Underworld or Domain of Anguish. Please.

Underworld or Domain of Anguish. Please.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: pathaugen.6572


Played GW1 for years upon years with friends.. and the reason was that both Underworld and the Domain of Anguish were the best end-game challenges of any game out there.


For the love of all that is holy..

Nothing is challenging like those maps. Nothing is more rewarding than killing Mallyx or Dhuum at the end of HOURS of being awesome and on the verge of actually party-wiping (the MAIN reason the content is rewarding/challenging/FUN).

My GW1 buddies took on fractals with me.. fun, but you can’t party-wipe and it’s not a huge zone to explore and endure though to get some great loot and the most rewarding two chests in the entire game!

1. Have the guy that designs the Super Adventure Box go to town on it
2. I don’t care if the maps are copied from GW1, we’ll love it still

GW2 is great since you can go down, then fully downed state and still be ressed up by anyone left alive. That’s ALL there needs to be.


Me and the hardcore crowd are looking for true end-game content not present in GW2 that was a STAPLE of GW1 and had us playing it for years.

Dungeons are great, fractals are ok, but we need one of these things. Bring the other in a future expansion but as someone that brought up multiple 80’s in the months at launch and took on multiple personal storylines, map completions, ran countless dungeons.. I really can’t wait until there is challenging content to rampage through.. fail.. try again.. something to REALLY bring the top folks that were done only months after launch to gather together and spend a weekend doing maybe two or three runs taking HOURS each try on the edge of our seats with a couple failures.


Underworld or Domain of Anguish. Please.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: VodCom.6924


Then tell me :

  • How do you implement the encounter dynamics of the DOA in GW2 ?
  • Mallyx was unique because he negated most of the tools we used for every other encounters (hexes and enchantments). Do you think ppl in GW2 will apprecite a boss that absorbs every boon they get and send back every condition they apply ?
  • The map layout was designed for characters that could not jump and had no portal (cf trenches in the Maw part), how do you take this in account in GW2.

I’m not against the return of DOA in GW2 but there’s a crapton of technical issues with the implementation. Do you think it’s Worth the time ?

Known as Reegar Else, Linda Else, Xiana Else and Thorgall Breakstone

Underworld or Domain of Anguish. Please.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: aspirine.6852


Underworld was boring as hell though(no pun intended). DoA was much better but that was tied into the Elona campaign story. It would be weird to get that in gw2.
I also liked the two bigger dungeons in Cantha, the deep and urgoz. I would rather see dungeons like the last one introduced.

Underworld or Domain of Anguish. Please.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: nekretaal.6485


Aspirine s thinking of the realm of Torment. DoA was post campaign.

DoA was terrible. If they implemented it, it would be more of the same, terrible LOS and Pack & Stack.

Underword would be fantastic. Make it open world, but Death == kick from zone & have the different meta events spawn the 4 horsemen when they are completed on a timer (like Kafka Queen). Keep the punishing 1st room, and give out good rewards. I don’t see why it needs to be changed at all.

#24 leaderboard rank North America.

Underworld or Domain of Anguish. Please.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


Actually the Underworld was a very boring place that lacked mechanics and actual difficulty, while Dhuum was an afkable boring fight.

Underworld or Domain of Anguish. Please.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: aspirine.6852


Aspirine s thinking of the realm of Torment. DoA was post campaign.


Yep i know it was post campaign, but atleast it had ties to the main campaign story. To introduce such a thing now would be weird and I would def. not like it like that.

Underworld or Domain of Anguish. Please.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CambrianExplosion.6394


Do you think it’s Worth the time ?

Yes, absolutely.

Underworld or Domain of Anguish. Please.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Rialen.1524


This, infinite times over. DoA, FoW, UW, all of these elite areas put forth fantastic end game with rewarding (not rng’d nonsense either) outcomes. The templates are seriously already there. They were challenging, entertaining, creative, innovative; the list goes on. +100000 for the re-inclusion of literally any of these.

Underworld or Domain of Anguish. Please.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I didn’t love them in Guild Wars 1 and I don’t think I’d love them in Guild Wars 2. Sure I did the all once (in the case of FoW a couple of times), but yeah, I don’t suspect that most of the playbase will embrace something as unforgiving as the Underworld.

Underworld or Domain of Anguish. Please.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Azrael.4960


I didn’t love them in Guild Wars 1 and I don’t think I’d love them in Guild Wars 2. Sure I did the all once (in the case of FoW a couple of times), but yeah, I don’t suspect that most of the playbase will embrace something as unforgiving as the Underworld.

