Three legendaries?

Three legendaries?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: mrstealth.6701


I for one would rather have release sooner instead of waiting months just so that they can get all legendaries ready.

I for one would like to see concept of unfinished legendaries yet so at least i can decide if i should wait for them. Why waiting for another hammer that looks like a staff? …


Tbh i think they shouldnt release any new legendaries till they wont make full set. Its simply unfair if it happen that my class cant use one of these 3 weapons..

agree…..we’ve waited this long….what’s a few more months? they can still release the “lead-up” masteries w/ HoT.

A few months is a huge insult and annoyance to paying customers that have to wait to even decide on a legendary while others are already making theirs. Even if they add the masteries for others, a lot of people aren’t going to want to start working on some unknown weapon to be added at an unknown time.

Footsteps Of War [FoW] | Yak’s Bend
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra

(edited by mrstealth.6701)

Three legendaries?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: BIGHARSHNESS.3510


Dunno, i think is not bad move for several reasons

1) We’ll have a legendary Backpack to do
2) They totally reworked the legendary system with a precursor journey for every legendary
3) Many of the actual legendaries are really good so not really need to introduce an entire new set immediatly.

So if you don’t like the new three legendaries you can wait and in the meantime focusing on backpack or other old legendaries.

This! Did anyone actually buy this expansion purely for shiny, expensive weapons that aren’t statistically better than their ascended counterpart outside of stat changing? Legendaries aren’t made fast unless you have an ungodly amount of gold. Three is pretty time consuming. I thought I read that more will be added as time goes on. Keep in mind that a large portion of players don’t have a single legendary because of the precursor issue. The fact that we will now be able to obtain them without having to grind gold to give to another player makes the old legendary weapons pretty new to this crowd. It may still be a grind, but at least that grind only benefits yourself.

You can complain about a lack of content which there is no evidence for or against currently… but would you buy HoT if it has 12 new legendary weapons, and no new maps? Sounds pretty silly to me. I rather have more playable content and than new weapon skins. You can’t tell me you can make all of these weapons within a week of release… if you can, you are in a small minority of players.

Three legendaries?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: mrstealth.6701


Legendaries aren’t made fast unless you have an ungodly amount of gold. Three is pretty time consuming. I thought I read that more will be added as time goes on.

You’re making the assumption that people will want all three of them.

It means nothing if you don’t even have a choice of something you will use or want. Three weapons I have no interest in, or use for, consume none of my time. It wastes time that I could spend working toward a legendary I want.

Footsteps Of War [FoW] | Yak’s Bend
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra

Three legendaries?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Fox.3469


Legendaries aren’t made fast unless you have an ungodly amount of gold. Three is pretty time consuming. I thought I read that more will be added as time goes on.

You’re making the assumption that people will want all three of them.

It means nothing if you don’t even have a choice of something you will use or want. Three weapons I have no interest in, or use for, consume none of my time. It wastes time that I could spend working toward a legendary I want.

And when the weapons you have interest in come out, other people may feel the same because they don’t want that weapon. This is purely an infant argument stamping your foot on the ground holding your breath and crying, i want them now!!

Whenever a new legendairy comes out, some people will think, meh i want weapons for my class, and cry about it. Simple fact is this is perfect for really hardcore players with almost every class. (and i’m not one of those, but i understand how this is awesome for them) As they get gradual goals to go for, as for the rest of us, it’s not worse then it is now or was at release. We just get our update to look forward to.

They will always work to having the same number of legendairy’s for each weapon, so the ammount of content you are getting is the same, it’s just spread out, wich encourages true collectors to go for more then they do now and does not affect normal players at all…

If you are looking for a cozy mature Dutch guild (EU) let me know.

Three legendaries?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: mrstealth.6701


And when the weapons you have interest in come out, other people may feel the same because they don’t want that weapon. This is purely an infant argument stamping your foot on the ground holding your breath and crying, i want them now!!

This is precisely why they should release them only as a full set. It’s not about crying that I want mine now, it’s about treating everyone equally and giving fair choice among all professions/weapon types. I don’t want them now, I want them when they are done. I don’t care if a weapon I would like is in that set of three. I would still want them all held back till a full set is ready.

I play every profession, and use quite a few different weapons on all of them. This is most certainly not an “infantile” argument all about me. This is about treating your customers equally and releasing a finished/complete product, not a piece-meal work in progress with a promise of being finished later.

