Voice actors the same in HoT story?
I play a female charr and somehow the voice over in the new story sounds different than it was. Was it also done by Kate Miller or someone else? It sounds almost similar, but the voice seems lower or just has more compression artifacts. It sounds like a heavily compressed mp3/ogg at times.
My human lady sounds the same, but my lady slyvari has the same effect you’re talking about. I don’t know if Jennifer hale was the original va for the character, but she’s definitely the va now.
Necro/Reaper, Rev
I feel a slight differance with human male, it might be just the recording.
Jennifer Hale has always been the female Sylvari VA.
I bet that what happen if it been a couple years from playing the same character. You can notice that in shows too,
Steve Staley does the Asura male voice, and it sounds like him. However when I go to see what he is credited doing it only shows Guild Wars 2 2012
Human male sounds different. Surprisingly better than before. Could just be better recording. Slightly off-topic, but it seems like almost every NPC has the same VA though. There’s very little variety. I don’t think there’s been a moment where I’ve been wandering around and haven’t heard that Priory Charr’s voice (from where you choose to side with her or Lyranthir at the very beginning) just about everywhere. Same with Taimi’s VA. It’s not particularly important, but you figure they could have at least done slight variations, or at the very least not put NPCs with the same VA so close to each other.