I’m possibly echoing questions that have already been asked, but that might just highlight the importance and capability of this new Mastery line. I’m happily surprised with this Mastery being added and I’d love it when the game helps me help new-comers get acquianted with GW2 and HoT’s mechanics and content. So that’s why I have the following questions:
- What is the Pact Commander’s main objective? Sure, he or she is there to help, but with what? Dungeons, Fractals, jumping puzzles, the starter areas? Is the PC only usable in PvE? Where does this Mastery really shine?
- How many persons can you help at one given time? Is it meant to tutor new-comers one-on-one? Or can 20 players just follow a tag around Tyria where they, for example, get the ins and outs of the game explained to them?
- Is there a way to deal with abuse of this system? People pride themselves about this community’s kindness, but there are always a few rotten apples. How do players, and ESPECIALLY new-comers, know they can trust the person standing in front of them with a Pact Commander tag? Will there be something like a rating system implemeted with this?
- Will there be rewards coupled with being a succesful Pact Commander? Oh sure, helping others is its own reward, blah blah blah. But hey, why should I spend all that time teaching others how to get things going, when there are three new legendaries looking reeeaaaally pretty?
Well, that would be most important questions I could come up with. I’d love to hear more about the Pact Commander explained and these questions answered. Keep up the good work!