Whenever a new legendairy comes out, some people will think, meh i want weapons for my class, and cry about it. Simple fact is this is perfect for really hardcore players with almost every class. (and i’m not one of those, but i understand how this is awesome for them) As they get gradual goals to go for, as for the rest of us, it’s not worse then it is now or was at release. We just get our update to look forward to.

They will always work to having the same number of legendairy’s for each weapon, so the ammount of content you are getting is the same, it’s just spread out, wich encourages true collectors to go for more then they do now and does not affect normal players at all…

I don’t see how this is encouraging “true collectors” to go for more. The minority that will make every legendary just have it will do that no matter how they release them. For everyone else that doesn’t want one of these three weapons, they’re stuck not even being able to start working on some major parts of their own for the future.

It’s just one more thing to add to the pile of HoT’s lackings. Anet has been talking about adding more legendary weapons for years, but they only have 3 ready after all this time. It’s a weapon skin, a mastery/collection, and a set of items for a recipe. They have already shown that weapon skins are pretty quick/easy to add. The same seems true for a collection. And the recipes likely share some items, and the rest (looking at current legendaries’ gifts) probably follow a common pattern with different material combos. So what about this takes so long that they can only release 3 of them with a supposedly complete expansion?

This would be more palatable if it was coming as a free feature update. But not when they are making it part of a retail product that costs $50.

Footsteps Of War [FoW] | Yak’s Bend
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra

(edited by mrstealth.6701)

Three legendaries?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Fox.3469


Everyone is being treated equally cause everyone will eventually get them. One type of weapon wielder does not get less content then another, they may however get it at different times.

Look i’m done discussing this.
There is 2 possibility’s here, either the legendary’s are directly bound to the story, and they planned to release them as the story goes on to match it. In wich case they can’t release all at launch, (in this case most likely they are listed to be finished by the time their story comes out.) to late to change anything about that now.

2nd possibility: The tracks and/or legendary weapons themselves aren’t all finished and won’t be finished by launch. In wich case that is also to late to change anything about now.

Result: you can kitten all you want, and assume all you want, this isn’t gonna change.

If you are looking for a cozy mature Dutch guild (EU) let me know.

Three legendaries?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vix.6730


And when the weapons you have interest in come out, other people may feel the same because they don’t want that weapon. This is purely an infant argument stamping your foot on the ground holding your breath and crying, i want them now!!

Out of the 19 available weapons you’re seriously defending a company that could only make three more? Nobody was expecting a full compliment of new legendaries but three (if true) is pathetic. The entire argument of “if it doesn’t fit your playstyle then wait” goes by the waist side when they only release three new legendaries . Hardcore or casual, there’s no excuse for that kind of limited release. But feel free to continue and make excuses…

Three legendaries?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Fox.3469


Out of the 19 available weapons you’re seriously defending a company that could only make three more?

Yes i am. They are constantly releasing new weapons wich have skins that atm even rival some legendairy’s. I want legendairy’s to be something special beyond normal weapons.
As for weapon skins added, since release, every few months there have been weapons added to the game, not one, but an entire set everytime, often even in months after eachother.

Maybe you should stop supporting this company if you think they are that bad, the door is right there.

If you are looking for a cozy mature Dutch guild (EU) let me know.

Three legendaries?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: mrstealth.6701


Everyone is being treated equally cause everyone will eventually get them. One type of weapon wielder does not get less content then another, they may however get it at different times.

That is a textbook definition of not being treated equally. I’m not sure how anyone could see that as equality.

Footsteps Of War [FoW] | Yak’s Bend
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra

Three legendaries?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: mrstealth.6701


As for weapon skins added, since release, every few months there have been weapons added to the game, not one, but an entire set everytime, often even in months after eachother.

They can do this…repeatedly…yet only 3 legendaries? This doesn’t seem odd at all?

Special or not, it’s still just a weapon skin. And that’s pretty easy to make. It’s not like each one of them is adding new mechanics to the game, or something similarly complex. If the mastery and a recipe template is in place for 3, what’s slowing down the other 16 so much?

For all the money they’re asking for, and the work they’re claiming to be doing, they sure don’t have much to actually show for it.

Maybe you should stop supporting this company if you think they are that bad, the door is right there.

