WTK happened to Evergreen Lodestones?

WTK happened to Evergreen Lodestones?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Eirinn.4250


I was just wandering around our guildhall earlier this afternoon, thinking about adding some bushes and trees (because you can never ever have enough trees), when I saw the price on a trading post. Then I double checked I was looking on the right thing. Then I screamed and a flock of wild pigeons flew away in horror from a nearby field.

What the flying green kitten happened with the price? I remember them being a little below 1g. Then a few days back climbing up to 1.5g. And now nearly 2.5g?
Do you need them for some new shiny green legendary thing? Was the jungle suddenly left barren, without a single leaf in sight? I really don’t understand and because of my glorious plans with guildhall decorating, I’d really like to know if it’s just a temporary thing and the price will in some time drop a little down?

(And just in case it doesn’t. Anyone interested in buying my soul for a pack full of green lodestones? )

Proud Queen of The Shieldmaidens
…the core of all life is a limitless chest of tales…

WTK happened to Evergreen Lodestones?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ider.1276


They are needed for 5 new ascended Calabolg-theme weapons (one you get for free, but you need loadstones for others). Demand went up, so, rightfully, the price.

WTK happened to Evergreen Lodestones?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Forgot about those. I should sell what I have in my bank.

WTK happened to Evergreen Lodestones?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Eirinn.4250


Ah, I see… So hopefully once everyone’s got their weapons the price will drop a bit? Pretty please with a kitten on top?

And thank you for the answer. At least I understand what’s happening now.

Proud Queen of The Shieldmaidens
…the core of all life is a limitless chest of tales…

WTK happened to Evergreen Lodestones?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Donari.5237


Hint: 40 evergreen slivers (I think? whatever the base thing that drops is) will double click their way to the lodestones needed, no crafting involved. I may be off on the number, whether that makes 1 or 5 lodestones. But check your bank for slivers, you may be swimming in them.

WTK happened to Evergreen Lodestones?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Hint: 40 evergreen slivers (I think? whatever the base thing that drops is) will double click their way to the lodestones needed, no crafting involved. I may be off on the number, whether that makes 1 or 5 lodestones. But check your bank for slivers, you may be swimming in them.

Should be 16 slivers.

2^(n-1) where n equals the total number of tiers.

WTK happened to Evergreen Lodestones?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Eirinn.4250


Hint: 40 evergreen slivers (I think? whatever the base thing that drops is) will double click their way to the lodestones needed, no crafting involved. I may be off on the number, whether that makes 1 or 5 lodestones. But check your bank for slivers, you may be swimming in them.

Yes, I am aware of that option. However, I’ve been unable to find a solid source for these slivers. There are rumours on Google about dropping from pods in Dragons Stand, but on my occasional runs I’ve never noticed them dropping in significant numbers. Is there any other source that I don’t know about maybe?

Proud Queen of The Shieldmaidens
…the core of all life is a limitless chest of tales…

WTK happened to Evergreen Lodestones?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Donari.5237


I don’t know. I just have around 200 of them from normal play through the maps, and that after I’ve made a small number of lodestones for guild hall topiaries. They seem to come off mobs and from the various bags you end up with during HoT metas. Since I don’t have a frequent need for them they vanish into the “deposit mats” maw without me really noticing that they’ve dropped.

WTK happened to Evergreen Lodestones?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Eirinn.4250


That might be it, I’ve never much cared about HoT meta events exept for an occasional DS run or Tarir once in a while. So I guess I’ll try a bit more googling and runing metas and we’ll see.

Oh, the things I’m willing to do for a bunch of trees… :)

Thanks again for the answers, guys!

Proud Queen of The Shieldmaidens
…the core of all life is a limitless chest of tales…

WTK happened to Evergreen Lodestones?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Xiahou Mao.9701

Xiahou Mao.9701

Eight Evergreen Slivers (so one Evergreen Core) is always a map reward on one of the Heart of Thorns maps, so doing events in whichever map happens to have that reward at any given time is a good way to get bunches of those.

WTK happened to Evergreen Lodestones?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


Yeah if you want to craft the 5 ascended Caladbolg’s it is expensive…if you just want the skins it is 1k Unbound Magic.

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

WTK happened to Evergreen Lodestones?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sariel V.7024

Sariel V.7024

Hint: 40 evergreen slivers (I think? whatever the base thing that drops is) will double click their way to the lodestones needed, no crafting involved. I may be off on the number, whether that makes 1 or 5 lodestones. But check your bank for slivers, you may be swimming in them.

