What if we sylvari players changed too?

What if we sylvari players changed too?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: PepBerry.1602


First of all, I have to give ArenaNet props. Those Mordrem Guard designs are ON POINT. I love the idea of them ‘hulking out a bit’, growing a natural armor of bark, and having such a menacing scowl.

That being said, they’ve already said that the story will be different for sylvari players and that we’ll be hearing Mordremoth’s voice in-game. I hope (perhaps as a choice during the story) we’ll have the chance to risk our character falling to Mordremoth and hulk out ourselves. Growing that sweet looking bark armor and growing more powerful in a risky attempt to save someone/thing.

I know we wouldn’t actually lose our character to Mordy permanently as that wouldn’t make sense gameplay-wise. But perhaps at some point in the story players of all races will have to save someone/thing and where most races would have the choice to use airships or armies to do it, the sylvari players won’t have that luxury and might have to give in to Mordy a bit? It would be so great to see that sort of desperation and risk coming out of the sylvari.

Additionally, instead of a personal story bit, perhaps there could be an open-world event where sylvari players in the area might lose it to Mordy and need other players to beat them senseless? Heck, what if there was a juggernaut pvp mode in that same vein?

What do you guys think? Could this work? Do you think they already have something like this planned? What might you change?

Sorry if this has been brought up already by the developers or another forum member. Please let me know if it has been so I can mention them as well.

What if we sylvari players changed too?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: dkspins.4670


When I logged into GW2 the first day of BWE1 in August, on my main, a Sylvari Ranger, I distinctly heard a deep gravely voice say “You’re mine”. This was in LA, before making any Beta characters, and a tad disconcerting. A few days later I watched a video with Anet’s Narrative Director, Leah Hoyer, from Pax Prime who said specifically that Sylvari PC’s can be swayed/taken over by Mordremoth. She obviously didn’t go into any details.
I’d be more than a little miffed if my main of 2.5k hrs. was lost to me. However I imagine they’ve taken this twist into consideration. In the Personal Story, can’t remember which episode/chapter, someone had found a way to turn a Risen Chicken corrupted by Zhaitan, into a normal chicken. Perhaps there will be a story/quest that the PC can follow who’s been claimed by Mordy where we have to do x, y, and z to protect ourselves, or there might be a reward of some resistance or protection potion.

I do like your idea of an open world event, as long as the rewards are good for those that protect Sylvaris.

But, I’m sure they already have planned something. It will be interesting. Incidentally, I have 8 Sylvaris , 9 when Revenant is released LOL

7k hr, 13k AP, 16 char, all classes 80 Sadly, 3.5k hr. Ranger

What if we sylvari players changed too?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Archon.6480


Personally, I would like the option to join Mordremoth’s horde, at night time, and aid Mordrem NPC’s in their quests. It would be great fun to aid the computer in vanquishing PvE players. Besides, the Dungeon crowd relentlessly harps on ANet for making PVE too easy… Well then, there is nothing like facing player controlled Mordrem to wipe that Zerker armor off your toon.

Jade Quarry – Esparie
Illustrious Exhausted Primordial Legendary Druid, and Mesmer for fun
PvE | PvP (1500)| WvW | Fractals | Dungeons

What if we sylvari players changed too?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bunnytown.7801


Personally, I would like the option to join Mordremoth’s horde, at night time, and aid Mordrem NPC’s in their quests. It would be great fun to aid the computer in vanquishing PvE players. Besides, the Dungeon crowd relentlessly harps on ANet for making PVE too easy… Well then, there is nothing like facing player controlled Mordrem to wipe that Zerker armor off your toon.

There would be so many tears from PVE’rs. I personally would love to see this happen though.

What if we sylvari players changed too?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kolompi.1287


Personally, I would like the option to join Mordremoth’s horde, at night time, and aid Mordrem NPC’s in their quests. It would be great fun to aid the computer in vanquishing PvE players. Besides, the Dungeon crowd relentlessly harps on ANet for making PVE too easy… Well then, there is nothing like facing player controlled Mordrem to wipe that Zerker armor off your toon.

That would be awesome. See the party over there stacking might before a fight? Drop null field or well of corruption on them, then blind, then smack them to bits. Hah.

That’d be way too much fun. Sad that we won’t ever be able to do that.

What if we sylvari players changed too?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Menadena.7482


I plan on rolling a revenant after as a sylvari. It will be interesting.

I will probably hold off a couple days so I can play with elites first though as I will have all the others as 80s. My birthday is soon after release so the timing is perfect to instalevel a new character.

What if we sylvari players changed too?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: TheRandomGuy.7246


Personally, I would like the option to join Mordremoth’s horde, at night time, and aid Mordrem NPC’s in their quests. It would be great fun to aid the computer in vanquishing PvE players. Besides, the Dungeon crowd relentlessly harps on ANet for making PVE too easy… Well then, there is nothing like facing player controlled Mordrem to wipe that Zerker armor off your toon.

Making pve challenging by turning it in to pvp.


What if we sylvari players changed too?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


Hmm looks like all of this has cemented my decision to make a revenant slyvari for HOT.

Also I really think this game needs a guild based mixed mode pve/pvp system/mechanic/game mode

What if we sylvari players changed too?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kris.4802


Personally, I would like the option to join Mordremoth’s horde, at night time, and aid Mordrem NPC’s in their quests. It would be great fun to aid the computer in vanquishing PvE players. Besides, the Dungeon crowd relentlessly harps on ANet for making PVE too easy… Well then, there is nothing like facing player controlled Mordrem to wipe that Zerker armor off your toon.

