Tomes of Knowledge, masteries, Q &suggestions

Tomes of Knowledge, masteries, Q &suggestions

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Starfleck.8392



I apologize if this question has been asked already, but I searched briefly and couldn’t find any discussions so far.

How will the Tomes of Knowledge be used with regard to the new mastery system? (If you know of an official answer that’d be great to link)

We know that experience will grant you mastery points like gaining character levels, where in the past it would have given a lvl 80 simply another skill point. Theories so far are that they won’t grant you any mastery points, or that they will, or that they’ll give something entirely different. So which is it?

My preference would be that they do give mastery points once they reach the threshold but only allow one to be used per day (or maybe up to 3, or 5 max) by a level 80 character who is gaining mastery points. Because while it does give you something significant for having them, and while it does give the SPvP player an opportunity to gain masteries without having to grind PvE (meaning a PvP player can finally unlock legendary weapons by precursor crafting, among other things), it doesn’t allow players with a stash of these to walk into the new area with instant mastery and make the whole system pointless.

On a side note I’m assuming skillpoint scrolls won’t change, that they’ll only give you extra skill points without any experience.

We are such flecks as stars are made of. . .

Tomes of Knowledge, masteries, Q &suggestions

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

I haven’t seen an official response but someone who played the demo in Pax east reported he got one from somewhere. He used it and his Mastery bar only advanced about one-fifth of the bar.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

Tomes of Knowledge, masteries, Q &suggestions

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Thanathos.2063


I read that too, but additionally, I read that Anet made the demo masteries “easier” to fill because otherwise players had no chance to test them.
That could suggest that the actual amount of tomes needed for a single mastery token would be much higher than 5 in the actual game.

But all in all we can safely assume that tomes can be used to level masteries. Maybe you need 5 for one point, maybe 10, maybe 50, who knows?

You need 78 mastery points to max all vanilla + HoT masteries, by the way. If we consider that there are some things like world exploration that reward points and that we’ll get those points for already completed things directly at the start… I think its definitely possible to fill one mastery completely at the start, or multiple ones partially.
I’m definitely PvPing a bit til HoT and save up my tomes to get an easier start.

Tomes of Knowledge, masteries, Q &suggestions

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Diovid.9506


We know that experience will grant you mastery points like gaining character levels, where in the past it would have given a lvl 80 simply another skill point.

Wrong. Experience does not give mastery points. Instead certain activities (such as map completion and jumping puzzles) give mastery points. See:

You need 78 mastery points to max all vanilla + HoT masteries, by the way.

There will be more masteries in the final release (as said in the above overview I believe).

(edited by Diovid.9506)

Tomes of Knowledge, masteries, Q &suggestions

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Thanathos.2063


We know that experience will grant you mastery points like gaining character levels, where in the past it would have given a lvl 80 simply another skill point.

Wrong. Experience does not give mastery points. Instead certain activities (such as map completion and jumping puzzles) give mastery points. See:

That’s one source, but you can “equip” one mastery path and “train” it via XP if you don’t have enough mastery points or don’t want to spend them.

Tomes of Knowledge, masteries, Q &suggestions

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Diovid.9506


That’s one source

One source which comes from Anet (or at least, that’s what BogOtter claims and I see no reason to assume he is lying).

but you can “equip” one mastery path and “train” it via XP if you don’t have enough mastery points or don’t want to spend them.

No, that’s not how it works. You need both points and experience, not either one or the other.

Tomes of Knowledge, masteries, Q &suggestions

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Nephziel.6053


I agree with Diovid. I was at Rezzed and I spoke to one of the ANet people there..

I will try to simplfy it as possible as I can

Hashtag is the Mastery Perk
Lines are the Experience

So how it works you use the Mastery points to unlock the first Perk and activate the Mastery track. With the track active than you have to fill out the experience between the 1st and the 2nd Perk before you can actually buy the 2nd perk. Once you bought the 2nd perk you need to fill out the experience between 2nd and 3rd in order to buy the 3rd Perk and so on.

Mastery Points are obtained like Achievements. You have to complete certain tasks to get them.

Experience once Track is active is obtained with events, killing mobs, etc.

(edited by Nephziel.6053)

Tomes of Knowledge, masteries, Q &suggestions

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

I agree with Diovid. I was at Rezzed and I spoke to one of the ANet people there..

I will try to simplfy it as possible as I can

Hashtag is the Mastery Perk
Lines are the Experience

So how it works you use the Mastery points to unlock the first Perk and activate the Mastery track. With the track active than you have to fill out the experience between the 1st and the 2nd Perk before you can actually buy the 2nd perk. Once you bought the 2nd perk you need to fill out the experience between 2nd and 3rd in order to buy the 3rd Perk and so on.

Mastery Points are obtained like Achievements. You have to complete certain tasks to get them.

Experience once Track is active is obtained with events, killing mobs, etc.

