The solution to fixing HYPE -

The solution to fixing HYPE -

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Derigar.7810


- Is for Arena Net to release a permanent release schedule that updates weekly on the front page. This release schedule would show the future blogs by title and the week they’ll be released in. Every week would be a blog about a small feature (a mastery track, a new race, etc…) and every month a blog about a big feature (specialisations mainly).

It could look similarly to how we’re getting our daily rewards, 6 small blogs and then one big rewarding blog.

Coming up, in Heart of Thorns…

April week 1: Hylek sub-races
April week 2: Fractal masteries
April week 3: New enemies!
April week 4: Revenant: A new legendary.

Big news: May – Mesmer Specialisation

At least it would give players SOMETHING to look forward too. The reason Pokémon keeps selling a metric kitten ton of games every generation is because they: A) Begin hype early and B ) Maintain hype high at a constant rate. They do B ) by giving information of equal magnitude at an even rate. Every month, pokémon fans KNOW they’ll get a big batch of juicy information. It keeps the hype for weeks on end, and then the hype becomes even bigger and enthusiastic when they have to wait for the next batch of information. The hype GENERATES more hype… It’s ridiculous but it works. This is where you, Arena Net, aren’t living up too. The hype train started at the announcement. It kicked off gloriously, it was a giant raging river.

Then you let it die. The revenant blog made it spike up again, but then it just died… Current hype: a mere stream in the Andals.

The thing is, to keep a stream flowing, you need to continue supplying it with water for it to flow. You’re not doing it. And no, if you think that shady comments on how to maximize play time in the Jungle, or some cannabis addicted frog culture is going to increase hype, you’re dead wrong. Hype means big, flashy and exciting. It means changing the current grind. It means hope for fun. When I look at most of your blogs released so far, my hope for fun trickled down to an exciting new patch. Nothing more, nothing less. Why do you wonder many people are saying this expansion isn’t worthy of the lable “expansion”? It’s because we don’t know any better.

So make us know better. Hire a Hollywood action movie director for Christ’s sake. Just increase the hype because otherwise, all this work will be for nothing.

(edited by Derigar.7810)

The solution to fixing HYPE -

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mo Mo.1947

Mo Mo.1947

They ARE releasing stuff regularly. Strange to see this post right after they released a regular batch of hype. You might want to look into their weekly Point of Interest streams also.

They’re not going to give us notice ahead of time on what hype they release. With this batch of trolls you’d see a bunch of people complaining about Hylek blogs for a week before it actually posted if you gave them a schedule. Unfortunately the complaint trolls must be kept at bay.

The solution to fixing HYPE -

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Rauderi.8706



But they won’t do it, so instead, everyone who could have been converted into buying the expansion is fed up and leaving. For the steaming pile of ESO, no less. :\

Many alts; handle it!
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632

The solution to fixing HYPE -

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Andred.1087


Or you and everyone who won’t shut up about hype could just realize there’s more to life than GW2…

Just increase the hype because otherwise, all this work will be for nothing.

Yeah, nothing except the metric tons of money they’re going to get from expansion sales.

“You’ll PAY to know what you really think.” ~ J. R. “Bob” Dobbs

(edited by Andred.1087)

The solution to fixing HYPE -

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Derigar.7810


Or you and everyone who won’t shut up about hype could just realize there’s more to life than GW2…

Just increase the hype because otherwise, all this work will be for nothing.

Yeah, nothing except the metric tons of money they’re going to get from expansion sales.

You’re really a negative person at heart, aren’t you? I shall pray for you this evening.

Anyway, the point I’m trying to make is that hype makes a person keep going back to discuss the new expansion and talk about it. Hype makes your time in-game a lot more fun too. Hype is a GOOD thing, not a bad thing. I don’t see why increasing it is such a bad idea.

The solution to fixing HYPE -

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: JoshuaRAWR.4653


They should be giving us the information how they gave it to us when they were announcing/releasing/amping up feature packs.

Warrior 80 | Guardian 80 | Ranger 80 | Engineer 80 |
Thief 80 | Elementalist 80 | Mesmer 80 | Necromancer 80 | Revenant TBA

The solution to fixing HYPE -

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Rezzet.3614


the hype has turned to the negative side so far at this rate it ll get worse as expansion is in closed beta wich means there ll be 1-3 more months left after this beta goes and then open beta starts , if any at all .

The solution to fixing HYPE -

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pockethole.5031


They ARE releasing stuff regularly. Strange to see this post right after they released a regular batch of hype. You might want to look into their weekly Point of Interest streams also.

They’re not going to give us notice ahead of time on what hype they release. With this batch of trolls you’d see a bunch of people complaining about Hylek blogs for a week before it actually posted if you gave them a schedule. Unfortunately the complaint trolls must be kept at bay.

How about you let ANET speak for themselves? Let’s see how often they care for these posts, and what they think about it.
Or are you getting paid for defending their system? Then I understand.

I think OP made a good point, she/he even used an example. At least I agree with her/him.

The solution to fixing HYPE -

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Or you and everyone who won’t shut up about hype could just realize there’s more to life than GW2…

Just increase the hype because otherwise, all this work will be for nothing.

Yeah, nothing except the metric tons of money they’re going to get from expansion sales.

You’re really a negative person at heart, aren’t you? I shall pray for you this evening.

Anyway, the point I’m trying to make is that hype makes a person keep going back to discuss the new expansion and talk about it. Hype makes your time in-game a lot more fun too. Hype is a GOOD thing, not a bad thing. I don’t see why increasing it is such a bad idea.