That would be awesome. See the party over there stacking might before a fight? Drop null field or well of corruption on them, then blind, then smack them to bits. Hah.

That’d be way too much fun. Sad that we won’t ever be able to do that.

And the dance afterwards on their bodies would be priceless. Wish NPC that killed me would dance on my body sometimes….

Mordremoth’s triumvirate of evil:
1. Trahearne 2. Scarlet 3. The sylvari that keeps spamming “More violets I say, less violence.”

What if we sylvari players changed too?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kronos.2560


Personally, I would like the option to join Mordremoth’s horde, at night time, and aid Mordrem NPC’s in their quests. It would be great fun to aid the computer in vanquishing PvE players. Besides, the Dungeon crowd relentlessly harps on ANet for making PVE too easy… Well then, there is nothing like facing player controlled Mordrem to wipe that Zerker armor off your toon.

That would be awesome. See the party over there stacking might before a fight? Drop null field or well of corruption on them, then blind, then smack them to bits. Hah.

That’d be way too much fun. Sad that we won’t ever be able to do that.

And the dance afterwards on their bodies would be priceless. Wish NPC that killed me would dance on my body sometimes….

If you changed to a mordrem that would have to change your skill bar otherwise it would just be another wvw. But even with a normal mordrem mob skillbar I think it would be very exciting. It would make pve mobs harder but not quite to player levels, considering the mordrem players are somewhat restricted. I’m primarily a pve player and would totally be up for this in select maps!

What if we sylvari players changed too?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Balsa.3951


this could work in wvw I can imagine, as Sylvari u can join a side of Modrems .

siege is exchanged with plant siege and in case of being outnumbered u can use supply to summon modrems.

Other Way could be spvp or pve instances

I would not mind a open world pvp for 1 week in a certain zone either so anet balance sylvari and non sylvari

but I can also see that we might not have enough Sylvari player for that

What if we sylvari players changed too?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: jgcd.6041


It would be interesting, much like how the last beta event in vanilla culminated in a massive branded invasion where you got corrupted and entered into PvP with everyone else who wasn’t.

Not likely to happen though.

- This is a forum, expect logic to get left at the door, beaten bloody, and set on fire.

- The more asinine the post or thread, the more I am amused.

What if we sylvari players changed too?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: TheLastNobody.8319


I’ve been wanting to make a sylvari ranger so this would be relevant to my interests.

A knight in shining armor is a man who never had his metal truly tested.

What if we sylvari players changed too?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ashen.2907


No thank you.

What if we sylvari players changed too?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: FrostSpectre.4198


More likely:

ANet adds a “players vs monsters” game that players can participate, perhaps as an activity…
Team one is players with normal player rules, but certain restrictions. Usually forced to complete set of objectives to win.
Team two is players choosing a monster class and try to kill the players in team one. This team wins by preventing objective or killing all players on team one.

Team one players have 1 life each, and have to complete some set of objectives to win, outlast the time limit, capture relic which will kill all monsters in it’s range or something. Depleting player’s HP will put them into downed state, from which they need other players to help them up.

Team two players can have pool of lifes that are used up as players die or infinite lives, they also have respawn delays and also monster respawn delay restrictions depending on monsters strength. Each monster class is unique, but will die immedietely when HP is diminished.

I’m a casual PvE adventurer, I enjoy combat, adventure and helping, but not farming.
I rarely do PvP or Hard PvE, unless it’s organized.

What if we sylvari players changed too?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


I can’t wait…especially if it gives us the ability to answer Mordremoth as a Sylvari.

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

What if we sylvari players changed too?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tim.6450


Personally, I would like the option to join Mordremoth’s horde, at night time, and aid Mordrem NPC’s in their quests. It would be great fun to aid the computer in vanquishing PvE players. Besides, the Dungeon crowd relentlessly harps on ANet for making PVE too easy… Well then, there is nothing like facing player controlled Mordrem to wipe that Zerker armor off your toon.

There would be so many tears from PVE’rs. I personally would love to see this happen though.

Honestly, one PVE’r will waypoint/rune to the entrance activate his commander tag and ping the waypoint and says something like “anti sylvari train here”. Then you get zerged down. You will be outnumbered 5 to 1.


What if we sylvari players changed too?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Shezu Tsukai.8291

Shezu Tsukai.8291

Why not make it a fractal where the party is playing as mordrem vs the other races?

We already have the charr fractal so it should be possible.

Verum et Vitae

What if we sylvari players changed too?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: PepBerry.1602


Personally, I would like the option to join Mordremoth’s horde, at night time, and aid Mordrem NPC’s in their quests. It would be great fun to aid the computer in vanquishing PvE players. Besides, the Dungeon crowd relentlessly harps on ANet for making PVE too easy… Well then, there is nothing like facing player controlled Mordrem to wipe that Zerker armor off your toon.

There would be so many tears from PVE’rs. I personally would love to see this happen though.

Honestly, one PVE’r will waypoint/rune to the entrance activate his commander tag and ping the waypoint and says something like “anti sylvari train here”. Then you get zerged down. You will be outnumbered 5 to 1.

Yeah, I thought that might happen too. Maybe we could go off other people’s ideas where its clear that you’re fighting Mordrem Guards players anyway (like the WvW suggestions)? That or maybe just embrace the commander tag thing and make it into a world boss situation, but tougher?