Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DarthMcCoy.8657


Not sure if this has been mentioned before or if the devs confirmed it or not, but I am seriously hopping that the tomes of knowledge will be disabled from being used by the Revenant class.

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

Why? That makes no sense. Revenants don’t get special story or anything. What exactly is the value of not being able to level them up immediately if that’s how you want to roll?

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: thefantasticg.3984


Well, Kal, it’s just Darth here wants to force his view point on other players and he wants the Dev’s to force EVERYONE to do what he wants to do which is to level the Rev up without any tomes or exp scrolls. It’s pretty obvious.

I, for one, will be using exp scrolls, writs, and tomes to get mine up to LVL 80 as fast as possible.

RNG is a bell curve. Better hope you’re on the right side.

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vizardlorde.8243


Because punishing older players for having played longer is the way to go :p

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


why? you want to force people into the new player experience? Leveling is a really tiny part of the game, tome of knowledge are merely here to allow experienced player to skip an irrelevant leveling phase.
People that enjoy doing map completion will still do it even if they are 80, people that don’t will just be able to enjoy the profession at it’s fullest right away. It’s little to no different then leveling in wvw environment or just using the profession in Spvp.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DarthMcCoy.8657


Oh I have the tomes to make it to instant 80, I just don’t want to see a bunch of bads, running around, not knowing what they are doing and ruining everyone else gameplay just because they skipped the learning experience part.

Have you seen those players that instant level an ele to 80 and how bad they are?
Same concept.

(edited by DarthMcCoy.8657)

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vizardlorde.8243


From my experience people who play disregarding class mechanics are bad regardless how long they’ve been playing their character.

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Brave Mallyki.1563

Brave Mallyki.1563

Why is that? Because, you don’t have enough Tomes to get your Rev to 80? Or, is it, because you don’t want to speed level your fresh Rev to 80, and feel that others shouldn’t also?

Why stop at Tomes? How about disabling Scrolls of Knowledge or Experience Scrolls to be usable for Revs?

If you don’t want to speed level your Rev, that’s fine, but don’t force other players to play how you want to play.

Vox Invictus [VOX] – Crystal Desert
PvP Rank – 151 – Dragon
WvW Rank – 1,120 – Silver Colonel

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DarthMcCoy.8657


Not sure who plays or used to play WoW, but when they had the instant level up items you could never use them on the new class, example the Monk, you had to go thru learning to play them and use them. That is why I am hoping they disable the instant level up part, nothing worst than having people that have no idea what they are doing running around and ruining the new content.

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MiniEquine.6014


Oh I have the tomes to make it to instant 80, I just don’t want to see a bunch of kitten s running around, not knowing what they are doing and ruining everyone else gameplay just because they skipped the learning experience part.

Have you seen those players that instant level an ele to 80 and how bad they are?
Same concept.

Then they’re bad because they’re new to the class, but not necessarily because they, themselves, are bad. If anybody can insta-level a character to 80, then need at least 80 ToK, which means they have been playing for a few months of time at least, and that’s if they literally never used any of them. If they’ve been playing that long, chances are they will eventually learn the class and either keep playing or realize that they don’t like it. You don’t necessarily learn if you like a class though until you get all of your utilities/elites unlocked and a majority of your traits, so it would be unreasonable to force people through the lowest levels where you spam 111111121111112 until you learn skill 3.

Also, you seem really salty. Are you referring to WvW or sPvP? If so, sPvP will be interesting the first month or so, but I could see it being more of an issue in WvW. It will not be much of a problem in PvE.

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DarthMcCoy.8657


Oh I have the tomes to make it to instant 80, I just don’t want to see a bunch of kitten s running around, not knowing what they are doing and ruining everyone else gameplay just because they skipped the learning experience part.

Have you seen those players that instant level an ele to 80 and how bad they are?
Same concept.

Then they’re bad because they’re new to the class, but not necessarily because they, themselves, are bad. If anybody can insta-level a character to 80, then need at least 80 ToK, which means they have been playing for a few months of time at least, and that’s if they literally never used any of them. If they’ve been playing that long, chances are they will eventually learn the class and either keep playing or realize that they don’t like it. You don’t necessarily learn if you like a class though until you get all of your utilities/elites unlocked and a majority of your traits, so it would be unreasonable to force people through the lowest levels where you spam 111111121111112 until you learn skill 3.

