Ventari Tablet Art - Best bug of the beta!

Ventari Tablet Art - Best bug of the beta!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mezorick.3610


I was testing the Revenant class in Fireheart Rise earlier today and i stumbled upon a very strange and interesting bug. Somehow, while channeling the Ventari Legend, the game allowed me to summon and endless number of Ventari Tablets! I soon announced the bug in map chat and quite a few people came to see the massive number of tablets i was able to spawn. A few fellow revenants came along too, and soon they were able to reproduce the bug and summon their own tablets! It wasnt long before we had the idea to use it to draw something, so we could remember this moment once the beta was over. Here’s what we ended up doing, we drew the Revenant Symbol


Ventari Tablet Art - Best bug of the beta!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: lhlawarrior.4132


haha well done. That’s how you play beta for all its glory!

Ventari Tablet Art - Best bug of the beta!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kahzee.6042


funny for sure wtg!