What about gear progression?
For example in this thread. And the only answer I did get from you guys was: go back to WoW…
Go back to WoW you say? Gave a link did you? You might want to recheck that link since it isn’t providing any evidence for your victim-hood by us mean mean forum-ites.
But anyway on topic, and is pretty much the answer to most of the questions in HoT forum, we don’t know. But it would appear that we’re not getting horizontal progress beyond skins, not the type of progress you want (which I’m not exactly sure is horizontal, it seems more you want specialization than progression).
read through that thread not even one get back to wow comment and no answer of a dev in there what are you smoking man, can I have some?
Oh thats not all you can do with that rare you can destroy it, vendor trash, bank, sell on the trading post, give it away or use it.
The horizontal progression will apparently be the class specializations and the new masteries (which seem to have a lot more going on with them than just combat)