Also, you seem really salty. Are you referring to WvW or sPvP? If so, sPvP will be interesting the first month or so, but I could see it being more of an issue in WvW. It will not be much of a problem in PvE.

Not salty just using common sense, I doubt Revenants will be an issue in WvW for a a month or so, unless they are incredibly OP with any setup.

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: thefantasticg.3984


Oh I have the tomes to make it to instant 80, I just don’t want to see a bunch of bads, running around, not knowing what they are doing and ruining everyone else gameplay just because they skipped the learning experience part.

Have you seen those players that instant level an ele to 80 and how bad they are?
Same concept.

Have you tried the NPE? That thing is effin’ terrible. I’d rather insta-80 and pay monies to get the traits unlocked then go through the NPE. Geezus, man… And no, I"ve never played WoW so I don’t care for the compairison as it means nothing to me.

EDIT: Not to mention, lvl 80 is where I’m going to be spending the VAST majority of time on the toon so I’d rather learn it at 80 than before that when all the skills weren’t opened up. And I have to agree with this: “From my experience people who play disregarding class mechanics are bad regardless how long they’ve been playing their character.”

RNG is a bell curve. Better hope you’re on the right side.

(edited by thefantasticg.3984)

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DarthMcCoy.8657


Oh I have the tomes to make it to instant 80, I just don’t want to see a bunch of bads, running around, not knowing what they are doing and ruining everyone else gameplay just because they skipped the learning experience part.

Have you seen those players that instant level an ele to 80 and how bad they are?
Same concept.

Have you tried the NPE? That thing is effin’ terrible. I’d rather insta-80 and pay monies to get the traits unlocked then go through the NPE. Geezus, man… And no, I"ve never played WoW so I don’t care for the compairison as it means nothing to me.

Yeah I have tried the NPE, I have 3 accounts, and over 25+ toons with 18 of them being level 80, out of those 80, 10 are leveled up using the NPE.
Also they mentioned there will be changes to that part so I hope they remove the having to unlock the traits and all that stupid nonsense.

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kodiak.3281


I don’t really see any point in this.

I leveled a new Thief from 0-20 using a birthday scroll, then 20-80 in about 2 days of Edge of the Mist Karma trains. I don’t have to learn to play a character, I just follow the zerg, and mindlessly kill Champs all day long. I never learned how to play the thief, I still have no appreciation for the class beyond spam “Unload” with Pistol/Pistol which I know from my other amount of experience playing the game is a “bad” way to play.

The mindless karma trains are but one way to level. I have also leveled numerous characters by throwing gold at them and level them up almost entirely by Crafting (each craft 1-400 is 11 levels). I have numerous boosters I could turn into crafting boosters and level entirely this way with a birthday booster and I have ample time to prepare and get all the mats I need now to make me a Revenant in no time flat.

Assuming people will learn their class 1-80 is a poor assumption at best and serves no real purpose. Limiting Tomes of Knowledge ultimately serves no purpose but annoyance.

Kodiak X – Blackgate

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DarthMcCoy.8657


From my experience people who play disregarding class mechanics are bad regardless how long they’ve been playing their character.

That is true, except everyone and their mother will be playing revenant, imagine the exponential level of terribles running around because they instant level, have no idea how to play the toon, and the new content requires team work… yeah, thought so.

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MiniEquine.6014


Not sure who plays or used to play WoW, but when they had the instant level up items you could never use them on the new class, example the Monk, you had to go thru learning to play them and use them. That is why I am hoping they disable the instant level up part, nothing worst than having people that have no idea what they are doing running around and ruining the new content.

I’ll address this too. You can ruin other players’ experiences in WoW’s environment because it’s WoW. A level 80 character in that game has, like, 50 abilities or something ridiculous, if I remember correctly, so it’s incredibly easy to get overwhelmed. In this game, there are many skills, but your weapon slots add some foundations to work off of. Even if you don’t know what you’re doing and have no utilities equipped, you can still take down enemies (albeit with some trouble).

Also, how would this ruin any content? Other people in the game can only really have a positive effect on you unless their in your group, and even then you could kick them if they’re bad.

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vizardlorde.8243


From my experience people who play disregarding class mechanics are bad regardless how long they’ve been playing their character.

