The problem with the new maps

The problem with the new maps

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Neox.3497


Generally I think the new maps have 2 problems.

  • 1. Empty maps (or the feeling of ‘empty maps’)

I don’t know if it’s just a bug that many players join empty maps or if they just think they are empty. However that’s a problem either way simply because the thought of an empty map makes you less likely to do events since they are meant to be done with many players.

  • 2. No direction when playing

When you join a map very often it isn’t clear where the current events are. Example: Verdant Brink most of the time. Yes you can visit the outposts but quite often the events are somewhere else. You do events less likely if you don’t even know where they are.

These two points combine make the new maps not so fun to play since most of the content are the events OR are content gated behind the events.

The only ‘solution’ that could work so far are commander tags but not every player has it or tags up.

I really think a change of how the events are shown on the map would be a good start.

How are your experiences so far?

The problem with the new maps

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: appaloosa.6427


I agree with point 2. Actually forgot to mention it in a thread I’ve just started. Personally, I’ve not had much of a problem with point 1, but I’ve been grouped for most of the content so far.

The problem with the new maps

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Neox.3497


I agree with point 2. Actually forgot to mention it in a thread I’ve just started. Personally, I’ve not had much of a problem with point 1, but I’ve been grouped for most of the content so far.

Yeah point 1. is varying for me quite a lot. The first day I actually had the best Verdant Brink maps. Now they feel (or are) very empty and the same for Auric Basin. While I can understand that many players also moved to the other 2 maps I don’t think that the first 2 maps aren’t played anymore at all.

The problem with the new maps

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Alkalissa.1706


I would also add to this that the “verticality” and layers of the map make it very difficult to find and event even when you’re in the right xy position; and often the place you have to go to change layers is quite a way away and not obvious. I’m sure it’ll get easier as we all learn the maps more, but for initial exploring it’s confusing as heck, and I’m not sure it’s worth it just for more vertically complex maps.

The problem with the new maps

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Neox.3497


I would also add to this that the “verticality” and layers of the map make it very difficult to find and event even when you’re in the right xy position; and often the place you have to go to change layers is quite a way away and not obvious. I’m sure it’ll get easier as we all learn the maps more, but for initial exploring it’s confusing as heck, and I’m not sure it’s worth it just for more vertically complex maps.

That’s really true for Tangled Depths.

The problem with the new maps

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: lagrangewei.8516


the problem with the map is they are larger yet they do not have meaningful change to their population cap. and it not just the HoT map, WvW is dying because of this nonsense. in map where ppl zerg, you are left with a big chunk of map that has no player where the megaserver system fails.

also the timed event thing that kill all player is stupid when the game like to spawn player like in the map’s “last 10 second” and you wp in only to be murdered by the game. this is STUPID.

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