Toxic mapchat
There is an option to disable map chat. Problem solved.
There is an option to disable map chat. Problem solved.
lol but i need info on events.. not so productive doing that
That’s make my world completion run less boring..
In the other hand. Kinda discourage me because I’m doing nevermore and gotta join that someday..if they doesn’t fix it.
some times I find it when doing world completion run more easy and fun with map chat off . doing that makes it more easy even when I come across events and keep going :P
It was kinda fun at first (honestly speaking) to read those toxic comments while grabbing a popcorn but after a while it’s getting annoying with all those constant negativity..
Reminds me of… oh yeah…
Anet stated on reddit ( go figure lol…) that this is being re-evaluated.
Hopefully they won’t sit on their hands too long on this….
I do feel your pain though, I had to have guildies camp the map and try to get on a different ip. After 3 days of trying and failing, one of my guildies got lucky enough to end up on a newly opened map and I was able to taxi over and have it completed.
From what i’m seeing the newbies aren’t really the issue….
3 Days camping that event and at least 75% of the people killing the event are people with 100+ masteries… 15% of the kills were from Necros running with their minions and their minions just aggro and kill it… the other 10% being newbies at level 15-20 who have no clue what they are doing.
This is mostly just kittens trolling people who really want this done….
Fort Aspenwood
I’m feeling really bad now. I had no idea about this event being needed. I ran across it on my way to do the daily forage, saw a couple of people a distance away, and thought well, it’s an event. I attacked the vet shaman, got it down, and then glanced at my chat to see a whisper saying please don’t kill. Oh hells, I thought, and apologized.
At which point I got called a liar, a troll, a noob, no one believed that I hadn’t seen chat comments while fighting (especially as I keep Map and Say separate for spam reasons and had Map up due to having just done the Caledon events daily). Apparently they’re even reporting me for griefing when I’m pretty much the least griefy player you can find.
I feel terrible about messing up their event chain. I really hope ANet redoes things soon so no one has to rely on events failing.
Daily reminder that neither the players that complete the event nor the players that fail the event are at fault for the rage.
100% of the blame falls on Anet’s content designers for being unforgivably bad at their jobs.
Not only on Reddit, here too:
Not only on Reddit, here too:
And only was post on forum after people complain about post on reddit only.
Not only on Reddit, here too:
That thread started out (and is still on) Reddit. It was only posted over here because of posts on this forum discussing an important substantive post over there. After Gayle read the thread she went to reddit and posted the Devs initial post on that thread here.
Reddit thread
ANet may give it to you.
(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
Daily reminder that neither the players that complete the event nor the players that fail the event are at fault for the rage.
100% of the blame falls on Anet’s content designers for being unforgivably bad at their jobs.
Totally Anet fault.
I think they just slapped some events that kinda related enough to collection. Not even know the cause of the event spawn. This won’t happen if they tested it enough.
It’s the most toxic map chat I ever seen in this game.
He states that no collection item should be gated behind failing events.
So then why was this ever done in the first place?
He states that no collection item should be gated behind failing events.
So then why was this ever done in the first place?
Likely because the devs who made the collection didn’t think to check the spawn conditions for the events they selected
Daily reminder that neither the players that complete the event nor the players that fail the event are at fault for the rage.
100% of the blame falls on Anet’s content designers for being unforgivably bad at their jobs.
Anet feeds on the tears of their players. Not sure how this works for them from a business standpoint, but they certainly aren’t going hungry.
They are aware of the issue and it is in work. Ignore those players for now.
Happily not all involved in the divide over failing events are mean. I felt so bad over my error yesterday that I sent a few Nevermore-needed mats to the player who didn’t cuss at me and call me names and a liar and got a very sweet thank you back. That quickly restored my zest for playing the game