That is true, except everyone and their mother will be playing revenant, imagine the exponential level of terribles running around because they instant level, have no idea how to play the toon, and the new content requires team work… yeah, thought so.

People can always" lvl 80 experienced zerker only" require their groups or “no revenants allowed” if they are that paranoid.

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

So, for the sake of a handful of people who can’t instantaneously grasp the full scope of a class, and run around flailing, you want to impair everyone across the board by disallowing anyone at all from instaleveling?

This is neither insightful, nor realistic. It is simply a bad choice to make. Let the flailers flail. The class isn’t that difficult. At least what little of it I got to play wasn’t that difficult. I’ll admit I did not make much use of the class mechanic, but that’s because I don’t feel the two available legends compliment each other so I just stuck to one of them.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: JoshuaRAWR.4653


Why? This isn’t WoW, there are no world first 80 revenant achievements, there’s no need for the class to not be able to use Tomes for a while.

Warrior 80 | Guardian 80 | Ranger 80 | Engineer 80 |
Thief 80 | Elementalist 80 | Mesmer 80 | Necromancer 80 | Revenant TBA

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

I’m planning to have a ’tome baby ’ Revenant. Why should I spend the time playing with a limited skill set when I can have all my skills to play with and learn how to use them.

Not everyone needs the NPE for Revenants.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Knighthonor.4061


Not sure who plays or used to play WoW, but when they had the instant level up items you could never use them on the new class, example the Monk, you had to go thru learning to play them and use them. That is why I am hoping they disable the instant level up part, nothing worst than having people that have no idea what they are doing running around and ruining the new content.

I’ll address this too. You can ruin other players’ experiences in WoW’s environment because it’s WoW. A level 80 character in that game has, like, 50 abilities or something ridiculous, if I remember correctly, so it’s incredibly easy to get overwhelmed. In this game, there are many skills, but your weapon slots add some foundations to work off of. Even if you don’t know what you’re doing and have no utilities equipped, you can still take down enemies (albeit with some trouble).

Also, how would this ruin any content? Other people in the game can only really have a positive effect on you unless their in your group, and even then you could kick them if they’re bad.

I was going to say this—-^

I would like to add, that people like the OP, edit nVm

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Caeledh.5437


…I am seriously hopping that the tomes of knowledge will be disabled from being used by the Revenant class.


I have a bundle of these and the smaller .05 ones and the scrolls that insta you to level 20, but I won’t be using them for my revenant. I’ve not really enjoyed levelling other profs to 80 cos I’m not a fan of cooldown driven combat. So I’m looking to being able to do it with a prof whose combat style is much more to my tastes. I’ll take a few weeks at least.

But I don’t care at all if others rush theirs to 80. Won’t affect me in the slightest.

All ‘end-game’ progression is account based anyway so most players with a stock of those tomes will already have ascended armour and weapons for their revenant. So they’re ahead on that front already.

Using tomes will just let them fast forward the levelling process – something they may have done many times before and see absolutely no fun in doing again. There’s nothing to be gained from making those players suffer through it again.

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561


Oh I have the tomes to make it to instant 80, I just don’t want to see a bunch of bads, running around, not knowing what they are doing and ruining everyone else gameplay just because they skipped the learning experience part.

Have you seen those players that instant level an ele to 80 and how bad they are?
Same concept.

And what will happen when ill be a better revenant on day 1 than you playing your main class for years? WIll i get a cookie?

In theory i already have figured everything out we seen about him and i dindt even played the class yet. Few hours of gameplay to practice positioning with him, proper utilization of energy, memorizing skills and done. Just bc youre bad and you have to learn something the “normal” slow way by pressing 1 and sometimes 2 doesnt mean that everyone else has the same problem.

Theres no such thing as learning experience part. You learn your class with all skills and traits unlocked – at lv 80. I have learned my ranger in spvp (i was looking at 20h when i became satisfied with my results, and yes i have used tomes on it) and im pretty sure that i play it definitely better than the majority that created this toon at launch and “learned” it in pve by hitting 1 and using point blank to drive everyone else mad in pve endgame maps like SW.

Someone that has load of tomes already have experience in game, know how to play, what to dodge and so on. It seems like you want to lock ppl out of possiblity to insta lv our toons cause you dont have any tomes nor intentions to start farming them in spvp.

