Theory Crafting : Tempest Specialization

Theory Crafting : Tempest Specialization

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kiyo Reiryu.8703

Kiyo Reiryu.8703

Hey guys,
My name is Kiyo and I’ve been a dedicated elementalist in almost every game I’ve played (GW1, WoW, FF14, etc)

You can only imagine my excitement when the speculation for the Elementalist specialization was noted as the Tempest and would be getting the sword as a main hand weapon. After countless hours of forum scrubbing I have yet to come across any concrete information about the class so (as most gamer’s do) I began to speculate on what would make the class interesting.

Lets Start!:

First, The name. A tempest is described as a violent windstorm, especially one with heavy rain, hail, or snow. The name in itself sort of sets the standard for the damage output for the class. Elementalist has always been the class with the highest risk vs rewards factor. Low armor and health rating in exchange for abusive AoE damage. The bar has been set for the Tempest.

Weapon: Sword
The weapon announced was the Sword.
(( let me just say this is a big deal, Now I have a reason to farm the Fractal Sword))
Having the sword coupled with the destructive nature of a tempest, I assume that the weapon speed would be comparable to the D/D elementalist. Being close ranged does pose a threat for the squishy elementalist. My assumption is that there would be greater rewards for the Tempest to be in close range, like Buffs, Health Regeneration (Water Attunment), and even Stability alongside a skill set that would provide mid-range AoE damage with tons of self-buff options. Making the Tempest a violent storm to be near.

((Its probably not a good idea to give the elementalist/tempest the bleed stat because the class already deals tons of high end damage and applies tons of conditions))

Specialization Trait/Skill
I was sitting down and thinking, what would make the Tempest super fun. and it dawned on me. The Elementalist already has the Conjured weapons profession mechanic, and I got to thinking: What if there was a way to enhance that feature and I thought, Potentially adding more Conjured weapons would be the most simplest of solutions, but there has to be more to it. then it hit me!

There is only one skill that the Elementalist have that is directly related to a Tempest
and that would be the Tornado Elite Skill (which is awkwardly classified as a transform skill.)

If there were a way to incorporate the blade spinning (much similar to the Dervish from the GW:Nightfall Expansion) but thats thinking a bit too comparative.

Then i thought, It seems as though Anet is incorporating some of its original elements from the original guild wars into the expansion for gw2
: ex. Chronomancer being an original concept for the cancelled expansion GW:Utopia,
Reaper gaining profession similarities of both the Dervish as well as the Paragon(shouts).

Following that same path of thinking, The elementalist had a pretty nifty exploit in GW1, by being a secondary Ritualist. and currently (other than Mesmer clones) there aren’t many incorporations of the Ritualist’s abilities within the GW2 universe.
Elementalist does have Conjured weapons which provide team support
(i.e. Icebow & Firey GS) as well as the Elemental summons.

Thats all i have for now. Tell me what you think.

Anvil Rock Server - Elementalist [Temptest]
PvE – PvP

Theory Crafting : Tempest Specialization

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Larynx.2453


This is one of the loosest uses of the word “Theorycraft” I’ve ever seen. “Baseless speculation” is more accurate.

Theory Crafting : Tempest Specialization

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DresdenAllblack.1249


Didn’t someone say Eles were getting mantras.

Angelina is free game again.
Crystal Desert

Theory Crafting : Tempest Specialization

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kiyo Reiryu.8703

Kiyo Reiryu.8703

This is one of the loosest uses of the word “Theorycraft” I’ve ever seen. “Baseless speculation” is more accurate.

Rude…. but Thats all Theory Crafting is technically.
Baseless user speculation. I even clearly state this being MY OWN IDEAS

But there are some hints to the class.
specifically the data mine one user has done to find some of the in-game skill codes:

[&Bw5rAAA=][&B8VsAAA=][&B5FvAAA=][&B6ZvAAA=][&B8ZoAAA=][&B2NrAAA=] [&B1lpAAA=][&BxBqAAA=][&BwltAAA=][&BzJpAAA=][&B+JuAAA=][&B2RtAAA=][&BzdsAAA=][&B41tAAA=][&B7JpAAA=][&B6FvAAA=][&B29rAAA=][&B7tqAAA=][&B5JqAAA=][&B15oAAA=]

Anything else SINCE ITS NOT CONFIRMED BY ANET, is exactly that, speculation.
try to be less rude on others ideas.