Especially considering the skill level of the average player is 1,1,1,1,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,1,1,1,1,1 you’d probably see any such challenging content nerfed on release.

Underworld or Domain of Anguish. Please.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


This, infinite times over. DoA, FoW, UW, all of these elite areas put forth fantastic end game with rewarding (not rng’d nonsense either) outcomes. The templates are seriously already there. They were challenging, entertaining, creative, innovative; the list goes on. +100000 for the re-inclusion of literally any of these.

I remember most of them being doable with heroes though (aka AI NPCs). Rewarding? Hardly, all of them except for DoA had RNG rewards, and DoA required some insane grinding to get anything with the stones.

Oh in your list of what they were, add bugged and never fixed too

Underworld or Domain of Anguish. Please.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: aspirine.6852


I didn’t love them in Guild Wars 1 and I don’t think I’d love them in Guild Wars 2. Sure I did the all once (in the case of FoW a couple of times), but yeah, I don’t suspect that most of the playbase will embrace something as unforgiving as the Underworld.

But it’s not suppose to be for most of the playerbase.

Underworld or Domain of Anguish. Please.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: pathaugen.6572


You have most of the player base not liking fractals due to difficulty. But that’s still there and pretty good.

You have most of the player base that tried Super Adventure Box complained about Tribulation mode. Still pretty good.

Player base usually is committed to WvW, PvE, or PvP in my experience. I know people in-game that grind one of those three. I’m more a PvE player as stated before but find nothing.. challenging.

Nothing is hard about getting Underworld or Domain of Anguish in the game. Just has to be done. Lore-wise, you still have the Underworld, Grenth and Dhuum, you have the Domain of Anguish it didn’t go anywhere these are cornerstones of the GuildWars universe.

Maps that have been created, do some goals and other areas of the map unlock. Nothing too crazy, but since this is far into the future from the original GuildWars and the Gods haven’t been heard from in a while.. lots of grounds to redesign these areas for sure.. but since they’ve existed for countless ages I’d expect just like GW1 → GW2 saw the world maps change but still had the main features (shiverpeaks, lions arch, crystal desert, etc) intact.

Not everyone is in this forum, but I know from how many ‘GWAMM’ tags I see that there is a huge fanbase of the original.. including Underworld and DoA just waiting for the return of something challenging to attempt over a few hours.

Underworld or Domain of Anguish. Please.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Many.8419


This game caters for casuals which are more willing to swing their credit cards for gold and items. Farms are needed in some extent to create inflation so casuals need to use real money to progress. This is why gw2 lacks hard content because those ppl instead of learning the content, they avoid it. Those who master hard content can make their cash flow so no need to use real money, so they are not the target customer for anet.

Underworld or Domain of Anguish. Please.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I didn’t love them in Guild Wars 1 and I don’t think I’d love them in Guild Wars 2. Sure I did the all once (in the case of FoW a couple of times), but yeah, I don’t suspect that most of the playbase will embrace something as unforgiving as the Underworld.

But it’s not suppose to be for most of the playerbase.

It’s a lot of work and time to put in for a small percentage of the playerbase though. That’s really the issue. If you create content and spend real time on it that say 20% of the population do, then you’re not creating content for 80%. I’d think that would be a tough call for a developer.

Underworld or Domain of Anguish. Please.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: aspirine.6852


I didn’t love them in Guild Wars 1 and I don’t think I’d love them in Guild Wars 2. Sure I did the all once (in the case of FoW a couple of times), but yeah, I don’t suspect that most of the playbase will embrace something as unforgiving as the Underworld.

But it’s not suppose to be for most of the playerbase.

It’s a lot of work and time to put in for a small percentage of the playerbase though. That’s really the issue. If you create content and spend real time on it that say 20% of the population do, then you’re not creating content for 80%. I’d think that would be a tough call for a developer.

But you played gw1. UW hard mode and DoA hard mode was not for 80% of the players. Same as UW, Urgoz and the deep. FoW was a bit easier but still I have met many players that only stepped into the place to get the armour
but if it wasnt a problem to make elite dungeons in gw1 it should be no problem in gw2 imo.

Underworld or Domain of Anguish. Please.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Dondarrion.2748


I really can’t wait until there is challenging content to rampage through.. fail.. try again…

I think Bobby and Colin hinted at more challenging content like this with HoT during the first interviews after PAX South.
You had DoA and Underworld in GW1, no need to repeat old content. I’d much rather see similarly, challenging content but in the new world of Tyria, so for now I’m happy to wait and see if the toughest challenges that come out are indeed as difficult as they say.