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Arlee.7038


Honestly… even in the demo this weekend when not only where there people playing the Revenant for the first time but also people who had never played gw2 at all before, and everything worked well enough. There will be a bit of a learning curve for everyone because of new mechanics in fights and mob AI. Plus the new specializations will give people not making new Revenants something to learn and master. If you don’t want to deal with new people, you should probably just wait until a couple of weeks after HoT launches to play.

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Wetpaw.3487


Oh I have the tomes to make it to instant 80, I just don’t want to see a bunch of bads, running around, not knowing what they are doing and ruining everyone else gameplay just because they skipped the learning experience part.

Have you seen those players that instant level an ele to 80 and how bad they are?
Same concept.

I wouldn’t expect Revenant at HoT launch to be some shining point of balance and bug free in the GW2 professions. GW2 doesn’t exactly have a huge learning curve, maybe for some that need to level, but most making a 1min 80 and getting started will be just fine.

Anet won’t disable tomes, etc for Revenant.

JQ Druid

(edited by Wetpaw.3487)

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manuelito.6081


It is called “freedom”, mate.
GW2 allows you to chose, in many ways, how to play the game. it gives you options. I really do not think that it is a bad idea to decide HOW you wanna play and progress.


Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pifil.5193


I don’t really see any point in this.

I leveled a new Thief from 0-20 using a birthday scroll, then 20-80 in about 2 days of Edge of the Mist Karma trains. I don’t have to learn to play a character, I just follow the zerg, and mindlessly kill Champs all day long. I never learned how to play the thief, I still have no appreciation for the class beyond spam “Unload” with Pistol/Pistol which I know from my other amount of experience playing the game is a “bad” way to play.

The mindless karma trains are but one way to level. I have also leveled numerous characters by throwing gold at them and level them up almost entirely by Crafting (each craft 1-400 is 11 levels). I have numerous boosters I could turn into crafting boosters and level entirely this way with a birthday booster and I have ample time to prepare and get all the mats I need now to make me a Revenant in no time flat.

Assuming people will learn their class 1-80 is a poor assumption at best and serves no real purpose. Limiting Tomes of Knowledge ultimately serves no purpose but annoyance.

I levelled my thief by basically pistol whipping all the way to 80. It’s so easy to do. I only started to learn how to play him at 80.

Calling for tomes to be banned for revenants because you’re afraid you’ll encounter bad revenant players is just silly.

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Achrisos.1360


I’m hoping to lvl up my revenant with as few tomes as possible in order to use them to accumulate mastery points afterwards

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

I’m hoping to lvl up my revenant with as few tomes as possible in order to use them to accumulate mastery points afterwards

It depends if the tomes actually give enough to be worth it. I saw one post where someone was doing one of the Pax demos and got a tome. He used it and it gave him about 1/5th of the bar’s progress. If it’s that little then I think I would prefer to use to level. More bang for the buck there imo.

Edit: this thread. Tomes of Knowledge don’t fill Masteries

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coldtart.4785


You seem to be under the impression that handing people a torn up version of the class will somehow help them learn it rather than hinder their learning.

I already know how GW2 works. I don’t need 40 hours of levelling.

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Obtena.7952


Oh I have the tomes to make it to instant 80, I just don’t want to see a bunch of bads, running around, not knowing what they are doing and ruining everyone else gameplay just because they skipped the learning experience part.

Have you seen those players that instant level an ele to 80 and how bad they are?
Same concept.

You assume playing a class to 80 doesn’t make bads … it does, just as bad as people that are going to Tome up to 80. Frankly, this concern is nonsense … it’s REALLY hard to ruin other people’s gameplay in this game .. no killsteal, no training. Let them be as bad as they want. You shouldn’t care.

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: steve.2945


well, they did say HOT will have Open beta, thats plenty of time to get used to the revenant.

Proud TTS member

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pandaman.4758


So what game mode are you expecting this sort of arbitrary restriction to improve?

sPvP? Everyone’s given level 80 stats and access to most skills and traits, so you’re still going to have people learning the class on your team.

EotM? Suddenly everyone’s an upscaled Revenant because they’re trying to grind levels before they get to learn their class, so that actually makes things worse.

