Sunday evening at 11:30 PM CST after a few hours of great PvP in the game I decided I wanted to relax a bit and go cap some hero challenges on the second map in HoT. Watching map chat from the time I entered the zone until I attempted to utilize t myself was painful and quite sad. Three questions asked about map sepecifics over the course of about 15 minutes and not a single answer offered up. Aside from that… crickets.
Went to GH and came back. Played some more. Same experience. A few questions asked, no one answering. I realized very few were on the map. The map was highly populated the previous week. I finally realize the swarm of gammers who come tough like locust and consume everything then move on to…. something else. Were mostly gone. Either sleeping after their 200+ hour stint of play or off to some other game having scarfed down the content they needed. One of their friends can tell them when Raids hit and they can come back when things get interesting again.
I know gamer culture well, but sadly I’m not 14 any more.
At this point I realize I’ve missed the heard and that since HoT is largely no soloable I’ll be reduced to running from mobs most of the time and playing a lot of adventures for XP. I realize getting help with a specific Hero Challenge will be near impossible and require a lot of begging from this point on (or waiting around).
In spite of all this I still love the expansion. I can’t think of much the developer can do to change things to make it better for the more casual players. They can’t control the habits of the swarm or be expected to. As a predominately PvP player my goals with HoT have nothing to do with maxing masteries, legendaries, etc.. I care about finishing the story missions and I care about Elite Specialization unlock. Even at 250 HP the Elite Specialization is going to be much more difficult for the non-heard/swarming “I got their fist nah-na-na-nah-na-na” crowd to obtain, because the resources to help are much more limited at this juncture. That’s why we were pushing so hard for ANet to change it as to not appease the swarm. But of course if the swarm got their way they might stick around another month.
The difference between the average “swarm” player and the more causal PvE types. The “swarm” player is just scarfing down the game to move on. They are generally gamer who player many game.s. The more casual types I’ve met generally player 1 game, GW2 because their time is limited and they’ve chosen GW2 HoT to be the one to devote to. If GW2 were your product which of these two groups do you think is going to give you the highest return on investment over time?
So now the herd is gone (no don’t belching on the GW2 content they scarfed down) the dust can settle. It’s been a bit like moving into a new house only to immediately have a house party the day you move in that last a week. Then finally people leave and you get to enjoy your house. I think we’re transitioning into that phase now as the swarm of “game jumpers” move on to whatever is new and shinny.
After this long rant I’ve decided the best thing I can do at this point is to go back to the first map and just offer to help people. Put my PvE goals ahead and just focus on helping others fullfill their goals. I can at least try to make the game a bit better for someone. I truly believe even with the 250 HP cap that, with the swarm now gone it will take months to obtain all hero challenge points needed. But at least there is still PvP.