You get them by killing Oakhearts. Even in regular Tyria.

WTK happened to Evergreen Lodestones?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: abaddon.3290


Hint: 40 evergreen slivers (I think? whatever the base thing that drops is) will double click their way to the lodestones needed, no crafting involved. I may be off on the number, whether that makes 1 or 5 lodestones. But check your bank for slivers, you may be swimming in them.

You get them by killing Oakhearts. Even in regular Tyria.

you also got a ton of them from running AB which since everyone has stopped doing it the supply has also dropped.

im bad at sarcasm

WTK happened to Evergreen Lodestones?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

you also got a ton of them from running AB which since everyone has stopped doing it the supply has also dropped.

Even if exactly as many people ran AB as during the peak of AB/ML, the supply would have dropped by 60% or more. (If half of all AB participants went to 6 maps, the decrease would be 75%.)

Thus we shouldn’t be surprised to see price increases for anything that is largely supplied by AB meta nor things that were well-supplied by it (e.g. rares and ecto, both of which have recovered some of their value since last April).

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

WTK happened to Evergreen Lodestones?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Eirian Direstorm.9748

Eirian Direstorm.9748

Also right now, quite a few are spending more time in SAB. If there’s any downtime before the next episode, the supply may recover a bit.

WTK happened to Evergreen Lodestones?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sister Saxifrage.7361

Sister Saxifrage.7361

Yeah if you want to craft the 5 ascended Caladbolg’s it is expensive…if you just want the skins it is 1k Unbound Magic.

They’re still a fair kitteneaper than standard ascended weapons.

WTK happened to Evergreen Lodestones?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Eirinn.4250


You get them by killing Oakhearts. Even in regular Tyria.

So…I’ve spent an hour killing Oakhearts in Gendarran fields… either I’m extremely unlucky, or it isn’t as simple as it seems. I’ve got zero slivers and a huge urge to burn down the whole map.

I’ll try the HoT metas later today and we’ll see. Meanwhile, the price at Trading post is getting more and more ridiculous… not only a lot of people is doing SAB now, you need two lodestones for a cute super pine tree…that doesn’t help much, I guess.

Proud Queen of The Shieldmaidens
…the core of all life is a limitless chest of tales…

WTK happened to Evergreen Lodestones?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

You get them by killing Oakhearts. Even in regular Tyria.

So…I’ve spent an hour killing Oakhearts in Gendarran fields… either I’m extremely unlucky, or it isn’t as simple as it seems. I’ve got zero slivers and a huge urge to burn down the whole map.

I’ll try the HoT metas later today and we’ll see. Meanwhile, the price at Trading post is getting more and more ridiculous… not only a lot of people is doing SAB now, you need two lodestones for a cute super pine tree…that doesn’t help much, I guess.

Why won’t you buy them from the TP? At prices as of this moment:

  • Lodes are running 2.4-2.5 gold
  • Slivers enough to convert to lodes cost 2.3-2.4 gold (i.e. a kitteneaper to buy 16 slivers).
John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

WTK happened to Evergreen Lodestones?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Eirinn.4250


Why won’t you buy them from the TP? At prices as of this moment:

  • Lodes are running 2.4-2.5 gold
  • Slivers enough to convert to lodes cost 2.3-2.4 gold (i.e. a kitteneaper to buy 16 slivers).

Well, there are two reasons…
First of all, I always try to find a way to obtain materials I need by myself. Especially materials I’ll need for a longer period of time.
And secondly, and this is strictly from my personal view, I don’t agree with the price on the Trading post. The difference between pre-Cadalbog price and today’s price is just too big.

Anyway, I’ve tried to do a few runs of Dragons stand today and a few slivers dropped for me…so I guess that could be the way. Slow, but we’re getting there… :)

Proud Queen of The Shieldmaidens
…the core of all life is a limitless chest of tales…

WTK happened to Evergreen Lodestones?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SlippyCheeze.5483


Well, there are two reasons…
First of all, I always try to find a way to obtain materials I need by myself. Especially materials I’ll need for a longer period of time.
And secondly, and this is strictly from my personal view, I don’t agree with the price on the Trading post. The difference between pre-Cadalbog price and today’s price is just too big.

You can always place a buy order at whatever price you consider appropriate?

Anyway, BloomHunger has the lodestone in their loot table, if you run the fractal, and https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Evergreen_Sliver gives you the locations and enemies to kill.