EBG/Borderlands? Why would anyone try to bring classes they’re not familiar with into this mode? You can’t learn how to play any class in a blob and you certainly can’t roam with it unless you’re looking to lose.

Dungeons/Fractals? People aren’t going to do dungeons to learn a class, they’re doing it for the rewards, and rolling a class they’re not familiar with is counterproductive to that goal. If you have a good player they’re going to bring a class they’re familiar with, if you have a bad player it doesn’t matter what class they bring.

General PvE? Aside from a handful of events (Vinewrath, Triple Trouble, and Tequatl), PvE is easy enough that any class of any skill level can succeed. For those events that need organization it’s not knowing how to play your class that determines success, it’s knowing the event.

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pretty Pixie.8603

Pretty Pixie.8603

Most people that have scrolls and enough tomes to insta level an 80 will NOT be newbies. It takes at least a little time and effort to collect these. I expect most of the people doing this will have levelled multiple toons to 80 already.

I’m personally not keen on being forced to level to 80 from scratch because someone thinks I might be bad at the class.

Guildkick because you know I got tomes stacked.

reinvited and kicked again for insinuating I’m a baddie.


Relentless Inquisition [PAIN] – FA

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: rotten.9753


Even if somehow that would be the case, what stops people from using crafting to level up in 2 hours? Do you want to restrict that as well?

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Puls.5867


Let people play the game the way they want tbh. If you don’t want too that’s fine. I will personally only be taking mine to level 30 anyway because I want to do map completion with it and I want to personally Unlock all utilities and traits. If someone wants THERES to be auto 80 and they have the tomes then they SHOULD be aloud to play the game they want to. If you don’t want to do that then fine don’t that’s your gameplay choice but not everyone will be using a Revenant day 1. I’m going to be looking into the mesmer specialisation personally.

Tsento – Mesmer | Timcarnate – Revenant | Timigami – Necromancer

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ProtoGunner.4953


The OP has a point: the instant levelling takes away the ‘work’ and immersion a gamer usually has to reach the goal. It comes together with the mentality and mindset newer gamer generations have now: go right to the end, not the journey is the reward.

I WILL level my revenant the way it is meant to be played, I don’t want to insta 80 and complain there is nothing to do after it. Be cause exactly that will happen to some players.

I am a bit disturbed how little support the OP’s opinion gets. That just shows what a mindset many GW2 players have now. Guess I am too oldschool for this world now

‘would have/would’ve been’ —> correct
‘would of been’ —> wrong

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


I have enough tomes to level 3 Revenants and your foolish request won’t stop me doing that and I won’t level anymore because NPE is awful + lack of time.

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

The OP has a point: the instant levelling takes away the ‘work’ and immersion a gamer usually has to reach the goal. It comes together with the mentality and mindset newer gamer generations have now: go right to the end, not the journey is the reward.

I WILL level my revenant the way it is meant to be played, I don’t want to insta 80 and complain there is nothing to do after it. Be cause exactly that will happen to some players.

I am a bit disturbed how little support the OP’s opinion gets. That just shows what a mindset many GW2 players have now. Guess I am too oldschool for this world now

I’ve leveled 9 chars to 80. As far as I’m concerned, I’m done with leveling. I’ve been there and done that. I’ll take my brand new level 80 with a full set of skills and start learning how to use them and how to combine the skills together to the best effect while the people leveling the old fashioned way are still autoattacking and looking forward to weapon skill 2.

Not everyone needs the NPE.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: spoj.9672


The bad player arguement doesnt really hold up.

Say you take 40 hours to level to 80 the hard way. You have 40 hours of revenant experience where you didnt have access to all skills and traits.

Whereas i instant level to 80 and play 40 hours of revenant gameplay on a full equipped character.

Who do you think will have a better grasp of the class?

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Loex.5104


The bad player arguement doesnt really hold up.

Say you take 40 hours to level to 80 the hard way. You have 40 hours of revenant experience where you didnt have access to all skills and traits.

Whereas i instant level to 80 and play 40 hours of revenant gameplay on a full equipped character.

Who do you think will have a better grasp of the class?

