Undirectable Skills (feedback)

Undirectable Skills (feedback)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Gray.9041


over the two BWEs I’ve been in so far, I’ve noticed that a couple of skills have behavior I find quite odd. specifically, Surge of the Mists (Revenant Staff 5) and Weakening Charge (Daredevil Staff 2).

in short, these are nigh impossible to aim. both carry the user forward relative to where the character is facing, which is often hard to determine mid-fight, and both go a fair distance. both skills are difficult to aim properly, and can often plunge the user off a cliff.

I don’t understand why these skills work this way – most other similar skills have either been targetable, so that they are directed at an enemy (such as Rush, Warrior Greatsword 5) or go in a straight line but are directable (such as Whirlwind Attack, Warrior Greatsword 3)

I feel the current implementation for both skills is let down by the difficulty of aiming them, and forces the users to manage not only their resources (Energy/cooldowns or Initiative/endurance), their placement, but also the direction they’re facing, which feels a little overwhelming.

I’d suggest applying either of the directing strategies mentioned above, as either would greatly improve the utility of these skills.

Undirectable Skills (feedback)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bambu.4270


I agree that those two staff skills need the warrior gs #3 targeting.

That’s progress. Hooray for progress!

Undirectable Skills (feedback)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zenos Osgorma.2936

Zenos Osgorma.2936

thief heal roll backwards (aimed by Charater facing)
Ranger Gs swoop(aimed by charater facing)
Ranger sword 2 (aimed by Charater facing)

i’d say its fine , just a learning issue.

Undirectable Skills (feedback)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


thief heal roll backwards (aimed by Charater facing)
Ranger Gs swoop(aimed by charater facing)
Ranger sword 2 (aimed by Charater facing)

i’d say its fine , just a learning issue.

The last two are diredted to and from the targeted enemy, not by character facing, unless you have a target selected.

Only fools and heroes charge in without a plan.

Undirectable Skills (feedback)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Gray.9041


thief heal roll backwards (aimed by Charater facing)
Ranger Gs swoop(aimed by charater facing)
Ranger sword 2 (aimed by Charater facing)

i’d say its fine , just a learning issue.

The last two are diredted to and from the targeted enemy, not by character facing, unless you have a target selected.

this, and the withdraw (the heal skill) is less about going somewhere particular (as attacks should be) and more about being anywhere but here

Undirectable Skills (feedback)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Retro.6831


A similar issue was present in the last BWE with the Reaper Shroud #2 skill, and they’ve since changed it to move towards the targeted enemy. I feel Weakening Charge (Thief Staff #2) is in a similar position, but it’s amplified by how much the Daredevil is built to be dodging around everywhere. I definitely agree that it would benefit from moving towards the player’s target.

No comment on Revenant skills, haven’t dug into them much yet, but if the behavior is the same that might be a change worth making too.