Anvil Rock Server - Elementalist [Temptest]
PvE – PvP

Theory Crafting : Tempest Specialization

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Larynx.2453


Rude…. but Thats all Theory Crafting is technically.
Baseless user speculation.

No. That’s just baseless user speculation.

This is actual theorycrafting:

And this is actual theorycrafting:

Here’s another example of actual theorycrafting:

I could show you some Starcraft examples, but I don’t think you need a 2 hour long presentation on why delaying your vespene gas by 10 seconds is optimal.

(edited by Larynx.2453)

Theory Crafting : Tempest Specialization

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: FalconBeta.9185


Mesmer gets a new F5 (most likely due to it only getting a shield) and guardian and necro get 2handed weapons and have their existing Profession skills (virtues/shroud) changed into new skills

So I was wondering… What would an Ele get? Its speculated that its going to be a main-hand sword and im not sure about utility skills, but what is there to add beyond that? Now this may sound crazy (and it is), but what if Tempest edits all of your existing air attunement skills (even the skills for other weapons), and your air attunement is swapped out for a ‘Tempest attunement,’ and your air specialization traits will still affect the ‘tempest attunement.’ while you’re using the Elite specialization

This would allow people who always wanted to focus more into 1 attunement to feel like they’re more focused into 1 type of magic, and future elite specializations would allow you to focus on the other attunements (pyromancer, geomancer, etc etc)
and it wouldn’t really be ‘that’ Op, considering that you’re still limited to 3 specializations. So instead of having 3 attunements traited, you would 2 attunements traited, and one of them is much stronger.

idk, just my crazy idea that I had the other night and felt like sharing lol

Theory Crafting : Tempest Specialization

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kiyo Reiryu.8703

Kiyo Reiryu.8703

Rude…. but Thats all Theory Crafting is technically.
Baseless user speculation.

No. That’s just baseless user speculation.

This is actual theorycrafting:

And this is actual theorycrafting:

Here’s another example of actual theorycrafting:

I could show you some Starcraft examples, but I don’t think you need a 2 hour long presentation on why delaying your vespene gas by 10 seconds is optimal.

so its safe to say you have a 0% intention on talking about the topic of this thread. but instead criticize. tsk.

Anvil Rock Server - Elementalist [Temptest]
PvE – PvP

Theory Crafting : Tempest Specialization

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kiyo Reiryu.8703

Kiyo Reiryu.8703

Mesmer gets a new F5 (most likely due to it only getting a shield) and guardian and necro get 2handed weapons and have their existing Profession skills (virtues/shroud) changed into new skills

So I was wondering… What would an Ele get? Its speculated that its going to be a main-hand sword and im not sure about utility skills, but what is there to add beyond that? Now this may sound crazy (and it is), but what if Tempest edits all of your existing air attunement skills (even the skills for other weapons), and your air attunement is swapped out for a ‘Tempest attunement,’ and your air specialization traits will still affect the ‘tempest attunement.’ while you’re using the Elite specialization

This would allow people who always wanted to focus more into 1 attunement to feel like they’re more focused into 1 type of magic, and future elite specializations would allow you to focus on the other attunements (pyromancer, geomancer, etc etc)
and it wouldn’t really be ‘that’ Op, considering that you’re still limited to 3 specializations. So instead of having 3 attunements traited, you would 2 attunements traited, and one of them is much stronger.

idk, just my crazy idea that I had the other night and felt like sharing lol

I like this concept. I’d love to be able to spec into water/ice magic specifically. currently the game requires that you swap between multiple attunements to gain all of the classes benefits. but focusing on a specific would make a more individualized experience.

I hope this is the case

Anvil Rock Server - Elementalist [Temptest]
PvE – PvP