Thoughts on HoT and some of the drama
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Vella the knight.6072
generally I don’t really like with the way anet treats its players but that is just me to most they seem to be a godsend to me their just meh.
mostly typing this because I’m continue to get d/c login errors making most of the game pretty unplayable at times.
Warning grammer maybe poor
So far I haven’t put much effort into completing this only on mission 5 and learning that masteries did play a part i might as spend time getting Heart of Maguuma masteries done in VB seeing it has the most activity and higher chance of events being complete atm. But from what I’ve played its a bit better then Season 1 and season 2 of living story was handle which those two really put me off from this games story almost completely.
Elite Specs/alts:
having finally completed herald on my revenant since dropping my 3 years of guardian mainly thanks to WvW and base game hero points this pushes players away from playing alts in pve for most parts and WvW till you play it enough to get enough level ups for heroics. some of these elite specs are straight up stronger to have on some classes then before. but I feel it really doesn’t matter since you should be sticking to one class in this game since anet for over 2 years has put in so many efforts to stop alts from being any kinda of use biggest one for me was back before the first dungeon reward change where I could do cof 1 and 2 on all my characters of each class which got me a ton of tokens every day and if i felt like it I would do other dungeons as well but after the change I wasn’t able to do that anymore other then that the only real use is leaving my characters parked somewhere or change up in spvp.
basically putting in basic mmo stuff from my standpoint. Yes its a way to slow down players but since anet has really not made us play that way at all since gw2 launch a lot of players more or less the casual players are kinda of mad at this, thankfully cof1 provides with a means to make central tyria Mastery a lot more bareable, I don’t want to spend a lot of my time going back to old content to get my mastery up I wanted to spend time in the jungle like you advertise anet. currently two major ways is Orr train which probably dead now since Cof1 way. for heart its basically spend a lot of time doing events as well as being limited to what you can do without certain gliding masteries and zones respected lore masteries. Another Stance on this is I understand Ffxiv story way of unlocking content isn’t the best but the way masteries does it make ffxiv way look like a godsend
did not care for this aspect of the game really didn’t like the zerg vs zerg and spend time roaming to find nothing but zergs. the new Maps i did get to explore due to Blackgate and Yak’sbend not recapping EB last night. maps are pretty dam confusing there are certainly bottlenecks and I could see why wvw players don’t like this you really can’t tell where a zerg is at because there are to many vertical walls blocking the way compared to the open maps before. the new keep defenders are far better then what we had before for defending making defend far more possible from it seems instead of one sided. again WvW isn’t my strong suit I only got to explore the map once during a Ktrain its nice but pretty overwhelming to any new person to it.
finally a new mode and new skills to play with like this is all I asked for from the game since the launch, why couldn’t we of gotten more skills far earlier. Still don’t like skyhammer instant fall deaths are not fun onto others or receiving. Of course the biggest problem is the forcing esport, still pvp has been thru balance hell personally some classes are straight up defeat others again ele for the longest time was pretty hard to 1v1. new rewards are welcome conquest is really old and stale after three years.
Cof1 is love Cof1 provides, honestly if cof1 wasn’t a thing dungeons would be completely dead, as you can not find a dungeon group at all anymore maybe get some guildies together if their willing to get tokens but I don’t see these done as they were before.
Fractals probably the biggest problem of this all while the gold sink is real for this content now, the rewards so far i’ve gotten are underwhelming before and after getting Fractal Rank 3 mastery done. The boxes you get that needed a key if you don’t have the mastery seems you need to sink a bit more gold into buying them outside the stablizations which so far have provided me with enough to keep up with the locked boxes, I have not open them just probably out to see a better sample size now idk if we can keep getting boxes all day as well as keys and matrixs. I do like the 1 fractal mode now far more fair in terms of length instead of forced to sit thru ton of fractals in a row and get next to nothing. Now im only on level 36 because I do not have ascended armor, I’d spend my daily crafts on selling them then hording them because ascended was limited to high level fractals I still don’t look forward to them and with raids and legendary armor coming why should I still make a set when I could save all that gold and or mats for that.
TLDR for drama: casual have to deal with actual mmo game, short and sweet people a mmo probably isn’t the game for you if you can’t handle a bit of grind, play aion/tera or any korean game then complain to me about grind. thou a legit problem is gating content behind masteries