Good luck.

WTK happened to Evergreen Lodestones?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

First of all, I always try to find a way to obtain materials I need by myself. Especially materials I’ll need for a longer period of time.

Sure, if that’s your personal preference. Unfortunately, in this game, that might mean you have to grind — gold is a currency that we can use to pay someone else to grind for us.

And secondly, and this is strictly from my personal view, I don’t agree with the price on the Trading post. The difference between pre-Cadalbog price and today’s price is just too big.

I can understand that you might be unwilling to pay the higher price (who doesn’t hate paying retail?). Is that what you mean by “don’t agree?”

Essentially, the market price is set because lots of people are willing to pay a lot more, so it’s a bit like disagreeing with the weather, i.e. it is what it is due to forces beyond our personal control.

Anyhow, I hope that you can reconsider your stance on this particular material — I’d hate for you to burn out on an otherwise fun game because of a low drop-rate on a tradeable item. (There are already many things for which there is no TP alternative and require our endurance to acquire.)

Either way, good luck with your endeavor.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

WTK happened to Evergreen Lodestones?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Eirinn.4250


You can always place a buy order at whatever price you consider appropriate?

Anyway, BloomHunger has the lodestone in their loot table, if you run the fractal, and https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Evergreen_Sliver gives you the locations and enemies to kill.

Good luck.

You are right, I can place a buy order, but considering the current price I have my doubts that the sellers would share my idea of appropriate price. (I’m talking about 1g50s-ish per lodestone here. Not going to happen, I’m affraid.)

About the loot tables, are there maybe some charts with % chance to drop? Or is that impossible to count because of magic find?

Anyways guys, I’m really grateful for your advices here. Thank you! :)

Proud Queen of The Shieldmaidens
…the core of all life is a limitless chest of tales…

WTK happened to Evergreen Lodestones?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Eirinn.4250


First of all, I always try to find a way to obtain materials I need by myself. Especially materials I’ll need for a longer period of time.

Sure, if that’s your personal preference. Unfortunately, in this game, that might mean you have to grind — gold is a currency that we can use to pay someone else to grind for us.

And secondly, and this is strictly from my personal view, I don’t agree with the price on the Trading post. The difference between pre-Cadalbog price and today’s price is just too big.

I can understand that you might be unwilling to pay the higher price (who doesn’t hate paying retail?). Is that what you mean by “don’t agree?”

Essentially, the market price is set because lots of people are willing to pay a lot more, so it’s a bit like disagreeing with the weather, i.e. it is what it is due to forces beyond our personal control.

Anyhow, I hope that you can reconsider your stance on this particular material — I’d hate for you to burn out on an otherwise fun game because of a low drop-rate on a tradeable item. (There are already many things for which there is no TP alternative and require our endurance to acquire.)

Either way, good luck with your endeavor.

For the first part of your response: I don’t mind grind, as long as it takes a reasonable amount of time. I’m aware that in my situation it would be timewise much better to just farm Silverwastes, sell materials and buy the lodestones I need. But because of the current price and, let’s say, my stubbornness I’m much more willing to run around Dragons stand and farm the slivers by myself. Luckily, Dragons stand meta is my favourite one.

And for the second part…maybe I used a wrong expression there, since english is my second language. There is an expression in my language which can be translated as “voting with my wallet”. With the lodestone’s price, I’m doing just that. It is absolutely fine that other people are willing to pay current prices. I’m not.

And about me burning out…I don’t think that’s going to happen anytime soon. I very much enjoy playing this game. This lodestone situation is just an annoyance for me, not a dealbreaking problem.

Proud Queen of The Shieldmaidens
…the core of all life is a limitless chest of tales…

WTK happened to Evergreen Lodestones?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

And about me burning out…I don’t think that’s going to happen anytime soon. I very much enjoy playing this game. This lodestone situation is just an annoyance for me, not a dealbreaking problem.


Glad you’re enjoying the game and especially that you have a good attitude about running into obstacles.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

WTK happened to Evergreen Lodestones?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Eirinn.4250


Good :)

Glad you’re enjoying the game and especially that you have a good attitude about running into obstacles.

Thank you. :) Sometimes I jokingly say that while other people are working towards their legendaries, I have our guildhall as my personal goal. And with every decoration and every tree I’m a step closer to that goal… :)

Proud Queen of The Shieldmaidens
…the core of all life is a limitless chest of tales…