As long as five players who are friends and want to play together and all want to do the same role have the chance to complete the content without changing to a different role, then I don’t care how they change it up. Be it they all want to play DPS or they all want to play Support or Control or whatever.
I don’t want to have to wait for someone in a particular build to show up in order to be able to do content.
Some people really enjoy soloing content. Add hard roles to the game and you destroy their fun. Because they can no longer do it alone. They have to bring others.
There is a limit to this. Five dedicated healer builds for example, that sacrifice essentially all of their DPS and defense to be as efficient at healing as possible.
Five characters with build like that should not be able to deal with all content. If you make all the content such that any and all builds – and combinations of builds – can drudge through it, you will sacrifice far too much.
If you take it to extreme, you’d have to give up all time based combat challenges, all ‘hold the line’ type challenges, and a lot of other mechanics. Taken to the wider scale, most – if not all – of the current world boss fights that are even a little challenging, would be impossible.
You can’t compare dungeon mechanics to world boss mechanics. 5 players in a group are not able to take a world boss down because a world boss is a World Event and they need more than 5 players. World bosses would be doable no matter what because enough people will be in a variety of builds that it wouldn’t matter. And unless you want to chase away a LOT of casual players, you can’t make open world have hard roles. That leaves dungeons as the only real place hard roles would cause a problem.
Hard roles:
Neutral out on inclusive/exclusive. You can claim they are more inclusive of more builds, but if the group already has the max number of DPS players and is needing a healer and a tank, then any DPS player that wants to join is excluded. Players should not be forced to carry around multiple sets of armor and have multiple builds in order to always be included in a dungeon run. And if there are 5 groups of players needing healers and only 3 healers are on that are wanting to do dungeons, that’s a lot of waiting time for 2 groups of players. And this game was ADVERTISED as not having to wait for someone to fill a specific role.
Yes, current set up does have people waiting for people that fit what they want to join the group, but they are choosing to wait for a specific person. They aren’t forced to do so by the game.
And yes, I say the five healers should be able to complete the same content that five DPS players should. Slower as they’ve sacrificed DPS for healing. But still able to do so. And the game currently allows for any group of players with any combination of builds to complete content. So I would not be sacrificing anything to keep it that way.