This is exactly what many of us are doing by not pre-purchasing HoT. At least until Anet shows it’s actually worth what they are asking.

Footsteps Of War [FoW] | Yak’s Bend
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra

Three legendaries?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Blackarps.1974


I remember Jon Peters mentioning in a POI that he’s seen a few and loved them (this was a few months ago). Maybe he was mentioning that he saw some that Anet was trying to pick between or maybe he saw a bunch that are going to be implemented.

No matter the real answer, I surely hope its more than 3 because this is one of the things I’m looking forward to. I’m wanting to start right away on a new staff.

Maguuma Guardian

Three legendaries?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Fox.3469


Everyone is being treated equally cause everyone will eventually get them. One type of weapon wielder does not get less content then another, they may however get it at different times.

That is a textbook definition of not being treated equally. I’m not sure how anyone could see that as equality.

People who play this game, and don’t get super obsessed about skins, will say this is far more equal then having to trow 1000’s of blades into a forge only to see someone else pull out the precursor at second try.
People who rush trough everything to then sit pretty in lions arch and complain about no content, hell let’s not treat them equal, i don’t have a problem with that, let’s focus on the people who love to play and who’d love for their legendairy to be more then “what’s the best way to earn gold”. I don’t kittening mind if my class or the weapon i want comes the last of all of them. It’s something to look forward to then.

I will wait if it means better and more fleshed out content to obtain these weapons.
And no i wouldn’t want them to focus to much on it now, cause i want the basic content in the expansion to have priority. But hey, call me crazy, idk, at least i won’t judge a game or expansion by the types of shiny things to aquire. I feel sad that so many people couldn’t care less about the content itself.

If you are looking for a cozy mature Dutch guild (EU) let me know.

Three legendaries?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Fox.3469


Special or not, it’s still just a weapon skin.

The first generation was, the second generation that obviously want to be more then just that. This is clear just from the little they talked about legedary’s going forward.

This is exactly what many of us are doing by not pre-purchasing HoT. At least until Anet shows it’s actually worth what they are asking.

Thank god, we don’t need more people kittened off cause they pre-purchased without thinking. Just take your time, look at all the info coming in, get more informed and make a call based on what you know. You have every right not to purchase the expansion, even based on it not having enough legendary weapons. (altough you’ll still be a morron in my eyes if this in any way affects the outcome, no offense)

If you are looking for a cozy mature Dutch guild (EU) let me know.

(edited by Fox.3469)

Three legendaries?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Fox.3469


I remember Jon Peters mentioning in a POI that he’s seen a few and loved them (this was a few months ago). Maybe he was mentioning that he saw some that Anet was trying to pick between or maybe he saw a bunch that are going to be implemented.

No matter the real answer, I surely hope its more than 3 because this is one of the things I’m looking forward to. I’m wanting to start right away on a new staff.

I’ve seen this one to, wich is why i’m convinced they are keeping them back to tie them in with the story going forward, wich i think would be perfect. Hell i may even unlock a legendairy warhorn just for the lore behind it. Who cares if noone ever uses it.

If you are looking for a cozy mature Dutch guild (EU) let me know.

Three legendaries?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: mrstealth.6701


People who play this game, and don’t get super obsessed about skins, will say this is far more equal then having to trow 1000’s of blades into a forge only to see someone else pull out the precursor at second try.
People who rush trough everything to then sit pretty in lions arch and complain about no content, hell let’s not treat them equal, i don’t have a problem with that, let’s focus on the people who love to play and who’d love for their legendairy to be more then “what’s the best way to earn gold”. I don’t kittening mind if my class or the weapon i want comes the last of all of them. It’s something to look forward to then.

That has nothing to do with releasing an incomplete set being equal or not. The inequality here is the majority of weapons being left behind while a select few get new legendary options, regardless of how they are obtained. If anything, the new system for obtaining precursors being available to those select few exaggerates the inequality even further.

Yeah, the heavy reliance on RNG for precursors sucks. And this is coming from someone that got 4 out 5 from the forge. The new system brings a non-RNG (hopefully, as we don’t know if the collection will have RNG drops or not) way to obtain them, which is great. But it’s not great that so many will have to wait a lot longer for it.

