VB, Night Meta event to extreme?

VB, Night Meta event to extreme?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mortifer.2946


IMO, it is pretty stupid you have to play during prime time to achieve what you need. Even World bosses received an updated and now you can run them several times a day…

outside of Prime time, hot maps are half-empty. period.

VB, Night Meta event to extreme?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Pupulon.4019


Even outside of prime time you can achieve a T4 VB at night. If you play outside American prime time you can also join EU servers instead.

That being said, some solutions for OP.

1) Organize a map yourself. Put an LFG advertising a T4 VB.

2) Tag up and lead one of the day chain, one of the main outpost and one of the bosses in canopy.

3) Communicate on Map chat. Try to get other to tag up and lead their chain.

You don’t need a full guild to run this or even five commanders. You need people to run the 4 main chains of events during day: Nobles, Ordnance/diarmid, Pale Reavers and Jakkel Itza/frogs.

Suring night you need to spread your zerg. If your map is advertised as a T4 VB in lfg you will find much more people willing to do just that.

VB, Night Meta event to extreme?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bambu.4270


Problem why reaching tier 4 is hard is because people are too used to one commander zerg as one blob method. This simply doesn’t work in this map. Worst case is when someone links waypoint to middle wyvern boss and asks everyone come to the lag fest while ignoring rest of the bosses. But hey at least we got tier 2 that’s good right? NO, it isn’t.

Tips to success at Night:

3-5 players on each rally point.
Do not lose the rally point, defending is top priority.
When there’s no defend event, help pact soldiers and collect supplies for rally points.
When there’s 20 mins left on timer, chopper appears, take the one next to you, do not wp to somewhere else!
Kill all bosses and enjoy the tier 4 reward!

That’s progress. Hooray for progress!

VB, Night Meta event to extreme?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Serephy.6271


I tagged up, asked for people to tag up (even mentor tag is really fine, VB needs a lot of tags at night) and very very constant taxing and.. Voilà. T4 day and night in 6/6 attempts so far.
LFG tool may be hard to use (no search function yet?) but it’s a very good friend.

VB, Night Meta event to extreme?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Nocta.5274


It’s important to do the first part of the night events, before the bosses, to get T4. You need to defend and upgrade the majority of the camps ( you have some margin to lose camps, but not much )

If you can get 20% into T2, killing all 5 legendary bosses will give you T4.

Characters :
Nooctae ( Thief ) / Encelya ( Engineer ) / Jane Crimson ( Elementalist ) / Kowywr ( Revenant )
Europe, Vizunah.

VB, Night Meta event to extreme?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


We got to T4 at night yesterday and that’s even after the Faren event chain stalled at practically the beginning during the day.

VB, Night Meta event to extreme?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: hardy.7469


It doesn’t help that if you are on a low pop map, and are asked to go to another, that transferring to the new map wipes all participation to 0 for your character. It gives zero incentive for people to even bother doing metas.

I mean who’s genius idea was it to have participation linked to the MAP and not the character.
Not many problems arise from that aside from the game forcing you to another map, crashes, disconnects, mega servers not working and more completely wiping all participation.

VB, Night Meta event to extreme?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Comet.1469


What timezone do you fall into? Last night, around 9pm NZDT – I decided to experiment and see if I could get a map to T4. So not really a prime time? Maybe just for the oceanic and Asian folk?

Started the pale reaver chain with my pin up and got a few guys coming to help me. I saw a blue pin go up at the Jaka Itzel event chain so I asked map chat if anyone was doing Faren, Pact and Mellaggan events. No one replied so I asked my friend to go please pin up and lead the mellaggan while I check on the remaining two. Saw a group at Farens so I went to pact encampment.

Once every event chain had a pin, I started taxiing in people and we just communicated in map chat.

Once night came around, I just said to the map " please spread out, try and defend all camps… One party per camp please" "run supplies and escourt npcs in the down time.

Initially we were slow off the mark but we got to level 2 in about 15-20mins then 30%-half way to 3 by the time the canopy bosses spawned. After killing all the bosses we were at L3 98% with 10mins to go. Told the map to please kill champs and escourt Npcs. We got to T4 with 6 mins to spare.

I hope that helps and is a bit of a guide to help you.

Edit: this map wanted to closebefore I started to taxi btw. Once I got enough people in it went back to normal.

(edited by Comet.1469)

VB, Night Meta event to extreme?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Electro.4173


It doesn’t help that if you are on a low pop map, and are asked to go to another, that transferring to the new map wipes all participation to 0 for your character. It gives zero incentive for people to even bother doing metas.

I mean who’s genius idea was it to have participation linked to the MAP and not the character.
Not many problems arise from that aside from the game forcing you to another map, crashes, disconnects, mega servers not working and more completely wiping all participation.

Yah, I’m not a big fan of the participation being tied to maps. Considering just how long it takes to hit the max level of participation, its a punch to the groin when you build it up in a non-meta map only to LFG and end up back at 0 to try and get into a good map. Especially since finding a map that does the day AND night meta seems quite difficult. Usually the LFGs are just for the night phase.

It was fine in the Silverwastes because you could max your participation buff in a matter of minutes. But here, where it basically requires the full day / night cycle… its hugely punishing to switch maps to try and find a good one, but at the same time if you don’t do that you won’t hit T4 anyway so it won’t even matter. Darned if you do, darned if you don’t.