And then I expect instances or events that people will regularly fail; sort of like the old GW1 dungeons/missions and not something that is failed and then people return in a massive zerg and just obliterate the content with no skill.

Lord Sazed / Hasla the Huntress / Seaguard Hala
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season

Underworld or Domain of Anguish. Please.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Many.8419


Every time they say challenging we get tequatl or wurm or ta aetherpath. Keep your expectations low. Like core of the earth low.

Underworld or Domain of Anguish. Please.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: stayBlind.7849


I didn’t love them in Guild Wars 1 and I don’t think I’d love them in Guild Wars 2. Sure I did the all once (in the case of FoW a couple of times), but yeah, I don’t suspect that most of the playbase will embrace something as unforgiving as the Underworld.

Especially considering the skill level of the average player is 1,1,1,1,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,1,1,1,1,1 you’d probably see any such challenging content nerfed on release.

Another reason that we will never see party wipes in GW2; everybody wins no matter what in GW2. They have to make income off of the farmville players somehow.

Underworld or Domain of Anguish. Please.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I didn’t love them in Guild Wars 1 and I don’t think I’d love them in Guild Wars 2. Sure I did the all once (in the case of FoW a couple of times), but yeah, I don’t suspect that most of the playbase will embrace something as unforgiving as the Underworld.

But it’s not suppose to be for most of the playerbase.

It’s a lot of work and time to put in for a small percentage of the playerbase though. That’s really the issue. If you create content and spend real time on it that say 20% of the population do, then you’re not creating content for 80%. I’d think that would be a tough call for a developer.

But you played gw1. UW hard mode and DoA hard mode was not for 80% of the players. Same as UW, Urgoz and the deep. FoW was a bit easier but still I have met many players that only stepped into the place to get the armour
but if it wasnt a problem to make elite dungeons in gw1 it should be no problem in gw2 imo.

Different game, and a completely different time. There’s no real way to compare the two. First, Guild Wars 1 was made at a time when games cost less to make over all. And it was a whole lot less competitive. In a different climate you can afford to do different things.

How many MMO type games were around when Guild Wars 1 launched? How many are around now? When Guild Wars 1 launched it had the advantage of being the only game like it that didn’t have a monthly fee. All the other games charged $15 a month. Today you have dozens of free to play games vying for attention. They require more content, a faster development stream.

Six or seven years in this industry is a very long time. Assuming something was done five years ago could be done today isn’t really a safe bet.

Underworld or Domain of Anguish. Please.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: stayBlind.7849


I didn’t love them in Guild Wars 1 and I don’t think I’d love them in Guild Wars 2. Sure I did the all once (in the case of FoW a couple of times), but yeah, I don’t suspect that most of the playbase will embrace something as unforgiving as the Underworld.

But it’s not suppose to be for most of the playerbase.

It’s a lot of work and time to put in for a small percentage of the playerbase though. That’s really the issue. If you create content and spend real time on it that say 20% of the population do, then you’re not creating content for 80%. I’d think that would be a tough call for a developer.

But you played gw1. UW hard mode and DoA hard mode was not for 80% of the players. Same as UW, Urgoz and the deep. FoW was a bit easier but still I have met many players that only stepped into the place to get the armour
but if it wasnt a problem to make elite dungeons in gw1 it should be no problem in gw2 imo.

Different game, and a completely different time. There’s no real way to compare the two. First, Guild Wars 1 was made at a time when games cost less to make over all. And it was a whole lot less competitive. In a different climate you can afford to do different things.

How many MMO type games were around when Guild Wars 1 launched? How many are around now? When Guild Wars 1 launched it had the advantage of being the only game like it that didn’t have a monthly fee. All the other games charged $15 a month. Today you have dozens of free to play games vying for attention. They require more content, a faster development stream.

Six or seven years in this industry is a very long time. Assuming something was done five years ago could be done today isn’t really a safe bet.

And they could have done it again with GW2, but they instead chose to make WoW 2.0. We get it.

GW1 is STILL the only game like it. Do a quick Google search for ‘Games like GW1’ and you will find nothing.

And before anyone goes spouting the ‘that model wouldn’t work anymore; its a niche; etc’, GW1 obviously did well enough or there would never have been a GW2.

GW2 is not a bad MMO, it just really is not that different fundamentally than other MMOs, which I guess is what they were trying to do. Personally I would have rather them make a successor to the game that defined its own genre (even if it was on a lower budget).

(edited by stayBlind.7849)