Footsteps Of War [FoW] | Yak’s Bend
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra

(edited by mrstealth.6701)

Three legendaries?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kyban.4031


That has nothing to do with releasing an incomplete set being equal or not. The inequality here is the majority of weapons being left behind while a select few get new legendary options, regardless of how they are obtained. If anything, the new system for obtaining precursors being available to those select few exaggerates the inequality even further.

Yeah, the heavy reliance on RNG for precursors sucks. And this is coming from someone that got 4 out 5 from the forge. The new system brings a non-RNG (hopefully, as we don’t know if the collection will have RNG drops or not) way to obtain them, which is great. But it’s not great that so many will have to wait a lot longer for it.

I believe the old ones will be getting the precursor collection treatment as well.

Three legendaries?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: mrstealth.6701


This is exactly what many of us are doing by not pre-purchasing HoT. At least until Anet shows it’s actually worth what they are asking.

Thank god, we don’t need more people kittened off cause they pre-purchased without thinking. Just take your time, look at all the info coming in, get more informed and make a call based on what you know. You have every right not to purchase the expansion, even based on it not having enough legendary weapons. (altough you’ll still be a morron in my eyes if this in any way affects the outcome, no offense)

I wish there actually was information coming in. But it is difficult to give information about things that don’t exist.

Lacking a full set of legendaries is just more evidence that Anet is knowingly pushing out an incomplete product. It’s not about the weapons themselves as much as it is the complete disregard for customers that it represents.

And it’s pretty disappointing to see that people actually trying to stand up for their fellow gamers and consumers, and hold companies to a higher standard, are seen as morons.

Footsteps Of War [FoW] | Yak’s Bend
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra

Three legendaries?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: mrstealth.6701


That has nothing to do with releasing an incomplete set being equal or not. The inequality here is the majority of weapons being left behind while a select few get new legendary options, regardless of how they are obtained. If anything, the new system for obtaining precursors being available to those select few exaggerates the inequality even further.

Yeah, the heavy reliance on RNG for precursors sucks. And this is coming from someone that got 4 out 5 from the forge. The new system brings a non-RNG (hopefully, as we don’t know if the collection will have RNG drops or not) way to obtain them, which is great. But it’s not great that so many will have to wait a lot longer for it.

I believe the old ones will be getting the precursor collection treatment as well.

At some point, yes. With new precursor skins, as well. But I don’t think it’s been stated whether that will happen at release or not.

If this does happen at release, then it only makes lacking a full set of new weapons at launch even worse. If they managed to do that for all of the existing ones, what’s holding up the new ones so much?

Footsteps Of War [FoW] | Yak’s Bend
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra

Three legendaries?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Fox.3469


People who play this game, and don’t get super obsessed about skins, will say this is far more equal then having to trow 1000’s of blades into a forge only to see someone else pull out the precursor at second try.
People who rush trough everything to then sit pretty in lions arch and complain about no content, hell let’s not treat them equal, i don’t have a problem with that, let’s focus on the people who love to play and who’d love for their legendairy to be more then “what’s the best way to earn gold”. I don’t kittening mind if my class or the weapon i want comes the last of all of them. It’s something to look forward to then.

That has nothing to do with releasing an incomplete set being equal or not. The inequality here is the majority of weapons being left behind while a select few get new legendary options, regardless of how they are obtained. If anything, the new system for obtaining precursors being available to those select few exaggerates the inequality even further.

Yeah, the heavy reliance on RNG for precursors sucks. And this is coming from someone that got 4 out 5 from the forge. The new system brings a non-RNG (hopefully, as we don’t know if the collection will have RNG drops or not) way to obtain them, which is great. But it’s not great that so many will have to wait a lot longer for it.

So if i’m following your logic, let’s not give the Sylvari different story dialog or options (we don’t really know the extend of this) because the Norn will probally have to wait till the jormag expansion to get their unique story experience?

Where does this stop? Were you mad when they released braham’s mace and shield and rox bow with the story in the gem store? Do you mind that the shadow assasin’s outfit is just a perfect fit for thieves or that there aren’t really that much heavy looking costumes in the gemstore? Or is it purely because they are legendary’s they have to be there all at once? This isn’t the first time certain weapons will get a skin while others don’t, it certainly isn’t the first time weapons look way better on certain classes(do i need to remind you of the guardian skill “kittenupmyshield” also known as “aegis”.

