There should have been more achievements...

There should have been more achievements...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


…in HoT.

Vanilla has over 15k worth of achievement points.

The daily cap is 15k.

Yet HoT has barely a few thousand achievements.

If this expansion is supposed to give people goals that stretch until the next expansion, why haven’t traditional catagories been expanded?

Where are the specialialization SPvP achievements?

Where are the new WvW achievements?

Why not give extensive achievements for dungeons to encourage people to go back after the massive reward nerf?

Based upon current numbers players will never be able to reach more than two or three pinnacle weapons.

There should have been more achievements...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: warbignime.4610


That is the whole point, if they hand our AP like free candy then they would be meaningless.

Some must fight so that all may be free.

There should have been more achievements...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


No, the OP is right.. there should be more achievements… Anet is already years planning ahead with goals towards 60000 AP and we can absolutely not reach them at all.

When they plan already soo far ahead, then they should provide also Achievements, that brign us at least to 50000 AP, so that ANet has at least 10000 AP leeway to have time to make new achievements to set the maximum AP to a new higher setting of say for example 100000 AP planned ahead then, once we reach 50000 AP.

Theres tons of unused potential, that isbn’t used here to add more achievements and to add more achievements to make usaghe of all that potential is absolutely not “handing out Ap like free candy”, thats absolute nonsensical BS.

Handing out AP liek free candy would be, if they would just add tons of new effortless achievements that you get practicalyl gifted for having nothing done at all.
But addign alot of achioevements that require you to do something new or something better, than before what hasn’t had an achivement before is something, that Anet should finally consider to improve the game with ON A REGULAR BASIS.

It can’t be wished too much, that Anet should add with every Patch on a regular basis also some few new Achievements, so that each patch always adds also a little bit new to do for those, that like to hunt down AP.
Stuff that should provide Achievements:


Region Achievements: They introduced them with Season 2 and added them in their typical unfinished incomplete way instead of adding it in a proper way that makes it directly clear for everybody, that its Achievements, that will get expanded.
They should add to absolutely all Regions of the Game Achievements. That would be good for the game, because when all the old Maps get their own Region Achievements, does this make the game not look only lesser incomplete, but also would give alot of players incentive to go revisit for some longer time the old Maps what would revitalize the game.

Grandmaster Achievements They should FINALLY add Jeweler and Chef 500, now also together with Scribe 500 so that this system is finally complete also so that these 3 craftign jobs can get finally also their Grandmaster Achievements

Adventures Its a great System, that should also be expanded on the old Maps whereever possible. it would also like Region Achievements greatly help in revitalizing older maps

Raids I’m pretty sure, these will get their own achievement Section once Add unlocks them

Fractals of the Mist They should add some new Fractals, like for example a Marionette Fight as a new type of “Mass Player Fractal” making it possible to earn the achievements from those boss batttles there again if you missed some due to people failing on their sides

SAB Its about time, that they bring back finally SAB and continue it to make this typical incomplete mess finally complete, together with the return of Hardmode and then finally permanently so that you can play it whenever you want

Specializations are a no brainer, they will add with them continously now new achioevements whenever they add more Elite Specializations for their various collections

Collections Here is alot of wasted potential so far. Where are for example the collections of the other Gods ? We have so far only a Dwayna Collection.
Balthasar, Grenth, Lyssa, Melandru, Kormir, Abaddon Collections??? Would make only sense to add them, so that we can earn titles related to the other gods too like Acolyte of Melandru, Acolyte of Lyssa and so on
Theres also alot of weapon sets, that could get their own collection achievements…
like the Sunless Weapons, like the Destroyer Weapons, like achievement point weapon sets, like the Ceremonial Weapons, like the Dreamthistle Set, ,like the Dredge Set, like the Ebon Vanguard Set, like the Lionsguard Set, like the Guild Weapon Set(s), like the Krait Set, like the Legionnaire Set, like the Modniir Set, like the Molten Set, like the Mystic Weapon Set, like the Ogre Set, like the Orrian Set, liek the Pact Set, like the Pearl Set, liek the Pirate set, like the Seraph Set, like the Tribal Set, like the Verdant Set

So many sets, that have yet no collections, but should have one.

Fashion There should be a fashion achievement for Back Items, liek the various Crafter Back Items and others

Legendary Achievements so far there for Weapons and Back items, its here also a no brainer, that armors/aquabreathers should follow and somewhen later also Accessoires to make this complete

Explorator: Why is there no achievement for explorating the world 100%. There shoudl be one..

Weapon Master: Should Anet ever add new Weapon Types, like Halberds, Whips, Greataxes, Gauntlets/Claws, Javelins or throwing weapons like Boomerangs/Chakrams/Kunais/Shurikens, then here this sdection gets naturally new achievement.
But the section should get in genrakl also new achievements, not only for killing enemies with a specific weapon, but also for doing finishing moves while using specific weapons. Each weapon should provide also a unique weapon related finishign Move that you earn, once you mastered the weapon with 5000 Kills

World Bosses- Another section where Anet so far wasted tons of potential is by finally bringign all World Bosses up on par with the Tequatl Design. Each World Boss should provide its own achievements like Tequatl/Tri Wurm and should have its very own unique items you can get from them, like Tequatl’s Rune of the Sunless, Tequatl Minipet and Sunless Weapons.
The old Boss Achievement UI is outdated and the old Boss achievements shoudl get merged into the world boss achievement sections for every single world boss so thatg we get rid finally that obsolete old Boss Section and get to the point, where Tequatl and Tri Wurm already are, that each Boss has its own achievement section. Theres no need anymore for a shared boss achievement section with some single achievements from each boss.
Anet should start this change for example with finally redesigning at first the other Dragon Champions, like especially the Shatterer.

Guild Achievements A huge point,m where Anet wastes potential.. why are there no Guild Achievements, somethign speacial that you can earn only as a guild by doing Guild Missions, for unlockign the various new guild Decorations, for upgradign your Guild and so on …

And all of this so far is still just only PvE…. theres also alot of wasted potential for PvP and WvW

Fact is simply said.. there needs to come more.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

There should have been more achievements...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


Vanilla has over 15k worth of achievement points.

The daily cap is 15k.

Yes the daily cap is at 15k but vanilla GW2 actually had ~7k Achievement Points and another 7k was added by the Living World, to give us a total of 28k pre-HoT APs. I think HoT should also have ~7k APs, and then the next LW until the second expasion another 7k and so on.

How many APs did HoT actually add into the game? I never bothered to add them all.