This is Inflation, Pure and Simple

This is Inflation, Pure and Simple

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: IchbinVol.5407


The $50 price tag, for HoT, is ridiculous. GW1 expansions were priced at $29.99, if memory serves me correctly, and you received a whole lot more for your buck. 2 new classes, a bevy of new skills for all, and dozens of new maps…dozens.

Now, to be fair, Anet hasn’t shown us much, so it could be more than what they’re letting on… However, this still screams of inflation, as it apparently costs a small fortune to hire an animator to move a limb, nowadays.

This is Inflation, Pure and Simple

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Healix.5819


GW2’s original price tag was $59.99, which is standard for new games. HoT is $49.99, which is the standard for full expansions. $40 was the standard for MMO expansions with subscriptions. The last WoW expansion was $49.99, the others were $40.

The GW1 campaigns were $59.99 and treated as standalone games. EotN was $34.99 and GW1’s only actual expansion.

HoT is simply priced to that of the standard. Whether it actually offers the amount of content you would expect out of a full priced expansion is another question.