Not just that …

you also spend your time challenging more dangerous enemies while the “normal leveler” hits skelks in queensdale ;D
so as you said – the whole “bad player” thing is total kitten … but it won’t be a good idea to insta 80 the Rev and try to learn the class in Arah Explo of course

i will also Insta 80 my Revenant but i will also finish all the vanilla maps sometime after that because i don’t like it when i’m unable to port wherever i want … and by doing that i also could level the vanilla Masteries ;D

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: spoj.9672


Soloing lupi is one of the first things i intend to do with my instant lvl 80 Revenant.

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Exo.2965


over 500 tomes of knowledge and i can’t wait till raise my Revenant to 80 and powerlvl him even more!

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aomine.5012


You wouldn’t understand a class fully without all the skills and traits available. So I would rather start learning Revenant once I hit 80, than to slowly do the repetitive boring world completion that teaches nothing about the class because all traits are locked. Using tome of knowledge is the best way.

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aomine.5012


Oh I have the tomes to make it to instant 80, I just don’t want to see a bunch of bads, running around, not knowing what they are doing and ruining everyone else gameplay just because they skipped the learning experience part.

Have you seen those players that instant level an ele to 80 and how bad they are?
Same concept.

Those baddies are still the worst even after they hit lv80. It’s a long way to go.
Everyone will be new to Revenant when it first released, but it has nothing to do with level. Point is people will start learn MORE about Revenant at lv80 because all the skills and traits will be available.

Only TIME and Effort will make people better, not the level.

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Iason Evan.3806

Iason Evan.3806

Not sure if this has been mentioned before or if the devs confirmed it or not, but I am seriously hopping that the tomes of knowledge will be disabled from being used by the Revenant class.

So just don’t use it yourself personally. Options, dude. They are good. You get the option to not use it and I get the option to use it. Everyone wins.

Leader of The Guernsey Milking Coalition [MiLk] Sanctum of Rall

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ProtoGunner.4953


The OP has a point: the instant levelling takes away the ‘work’ and immersion a gamer usually has to reach the goal. It comes together with the mentality and mindset newer gamer generations have now: go right to the end, not the journey is the reward.

I WILL level my revenant the way it is meant to be played, I don’t want to insta 80 and complain there is nothing to do after it. Be cause exactly that will happen to some players.

I am a bit disturbed how little support the OP’s opinion gets. That just shows what a mindset many GW2 players have now. Guess I am too oldschool for this world now

I’ve leveled 9 chars to 80. As far as I’m concerned, I’m done with leveling. I’ve been there and done that. I’ll take my brand new level 80 with a full set of skills and start learning how to use them and how to combine the skills together to the best effect while the people leveling the old fashioned way are still autoattacking and looking forward to weapon skill 2.

Not everyone needs the NPE.

You have a point, too. Sorry, I haven’t mentioned, I leveld myself 8 characters of each class and now I am on my 2nd Engineer which I used a lvl20 scroll, so I have no idea about the NPE.

But imho – if there is a brand new class – I think it is kind of a shame if you just can level it in no time with tomes and give them your already account bound ascended max tier armor. Something bugs me about this. It’s like you would play WoW and you could kill the highest instanced boss within the same day of the new xpac release.

‘would have/would’ve been’ —> correct
‘would of been’ —> wrong

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: thefantasticg.3984


Something bugs me about this.

So don’t do it???

Seems like the simple answer for you.

RNG is a bell curve. Better hope you’re on the right side.

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ProtoGunner.4953


Yeah, I already mentioned, I won’t do it. It bugs me that there is even a way. It just omits everything with a win button, which is a degradation of gaming. The point in games is the journey, not the end.

The people doing this are generally the first who complain that there is nothing else to do.

So, that said: people will do it and I can’t do anything about it. It’s not that I can’t live with that. But I personally have my negative thoughts about it and I just wanted to express that. I get along with it.

‘would have/would’ve been’ —> correct
‘would of been’ —> wrong

Tome of Knowledge and the Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: thefantasticg.3984


I guess I just don’t understand the state of mind that you generalize everyone who will do it as future complainers… Just because I nearly insta-lvl’d 6 of my 8 toons doesn’t mean I insta-complained about 6 of my 8 toons. The Rev will be no different.

Live and let live, yo.

People want to level 1-80 normally on the Rev? No problem.
People want to insta-lvl 1 to 80 on tomes, etc on the Rev? No problem.

RNG is a bell curve. Better hope you’re on the right side.