Tips for GH Claim?
From what i have heard, 4 people can do it, though it likely would require a really good coordination. Better get few people more, that will give you some safety. The best number seems to be 9 players (10th will add a second maw per wave).
Not sure how it is for Gilded Hallow, but for Lost Precipice the hints are:
[LP] 1. make sure as many people as possible have updraft mastery unlocked. It speeds movement a lot.
2. move in groups. Don’t attack maws one person after another. If you are first to arrive, wait for the second (or third) player before engaging.
3. Kill vinetenders asap. Just group focus on them one after another. You can see where they are by the chain visuals that connect them to maws.
4. If you have more players, have the toughest one run in circles and pull aggro from other mobs, leaving your damage team to dps in relative peace.
[LP] 5. water is safe. when going after maws at the bottom of the map, you can just jump into the water and swim without being slowed down by random mobs on the way
6. You can clear random mobs before triggering the event. If they are too much of a nuisance during traveling across map, you should probably do so.
7. If you die often enough to get your armor destroyed, remember, that as long as you are in the guild, you can just leave the instance, jump to the mists/wvw, fix yourselves up and return (though of course the best time for it is in between attempts, not during one)
and 8. Try, try, try and try. After several times you will find it’s getting easier – you will start to recognize maw spawning spots right away, you will learn how to traverse the map faste, and you will get used to the maws and tenders.
(points marked by [LP] are likely map-specific and may work differently for Gilded Hollow – though there are likely similar equivalents)
Remember, remember, 15th of November
We did claimed gilded hollow with 4 people. Start right away, you need some dps, so try to keep the might up. Use things like stability because there are some knockbacks. And focus/target immediatly on the mob that is shielding the ‘Maw’ with all players. If the mobs are dead and that ‘maw’ is about to die, others can already go back to mid when maw is around 5-10% while 1 can stay behind to finish off the maw.
So move quickly, kill the mob that shields the maw immediatly, keep the dps going, kill the maw and move again