

I don’t think you’re going to be to able to spec a Necro to be both good at range condi and close range zerker. Not to mention we don’t even know if the condi changes are going to finally make condi a bit more viable.

In fact, thanks to Specialization just remove a trait line and all the staffs trait are on one line and the same thing for graet sword you can make a very powerful necro both at close and range becuse you got one trait line over to

TY Anet for Necro/Warrior

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: IntheCoconut.3497


Hopefully this will put Necro back into the PvE scene. I don’t remember the last time I saw one in a dungeon or anything else not pvp-related.

TY Anet for Necro/Warrior

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Obtena.7952


I enjoy a good read, especially one where people forget that the most successful people in PVP remember they are part of a team.

Being a good class doesn’t mean having all the tools, it means being good at bringing some useful tools.

TY Anet for Necro/Warrior

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Muchacho.2390


Necros are limited by being a Light armor class. It won’t be viable to trait as a close range zerker. But that doesn’t stop them from being able to be condi-ranged, and then switch to Necro/Warrior for short term, close ranged AOE bursts. Proper CCs into a zerg will prevent them from avoiding the Gravedigger attack.

No that is wrong, Light armor is not the problem. Necros have more effective HP then guardians yet guardians can be in melee range just fine due there active defenses, more reliable sustain and stability.

TY Anet for Necro/Warrior

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Nate.3927


I bring my necro to dungeons all the time. It’s true I get kicked by the “10k+ AP, Full Asc Zerk” type groups, but those types of people are idiots anyway. They spend 30 mins waiting for their ideal party so that they can speed run the dungeon, meanwhile I join a regular group of reasonable people and we finish all 3 runs before the other group even gets a full party.