Uzolan's Mechanical Orchestra Collection

Uzolan's Mechanical Orchestra Collection

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Twiggy.2138


Has anyone had any issues with getting the adventure item (Adventurous Melody) lately? I’ve done nearly every adventure to at least silver and no drop. am I just super unlucky? Also the Palm wood mallet (from random chests) isn’t dropping for me either after doing chest runs with multiple characters. If anyone else has done this collection, how long did it take to get the drops?

People on reddit say that it took them a whole day but I’ve already spent longer than that.

Uzolan's Mechanical Orchestra Collection

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Twiggy.2138


Well if anyone is interested in the future, i got the palm-wood mallet from the chest at the end of the ley line jumping puzzle in AB.

Uzolan's Mechanical Orchestra Collection

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: GiraffricanAmerican.3425


yea i gold like 6-7 adventures and silver the rest of them every day and 4 days running nw i havent gotten my adventurous melody either..

Uzolan's Mechanical Orchestra Collection

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: papry.8096


Well the one from Ulgoth is not dropping for me at all.
I have spent 3 weeks doing Ulgoth daily & Nothing.
I gave up.

Uzolan's Mechanical Orchestra Collection

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


It took me 4 days to find the adventure part, getting 6+ gold medals per day and some silver.
The Ulgoth part dropped for me on 2nd try, the other parts went rather quick, too.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

Uzolan's Mechanical Orchestra Collection

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: LittleOlive.3072


The twin chests at the top of the great tree where the flax farm is dropped it for me right off, but the the Adventurous Melody from the adventures has been a beast. At least this thread tells me it exists.

Guild Leader, Hands of Divinity
Sea of Sorrows

Uzolan's Mechanical Orchestra Collection

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Twiggy.2138


I was so disheartened that I asked support to check if the drop was bugged! They replied that it was not.

Today I finally got the drop (doing the adventures on a different character than the one I usually run them on). But it was about 6 days of running every adventure and 7 of them to gold.

Ulgoth’s drop I got on the first try. I must have been super lucky with that one.

Uzolan's Mechanical Orchestra Collection

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Hubal.8571


Yeah, this one took me quite some time to get. So if anyone still has some doubts, it does pop but drop chances per each adventure chest are probably less than <5%.

Actually funny thing is I had missing 3 collection pieces – The one dropping from Ulgoth, the one from meta completion chests in Auric Basin and the adventure one.

An yesterday – I just got 3 of them in one evening – starting with Adventurous Melody, then Modniir Battle Hymn from Ulgoth, and then by some ultra luck I logged in to Auric Basin map, AFTER the meta event was done successfully – and the chamber with chests was open and found the golden tuning fork.
(And honestly didn’t even know it was even possible to jump in map instance that completed the event without taking any part in the events)

Uzolan's Mechanical Orchestra Collection

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Leira Ruadh.1674

Leira Ruadh.1674

I’ve nearly finished this collection as well, but was wondering from those of you who have made it, is the Orchestra animated like the one in Divinity’s Reach or static?