These people just don’t get it. The silence is a huge problem with this team. Just like the use of DR to try to stop bots unsuccessfully, attempting to kill the trinity which lead to the zerker meta problem, and nerfing loot to try to preserve the gold selling system for buying progression items from the TP, these things have all been tried before and there are several very good reasons why they failed and having a poorly distributed developer blog system is no different.

Being silent about the progress on any product will lead to it being forgotten by the people you’re trying to attract. It should be common knowledge of any first year PR student really.

Frankly, I think the OP has a great schedule it beats the schedule they have hands down!

And no LOL saying that this thread came out just after they finally mentioned something in no way negates his very valid and supportive point about the lack of information coming out of the studio right now!

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

The solution to fixing HYPE -

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Obtena.7952


Being silent about the progress on any product will lead to it being forgotten by the people you’re trying to attract. It should be common knowledge of any first year PR student really.

Good thing ANet isn’t silent. We get regular updates.

The solution to fixing HYPE -

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Derigar.7810


Being silent about the progress on any product will lead to it being forgotten by the people you’re trying to attract. It should be common knowledge of any first year PR student really.

Good thing ANet isn’t silent. We get regular updates.

Next time you post, read & reply to the complete post instead of selectively quoting.

The solution to fixing HYPE -

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: jweez.7214


I was going to say that it is off putting that you think you know better how to promote/advertise a product better than the people who get paid to do so…

Then I thought back to that god awful trailer they used to launch gw2…

So instead I’ll just say carry on.

The solution to fixing HYPE -

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: yolo swaggins.2570

yolo swaggins.2570

I would have to agree with OP.

If you tell players what they are looking forward to, it is best to go with the juicier bits. Not whole topics but parts of it. For example, specializations is a hot topic every player wants. Simply touching on the new weapons specializations would bring or on some of the specialization mechanics themselves would keep a great number of players onboard especially if you release the information 1 profession at a time.

But players essentially care about the meat of the expansion. It is what keeps them onboard. NEW things like masteries, specializations, etc. are what make up the meat of the expansion. And if anet wants to keep the hype levels high they need to start showing them. At this rate players will feel there really isn’t much to look forward to in HoT except more hylek and sniper salads.

Just think of it as a steak dinner. If you eat the tender juicy steak first (show hot topics first), the dryer part of the steak (filler stuff nobody cares muchabout) will soak up the juices and slide down the throat easier (because impressions are already high players will be satisfied even with more hylek).

Liaison for [Teef]
“Please stop complaining about stuff you don’t even know about.” ~Nocta

(edited by yolo swaggins.2570)

The solution to fixing HYPE -

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Merchant Of Shadows.1526

Merchant Of Shadows.1526

I’d like something to come out of anet in a blog post that was interesting. Since the revenant blog (in which we got very minimal information) I’ve kind of quit thinking about the game. I’m a huge anet fanboy and love this game, but I’m getting bored.

There are no updates in game. I understand they are all working hard to make HoT a reality for us all!…Well at least let us know something about it then? not having anything new to do in game for month after month really sucks. i could deal with that if I was reading new information about what is goin on behind the scenes or what i’m excited about.

The frogs… I understand that Anet probably likes their new frog creation. They look cool. I can’t understand why after not revealing anything to do with PVE in so long the first thing they throw out at us is a blog post about frogs. FROGS. I’ve never read something by them and ended it by saying “ok, so why did I read that?…” except for now.

“You really need to find something else to do with your time!!!” Those kind of people suck. Anet doesn’t want us doing something else with our time. Their livelihoods depend on us spending our time and money in their game. If I leave, why would I come back? I do many other things and play many other games but I really don’t want to leave GW2, but it seems to be getting stagnant. =[

The solution to fixing HYPE -

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mo Mo.1947

Mo Mo.1947

They ARE releasing stuff regularly. Strange to see this post right after they released a regular batch of hype. You might want to look into their weekly Point of Interest streams also.

They’re not going to give us notice ahead of time on what hype they release. With this batch of trolls you’d see a bunch of people complaining about Hylek blogs for a week before it actually posted if you gave them a schedule. Unfortunately the complaint trolls must be kept at bay.

How about you let ANET speak for themselves? Let’s see how often they care for these posts, and what they think about it.

Or are you getting paid for defending their system? Then I understand.

I think OP made a good point, she/he even used an example. At least I agree with her/him.

I’m just defending reason. No reason for ANet to respond to a senseless complaint thread. You can agree with OP, but I still think asking for news right after we get news and ignoring all the weekly POI videos and pretending we don’t get details about the game is a pretty sloppy arguement.

The solution to fixing HYPE -

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Derigar.7810


They ARE releasing stuff regularly. Strange to see this post right after they released a regular batch of hype. You might want to look into their weekly Point of Interest streams also.

They’re not going to give us notice ahead of time on what hype they release. With this batch of trolls you’d see a bunch of people complaining about Hylek blogs for a week before it actually posted if you gave them a schedule. Unfortunately the complaint trolls must be kept at bay.

How about you let ANET speak for themselves? Let’s see how often they care for these posts, and what they think about it.

Or are you getting paid for defending their system? Then I understand.

I think OP made a good point, she/he even used an example. At least I agree with her/him.

I’m just defending reason. No reason for ANet to respond to a senseless complaint thread. You can agree with OP, but I still think asking for news right after we get news and ignoring all the weekly POI videos and pretending we don’t get details about the game is a pretty sloppy arguement.

I, too, find that a sloppy argument.

Oh wait, you were referring to mine. Except that isn’t my argument at all.

I’m talking about them giving us a hype-focal point, in which that focal point gives a piece of meaty information on something MANY want to read. Frogs do not include to that, and neither does a WvW map. Specialisations are here the big attraction. Let them give us that.