Unsure of the Expansion
Hmm. This might help, unless I mistake your point: You don’t have to wait for the three-tier-jumps to get more traits. You can collect Hero Points via the Hero Challenges much earlier.
Now, you can’t use more than one spec line at once until you are 45, but you can unlock more than one and swap around. Ditto with the utility skills, you just have to pick an order to spend the points but you can get a ton of points just in the 1-30 zones.
If you like progressing, I think you’ll enjoy the expansion. One of the things I’m looking most forward to is the mastery system, which will allow you to progress continually after level 80. The specialization system, once you get used to it, and figure it out, is fine too. Donari has you covered there.
Those three milestones provide the ability to “use” traits, but not the traits themselves. While it might seem less impressive to not get one new trait slot every few levels, having a trait slot unlocked is irrelevant if you don’t have any traits to go in it.
Level 11 you get 5 Hero Points and can now start doing Hero Challenges. That’s only enough points initially to unlock the a couple of tier 1 traits. It’s going to take the combination of Hero Challenges and levelling up to actually unlock the tier 2 and 3 traits.
When you get your next Trait tree unlock at level 40, you’ve already unlocked all your Utility slots, and so you’ve probably spent some hero points unlocking skills. But assuming you had not, by this point the game has only given you 106 Hero Points from levelling, and you’ve probably achieved another 20 or so from Hero Challenges. As it costs 60 Hero Points to unlock an entire trait line, that’s probably only two unlocked at this point, again with nothing unlocked in your skills.
Your ‘smooth progress’ comes through the new training screen.
Table Warfare Miniatures - Armatures, Custom Miniatures, Moulds etc.
(edited by Kaz.5430)
You won’t have to spend anything to try it out in the future. Just wait for the Open Betas to happen in the months ahead. Then you should get a good look at the expansion and decide.
More than a few players are of the same opinion as you.
Is the expansion really just 1 zone and 1 new character class? I was coming back for this =(
If, by zone, you mean map, then no; there is more than 1 map.
If, by zone, you mean area/region, like the Shiverpeaks, or Kryta, then yes, there is one zone: Heart of Maguuma.
Good luck.
Wish Elder Scrolls had a trial mode. Don’t want to spend $60 just to try it out.
ESO was on $15 special last week. You missed a good deal. PvE in that game is amazing, but you’ll come back to GW2 for WvW and pvp.