Yet because these are legendary weapons it somehow makes it super important that it fits the mold you think of?
What if the vision A-net has for legendary weapons in the future, just doesn’t fit that mold. (for example involving it somehow in the story) Do you want to hear there vision, or even how the current ones will work, first? Or will you keep holding your breath in protest?

I wish there actually was information coming in. But it is difficult to give information about things that don’t exist.

This made me flip the kitten out, seriously i’ve never seen an mmo releasing more weekly info.

If you are looking for a cozy mature Dutch guild (EU) let me know.

(edited by Fox.3469)

Three legendaries?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Fox.3469


That has nothing to do with releasing an incomplete set being equal or not. The inequality here is the majority of weapons being left behind while a select few get new legendary options, regardless of how they are obtained. If anything, the new system for obtaining precursors being available to those select few exaggerates the inequality even further.

Yeah, the heavy reliance on RNG for precursors sucks. And this is coming from someone that got 4 out 5 from the forge. The new system brings a non-RNG (hopefully, as we don’t know if the collection will have RNG drops or not) way to obtain them, which is great. But it’s not great that so many will have to wait a lot longer for it.

I believe the old ones will be getting the precursor collection treatment as well.

At some point, yes. With new precursor skins, as well. But I don’t think it’s been stated whether that will happen at release or not.

If this does happen at release, then it only makes lacking a full set of new weapons at launch even worse. If they managed to do that for all of the existing ones, what’s holding up the new ones so much?

Ehm, this system is already in the beta(for the old ones)

If you are looking for a cozy mature Dutch guild (EU) let me know.

Three legendaries?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

How is it unacceptable?

  • It’s not as if anyone is going to be able to forge a legend on day 1
  • Would you prefer 19 meh legends? Or three fantabulous ones? (if they are gross designs, my argument loses a lot of weight)
  • What if they have the next three introduced as part of Living Story Season 3, Episode 2? And then 3 more and so on until they are all released?

I don’t want to dismiss the importance that skins have for players. However, in the end, won’t the gameplay be far more important? If it’s a truly compelling game in scope, breadth, depth, and enjoyment, then isn’t it acceptable to wait longer for legendaries and other skins?

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Three legendaries?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: mrstealth.6701


So if i’m following your logic, let’s not give the Sylvari different story dialog or options (we don’t really know the extend of this) because the Norn will probally have to wait till the jormag expansion to get their unique story experience?

Are we really going to compare legendary weapons, the most prestigious items to go after…to a few lines of a dialogue in a story that everyone gets?

If previous LS chapters are any indication, each race is likely to have unique dialogue in some spots in the story.

Where does this stop? Were you mad when they released braham’s mace and shield and rox bow with the story in the gem store?

Mad? No.
Would it be nice if they had released full sets of weapons in those styles? Yes.
That’s something they probably should have done. But these are extra fluff items added to the gemstore, not high-prestige, end-game weapons that were always touted as a major game feature.

Do you mind that the shadow assasin’s outfit is just a perfect fit for thieves or that there aren’t really that much heavy looking costumes in the gemstore?

That is the entire point of outfits. Something that anyone can wear, no matter what their actual armor class is. And a lot of the outfits don’t really look like any specific class of armor. Medium armor styles aren’t really any more represented than heavies.

it certainly isn’t the first time weapons look way better on certain classes(do i need to remind you of the guardian skill “kittenupmyshield” also known as “aegis”.

That is just entirely subjective. And I actually quite like the way aegis looks on my shield.

Yet because these are legendary weapons it somehow makes it super important that it fits the mold you think of?

Anet themselves are holding legendaries in a high regard by touting new weapons and methods of crafting them as major HoT features. One of the main features that isn’t even complete at launch, and gives preferential treatment to some players…yeah, that’s a problem. It’s called an anti-consumer practice.

What if the vision A-net has for legendary weapons in the future, just doesn’t fit that mold. (for example involving it somehow in the story) Do you want to hear there vision, or even how the current ones will work, first? Or will you keep holding your breath in protest?

I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make there. Making up an idea about weapons somehow being linked to the story changes what exactly? Unless this story is yet another incomplete feature, that will get released in pieces. In which case, we’re right back at the same problem of HoT being an incomplete product.

As for their vision, that’s already known. They’ve been telling us about it for a while now. There is no reason to “hold my breath” over something we all should already know. We’re missing details, but they’ve laid out the system they’re going for.