This is what it sounded like to me from what Bog Otter said on that video, you don’t get the first perk until you reach the next next one and buy it.

That is

(Gliding)———————(Thick skin)———————-(Updrafts)

So, you buy gliding but you still can’t glide. You have to fill in the bar to Thick Skin, buy that and then you can glide. To have Thick Skin you need to reach and buy Updrafts.

Is that what the Devs told you?

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

Tomes of Knowledge, masteries, Q &suggestions

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590


We have rumor, and a fellow poster’s PAX experience which I believe, but we don’t know if his experience at PAX will be the same product when it goes live.

Hopefully, beta testers in the future will give us more information.

Gone to Reddit.

Tomes of Knowledge, masteries, Q &suggestions

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zaklex.6308


I agree with Diovid. I was at Rezzed and I spoke to one of the ANet people there..

I will try to simplfy it as possible as I can

Hashtag is the Mastery Perk
Lines are the Experience

So how it works you use the Mastery points to unlock the first Perk and activate the Mastery track. With the track active than you have to fill out the experience between the 1st and the 2nd Perk before you can actually buy the 2nd perk. Once you bought the 2nd perk you need to fill out the experience between 2nd and 3rd in order to buy the 3rd Perk and so on.

Mastery Points are obtained like Achievements. You have to complete certain tasks to get them.

Experience once Track is active is obtained with events, killing mobs, etc.

This is what it sounded like to me from what Bog Otter said on that video, you don’t get the first perk until you reach the next next one and buy it.

That is

(Gliding)———————(Thick skin)———————-(Updrafts)

So, you buy gliding but you still can’t glide. You have to fill in the bar to Thick Skin, buy that and then you can glide. To have Thick Skin you need to reach and buy Updrafts.

Is that what the Devs told you?

I’m pretty sure that’s a little backwards from the way the Devs described it in the POI, to use the skill you have to unlock it first, then fill the bar, get to the next location and obtain the Mastery Point, ‘spend it’ to unlock the next Mastery then you can use that. Think about it for a moment, would it make sense to buy the final Mastery point and then have to fill the bar up before you could use it?

What I’d suggest is, wait until the Devs tell us how ToK are going to work with Mastery bar before using them…in other words, just continue to save them up. We’ll know before HoT release how they are going to function so you’ll have plenty of time to spend/use them before hand if plans on converting your Skill Points into Mastery Points and what the formula will be.

Tomes of Knowledge, masteries, Q &suggestions

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

I agree with Diovid. I was at Rezzed and I spoke to one of the ANet people there..

I will try to simplfy it as possible as I can

Hashtag is the Mastery Perk
Lines are the Experience

So how it works you use the Mastery points to unlock the first Perk and activate the Mastery track. With the track active than you have to fill out the experience between the 1st and the 2nd Perk before you can actually buy the 2nd perk. Once you bought the 2nd perk you need to fill out the experience between 2nd and 3rd in order to buy the 3rd Perk and so on.

Mastery Points are obtained like Achievements. You have to complete certain tasks to get them.

Experience once Track is active is obtained with events, killing mobs, etc.

This is what it sounded like to me from what Bog Otter said on that video, you don’t get the first perk until you reach the next next one and buy it.

That is

(Gliding)———————(Thick skin)———————-(Updrafts)

So, you buy gliding but you still can’t glide. You have to fill in the bar to Thick Skin, buy that and then you can glide. To have Thick Skin you need to reach and buy Updrafts.

Is that what the Devs told you?

I’m pretty sure that’s a little backwards from the way the Devs described it in the POI, to use the skill you have to unlock it first, then fill the bar, get to the next location and obtain the Mastery Point, ‘spend it’ to unlock the next Mastery then you can use that. Think about it for a moment, would it make sense to buy the final Mastery point and then have to fill the bar up before you could use it?

What I’d suggest is, wait until the Devs tell us how ToK are going to work with Mastery bar before using them…in other words, just continue to save them up. We’ll know before HoT release how they are going to function so you’ll have plenty of time to spend/use them before hand if plans on converting your Skill Points into Mastery Points and what the formula will be.

Yah, contradictory information floating about. Your version is how I thought it was, then it’s sounded like Bog Otter said it was the other way.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

Tomes of Knowledge, masteries, Q &suggestions

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

Tomes of Knowledge, masteries, Q &suggestions

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


That’s one source, but you can “equip” one mastery path and “train” it via XP if you don’t have enough mastery points or don’t want to spend them.

Nope. You do train equipped masteries with xp, but you can quip only masteries that you have previously unlocked with mastery points. Training and unlocking are separate actions, that need different “resources”.

So, basically, the order is this:
1. get mastery points (by performing specific activities in the game)
2. use points to unlock a (next) tier of a mastery branch
3. equip that tier to your mastery progress bar
4. train it using xp
5. next mastery learned. You can start again from point 1.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November