The Graphics Curve

The Graphics Curve

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: cyanweapon.7290


This post won’t be focused on the gameplay content or new mechanics, but the graphical presentation and its pull on resources vs. what we’re used to.

To preface, my machine is not optimal. To run GW2 reasonably, I have to work on minimal, or next-to-minimal settings. But every map does run fluidly enough, and I can handle fighting Teq and Jormag’s Claw. The latter is usually a bit laggy, but still do-able. It’s unfortunate, but I know I’m not the only one who has to experience the game this way.

I’m pretty sure it’s common knowledge by now that Dry Top and Silverwastes require considerably larger amounts of resources; crippling to those of us with weaker machines. I’m not sure why those maps would run at such an agonizingly slow pace when the open fields and busy cities across Tyria don’t, but that’s a thing.

My initial concern when the expansion was announced was that Dry Top and Silverwastes were being used as a sort of “graphical litmus test” to determine if whatever settings were being used (that made them so darn slow) would be permissible to use in future maps moving forward. If that were the case, and they deemed it acceptable, I simply wouldn’t be able to take part in the expansion. It wouldn’t even be feasible.

I needed to know whether or not I would be able to join in, so I farmed for the beta access key. That was three days straight of farming the Silverwastes. That’s how badly I wanted to know if I could play the expansion, just to put things in context.

My Determination

My Beta test started in the Silverwastes, which of course meant excessive lag and unnecessary, completely preventable deaths. I was trying out the new profession, too, so unfamiliarity with the skills likely played into this as well, but not nearly as much.

The story mission, the details of which I’ll avoid for spoiler’s sake, introduced me to a new map – and, sadly, what felt like the same overt pull on resources. I slugged through it and made it into the map proper.

This is where it became a sort of mixed bag. I feel like the map is closer in performance with the mainstay of Tyria, which is great, but only in certain areas. The volume of people milling around could have been impacting things, as well as maybe some internal instability, I don’t know. But I do know there’s a lot of ambient, but graphically-sophisticated effects happening that are the likelier culprits.

So here’s my feedback.

To players: Those of you who are presently running GW2 on minimal or low graphics, buckle up. Though the second non-instanced map I experienced was a lot better than the Silverwastes or Dry Top, it was NOT a smooth run. This could mean the graphics curve is being raised, which is bad news for us.

To developers: There are three options that I see here.
-The first is to proceed as normal, which unfortunately may result in a dropoff of loyal, but financially-strap players simply for their inability to play the content.
-The second is to rein back whatever it is that’s being such a toll on resources – I have every faith that your team knows what these aspects are better than I.
-The third, make it a choice. As I suspect those pretty special effects are the cause of the resource-devouring, give us a toggle to turn it off. People in my position have already made the choice to surrender prettiness in favor of playability; help us stick with the community.

In the end, this matter would benefit a lot from developer response so we have a clear idea of what to expect and prepare for.

I hope this has been helpful!

The Graphics Curve

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: PizzaTheHut.2058


I have a laptop that doesn’t have a great processor, but my graphics card is pretty good. Skyrim runs at really high settings without a problem for me, but GW2 at just about lowest settings has run ok for me.

I can deal with this limitation (I’m one of those people who wonders if DX11 would have helped the game run better), but in the HoT area it does not run smoothly for me. Shadow effects everywhere, fire effects everywhere, particle effects across the sky, all across multiple vertical layers (which probably means more stuff has to be loaded than usual). As this is a beta I’m sure that some things can be tweaked, but I doubt it will be enough.

I can get older and newer MMOs to look better and run smoother, but if the expansion for GW2 is going to run slower and force me to turn down the settings, then I’m just not interested. I’m sorry, I’m not picky about graphics, but I shouldn’t have to sacrifice my enjoyment in every possible way. Even one of my friends who has a top of the line gaming rig gets fps drops in GW2, so clearly the game is not as efficient as it needs to be, which is a shame.