The Arena

The Arena

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Xenesis.6389


The stream ended not long ago and Dulfy has the notes up for it already (that was quick!)

Just to highlight what was said about arenas, more importantly it will take 2 months at minimum to unlock the arena, which probably kills the hype train for arenas lol.

  • It takes 2 months for guild to unlock arenas, the whole guild hall takes about 9 months to fully unlock everything.
  • The arenas in both guild halls are similarly sized. One might look better than the other due to the placement of speculating platforms. It is about 75% of the Obsidian Sanctum area right now.
  • Arenas allow 3 teams right now and a free for all character. There is also an invulnerable team where players on the team can’t die (decorators/referees can join this team)
  • Arenas have boundaries you can activate or deactivate. Once this boundary is deactivated, you can knock off other players off the arena platform and fall to their deaths.
  • Arenas are capped to 80 players. We have tested 20v20 and slightly more than that in free for all. It starts to feel pretty full with 20v20 battles.
  • We are looking into adding a bigger arena in the future outside guild halls in support of bigger battles.
  • You can bring other guilds into your own guild hall arena to fight you. Just invite them to a squad first so they can enter your guild hall.
  • Arenas decorations are separate from the normal decorations and you can place walls, turrets, torches etc. They are unlocked automatically when you upgrade arenas.
Another derailing post. ^^
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill

The Arena

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Jayne.9251


lol, oh dear, this is not going to go over well with the insta-prize crowd.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

The Arena

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

I think the 2 month requirement seems worse than it is. I can imagine lots of guilds, yes even the GvG only ones, will want to explore the new maps, content, specializations. Also that two months will go by quicker then the 3 weeks we have left till HoT launch. Also good to hear they know the arena seems small and they plan to make a bigger one for larger battles (most-likely it’s own map).

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

The Arena

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: EmoGiggles.9078


The stream ended not long ago and Dulfy has the notes up for it already (that was quick!)

  • Arenas allow 3 teams right now and a free for all character. There is also an invulnerable team where players on the team can’t die (decorators/referees can join this team)

So my question’s are:
1. Will this be where spectators can go to watch matches?
2. Will they be able to watch a live match or will be it a limited playback one like in GW1 MAT’s?
3. Will there be a ranking system that will also allow guild matches to be played back?
4. Will their be an option to make sure no one “upgrades or decorates” an arena while a match is in progress?

~Emo Giggles ~
Mag, FA, TC, SoS, BG and Deso (EU)
(Because one account, is never enough)

The Arena

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Nate.3927


The stream ended not long ago and Dulfy has the notes up for it already (that was quick!)

  • Arenas allow 3 teams right now and a free for all character. There is also an invulnerable team where players on the team can’t die (decorators/referees can join this team)

So my question’s are:
1. Will this be where spectators can go to watch matches?
2. Will they be able to watch a live match or will be it a limited playback one like in GW1 MAT’s?
3. Will there be a ranking system that will also allow guild matches to be played back?
4. Will their be an option to make sure no one “upgrades or decorates” an arena while a match is in progress?

1. You can spectate from outside the actual fighting area so you won’t be disturbing the fight, or if allowed by whichever guild is hosting you can spectate by being in the invuln team

2. Live match. Also I think they said 80 people max on the map instance, so assuming 20 v 20s, then that’s 40 spectators/refs/etc

3. Doubt it

4. That would be up to the guild that’s hosting.