What's roles you want from Specializations?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Knighthonor.4061
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Knighthonor.4061
What’s some roles you want from your classes’s specialization to accomplish?
How you want them to play out?
As an Engineer: I want hammer to be a power weapon with good burst damage to bring us into the meta for dungeons. I hope it is almost entirely geared towards this, and not a condi dammge/ CC weapon, because we already have plenty of that with with pistol/pistol, pistol/shield, and rifle.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: IllegalChocolate.6938
rifle is very power oriented
rifle is very power oriented
It’s power/CC oriented. 2 of it’s attacks are CC’s, only 2 attacks are really useful at all in Dungeons: blunderbuss and jump shot, it’s auto attack is next to useless. We engineers already have great CC and condi damage with the kits and weapons that we currently have, what we need is a power weapon to bring our damage up to par with thieves, warriors, and Rangers.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: tigirius.9014
Healing to be a thing in PVE, it’s really not where it should be. As an Engineer I don’t want to have to do 3 things to get the same AOE healing affects that other classes take for granted, I want cleansing to be an option in the trait trees, I want ranged healing like using grenades, and I want mines to be included in the healing aspects of explosives as well even those created by other traits especially since one of the biggest heals we had in PVE was taken out when they nerfed kits for PVP purposes which this class has never recovered from.
I true melee weapon for my ele!
Mostly tanks and support i think dmg is covered for the most part. Maybe classes like guards need a dps specialization but it was the true tank / support class when the game first came out you cant say that about any other class in GW2.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: maddoctor.2738
Elementalists should get a melee weapon, Lightning Hammer shouldn’t be the best melee option for elementalists. A weapon with proper melee cleave too
Guardians need a more reliable ranged weapon, scepter is good overall but the auto attack tends to miss and it’s slow. Faster attacking ranged weapon is what Guardians need
A reliable ranged option for Thieves would be nice, like a Rifle, Thieves lack a 1200 range weapon, however there needs to be some balancing with this, because they can’t allow this Rifle easy access to Stealth. Being hit at 1200 distance from someone that can stealth easily isn’t fun
Engineers and Necromancers both need a melee cleave weapon and the Hammer / Greatsword they are getting is probably exactly that.
Rangers will get more Support skills with the Staff, as Ranger support is rather limited now, from Weapons only the Warhorn provides support for the party and Axe5 but that’s situational. I expect Staff to give rangers more reliable Support options, I just hope it’s nothing like Guardian Staff
Mesmers are getting more party support options, time manipulation looks interesting for buffing allies, we’ll see how it works in the end
I’m not sure Warriors really need anything they can already do almost everything and cover most roles in an excellent way. Maybe a two-handed cleave condition weapon? Axe→Greatsword (Power), Mace→Hammer (CC), and Sword→??? (Condition)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Frightlight.3796
As an Engineer: I want hammer to be a power weapon with good burst damage to bring us into the meta for dungeons. I hope it is almost entirely geared towards this, and not a condi dammge/ CC weapon, because we already have plenty of that with with pistol/pistol, pistol/shield, and rifle.
I am hoping it is a power weapon with decent mobility. Mobility means survival in most cases least in wvw and since were gonna be a melee brawler with medium armor we need all the survival we can get. Hammer engineers should be scary and be able to stick to you like glue.
I hope necro great sword isnt like mesmer where its a ranged wep rather than an up close and personal wep
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Ragnar the Rock.3174
I hope necro great sword isnt like mesmer where its a ranged wep rather than an up close and personal wep
Looking at Marjory if it is anything like her’s it will be melee
Her auto attack chain is allot like the ranger’s greatsword auto except the last attack applies chill (and has an uptime of around 50%) instead of evade.
What the other skills are is anybodies guess.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Orpheal.8263
Engineer “Saboteurs” with Hammer = Power Melee Cascades
Mesmer (Chronomancers) with Shield = Condi AoE Cascade Support
Elementalist “Arcanists” with Sword = Power Melee Cleave
Necromancer “Ritualists” with Greatsword = Power CC Cleave
Thief “Infiltrator” with Longbow = Full Range Hybrid Burst
Warrior “Marauder” with Shortbow = Condi Support
Guardian “Crusader” with Longbow = Full Range Burst
Ranger (Druid) with Staff = Condi/CC Hybrid Support
Revenant ..no clue
my guesses and hopes
Engineer “Saboteurs” with Hammer = Power Melee Cascades
Mesmer (Chronomancers) with Shield = Condi AoE Cascade Support
Elementalist “Arcanists” with Sword = Power Melee Cleave
Necromancer “Ritualists” with Greatsword = Power CC Cleave
Thief “Infiltrator” with Longbow = Full Range Hybrid Burst
Warrior “Marauder” with Shortbow = Condi Support
Guardian “Crusader” with Longbow = Full Range Burst
Ranger (Druid) with Staff = Condi/CC Hybrid Support
Revenant ..no cluemy guesses and hopes
I doubt that they will give the same weapon to two classes in the specializations. I think most people expect the guardian to get a longbow. Thief should get rifle “Sniper” class high dps ranged.