That vision is fine. The overhaul in precursor acquisition has been needed for 3 years. It was talked about and touted long ago, and even stated to be in a later free feature pack. It’s good that it will finally be a reality.

The problem is releasing an unfinished product, especially when that product can’t even treat all of your customers equally. The vision doesn’t really matter in that. The overhaul of acquisition doesn’t matter. What is in the gem store doesn’t matter.

If you want to make a hypothetical comparison about it, make one that is actually comparable to the actual issue instead of derailing onto other aspects that aren’t relevant. But there is really no point in doing so. It’s a pretty simple issue, and all of the ‘what ifs’ in the world aren’t going to change that.

edit: forgot something

This made me flip the kitten out, seriously i’ve never seen an mmo releasing more weekly info.

So. How many maps are we getting? How many new event outposts? How many story chapters at release? New armor/weapon sets? Any new fractals or dungeons? They just mention some 5-player bosses unlocked via lore mastery…how many are there?

Most of the info we’ve been getting is related to the professions, the new wvw/pvp maps, or guild halls. We know pretty much nothing about the actual playable game content of this expansion.

There is a map. it’s called Verdant Brink. It has some events, content outposts, and challenges. There are other maps implied, but whether they will exist at release is still unknown. There is at least one chapter of a story, there might be more at release, and more will come later. We’ll talk about some new challenging group content later on.

…I think that pretty much covers what we know about HoT’s pve content.

Footsteps Of War [FoW] | Yak’s Bend
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra

(edited by mrstealth.6701)

Three legendaries?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

You can start working on your new Legendary day one, no matter when your particular weapon-of-choice is released.

You must make your way through all the present Precursor Mastery tracks first, before being able to unlock and concentrate on whatever new Precursor you might want.

Good luck.

Three legendaries?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Fox.3469


Are we really going to compare legendary weapons, the most prestigious items to go after…to a few lines of a dialogue in a story that everyone gets?

This is the point where we stop talking, since you clearly have not the same priority about important things in the game as i do.

Good day sir.

Actual content being less important then rewards, what a joke.

If you are looking for a cozy mature Dutch guild (EU) let me know.

Three legendaries?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: mrstealth.6701


Are we really going to compare legendary weapons, the most prestigious items to go after…to a few lines of a dialogue in a story that everyone gets?

This is the point where we stop talking, since you clearly have not the same priority about important things in the game as i do.

Good day sir.

Actual content being less important then rewards, what a joke.

Content that everyone gets, but has a few lines of different dialogue for a race. That’s pretty minor. You’re talking about a line of text, not playable content. I’d guess that a lot of people care more about having more weapon skin options, than they do about a couple lines of text/dialogue. Those things are quite nice to see, but in the end they are just minor touches that bring some extra life to the world.

Sure, if the Sylvari had entire story instances that no other race had an equivalent to, it could be bad(depending on length). Even if they did have a short instance, it is going to get a pass because it’s important to the overall story. But an NPC being mean to you because you’re a plant is not significant content. It’s important to the story realism, but it’s not being unfair to anyone else in any way.

I’m sorry that straw man argument failed to get any traction.

(edit for clarification)

Footsteps Of War [FoW] | Yak’s Bend
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra

(edited by mrstealth.6701)

Three legendaries?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: lukejoe.1592


It really doesn’t matter how long it takes you to get a legendary. If your favorite weapon isn’t one of the three you’ve got to wait an unspecified amount of time to find out if it’s going to be awesome or is it’s going to be another lame joke pistol. This is crazy!

They make weapon sets all the time; a legendary could not be that much more work after all the foot steps and what not are included. ANET is either going to be a company with a game that can pump out awesome content, or it’s going to be a company that takes 3+ years to come up with a new legendary [insert weapon].

This is just the latest thing to fracture my confidence in GW2. I’m basically just playing Skyforge now and having a blast with it. Just checking in to see if they ever tell us the Warrior elite spec.

Three legendaries?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: mrstealth.6701


This is just the latest thing to fracture my confidence in GW2.

That’s how I see it.

There are bigger concerns, like how much playable content is in the new maps, and how many story chapters we have at launch. But the fact that they can’t even give us a full set of weapons does nothing but make me feel other areas will be just as disappointing.

Footsteps Of War [FoW] | Yak’s Bend
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra