Thank you for a great expansion so far!

Thank you for a great expansion so far!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: nacario.9417


Just wanted to chime in and express a thank you to Arenanet for a great starting experience in Hearth of Thorns! As an average-busy-family guy IRL I believe the direction you’re heading for is the right one in terms of general progression.

The story and cinematics are above living season 2, and the zones have graphical enhancements compared to vanilla Tyria. I have yet to try out WvW, but looking forward to leagues (shame no soloq though) and raids.

Also, I see quite a bit of negative feedback regarding “grind” and masteries. Some people are using the term grind wrongly, as we have lots of variations to gain experience for our masteries. Masteries is part of the journey, you can still partake in activities just that you have to be mindful of what you want to level first in order to do the activities you want faster.
Be mindful how you’re leveling (theres tons of boosters granding you 4-6k exp on yellow mobs for instance). Some things are not meant to happen NOW, think back the last 6 months, we had no updates, nothing, and now we have enough content and more to come for the next 6 months and beyond. Play the game at your own casual phase!

Now I’m outta here

Power Ranger PvP
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore

Thank you for a great expansion so far!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Brimstar.9036


Im loving it to pieces!