I kinda hope the guardian longbow is support oriented planting seals every where. Like a ground targeted 1 skill.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Orpheal.8263
theres no rule, that anet just can’t repeat it to give a class a new weapon, that has been given also ready to another class.
You know, Anet wil ladd in the future also more specializations over time, so it basically plays no role of i,t if anet gives now every class a unique different new weapon, or not and they repeat themself in one case, where in regard of class design that repeat would make more sense, than to go for the unique weapon.
heack ,even if anet would follow that unique weapon them, why do do many people think, it must be rifle, when there are also for thieves the choices of torch, mace, axe, warhorn, scepter and focus still theoreticalyl open also, even if some of those listed up thigns would make far much lesser sense, than the rifle.
heck twice, they could give the thief even also simply the off hand sword, which many people wish to get also… an added already existing weapon they can already use, but for a different hand is also a way to improve a clas for a specialization, the same way how I wouldn’t find it surprising, if we would get to see the Main Hand Shield first for warrior, to give the Shield finally a way to fight with it in a way more offensive way together with an Auto Attack, because shields aren’t only for defense, you can use them also perfectly fine as main hand weapon to attack and create openings for your secondary weapon…
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: CureForLiving.5360
I hope necro great sword isnt like mesmer where its a ranged wep rather than an up close and personal wep
Looking at Marjory if it is anything like her’s it will be melee
Her auto attack chain is allot like the ranger’s greatsword auto except the last attack applies chill (and has an uptime of around 50%) instead of evade.
What the other skills are is anybodies guess.
Yeah I want to be in the fight hitting this as hard as possible XD
Would the interesting it if was a melee condi though, daggers currently are pretty power focused and not as cleave heavy.
Necro GS: Melee Aggressive power oriented, the i was hopping the abortion that was the mesmer GS would end there but they repeated it with Revenants Hammer.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: thefantasticg.3984
I want a Ranger specialization that replaces the pet with a pet aurora that provides a certain buff for Ranger and group..
Elementalists should get a melee weapon, Lightning Hammer shouldn’t be the best melee option for elementalists. A weapon with proper melee cleave too
Guardians need a more reliable ranged weapon, scepter is good overall but the auto attack tends to miss and it’s slow. Faster attacking ranged weapon is what Guardians need
A reliable ranged option for Thieves would be nice, like a Rifle, Thieves lack a 1200 range weapon, however there needs to be some balancing with this, because they can’t allow this Rifle easy access to Stealth. Being hit at 1200 distance from someone that can stealth easily isn’t fun
Engineers and Necromancers both need a melee cleave weapon and the Hammer / Greatsword they are getting is probably exactly that.
Rangers will get more Support skills with the Staff, as Ranger support is rather limited now, from Weapons only the Warhorn provides support for the party and Axe5 but that’s situational. I expect Staff to give rangers more reliable Support options, I just hope it’s nothing like Guardian Staff
Mesmers are getting more party support options, time manipulation looks interesting for buffing allies, we’ll see how it works in the end
I’m not sure Warriors really need anything they can already do almost everything and cover most roles in an excellent way. Maybe a two-handed cleave condition weapon? Axe->Greatsword (Power), Mace->Hammer (CC), and Sword->??? (Condition)
Warriors will probably get something to excel from range? It definitely seems like they are using these first iteration of Specializations to increases Professions positions in combat (For ex: introducing more options for front, mid, back line positions) by looking at what Professions are currently lacking and by the devs standards, in need of most.
Warriors are very much about getting in your face to deal damage, just like Thieves currently, so since Thieves are most likely getting a Rifle for Range, then maybe Warriors will too in the form of Pistols or Shortbow (for mid-line combat)?
theres no rule, that anet just can’t repeat it to give a class a new weapon, that has been given also ready to another class.
You know, Anet wil ladd in the future also more specializations over time, so it basically plays no role of i,t if anet gives now every class a unique different new weapon, or not and they repeat themself in one case, where in regard of class design that repeat would make more sense, than to go for the unique weapon.
heack ,even if anet would follow that unique weapon them, why do do many people think, it must be rifle, when there are also for thieves the choices of torch, mace, axe, warhorn, scepter and focus still theoreticalyl open also, even if some of those listed up thigns would make far much lesser sense, than the rifle.
heck twice, they could give the thief even also simply the off hand sword, which many people wish to get also… an added already existing weapon they can already use, but for a different hand is also a way to improve a clas for a specialization, the same way how I wouldn’t find it surprising, if we would get to see the Main Hand Shield first for warrior, to give the Shield finally a way to fight with it in a way more offensive way together with an Auto Attack, because shields aren’t only for defense, you can use them also perfectly fine as main hand weapon to attack and create openings for your secondary weapon…
I absolutely understand that they could if they wanted to give two specializations the same weapon in this first iteration of the expansion. I simply doubt that they would, because there are soon to be 9 classes and they have 16 land weapons they can dole out, and most humans who were taught anything about the resources instantly think 1 for you…and 1 for you…and 1 for you…etc. In this same reasoning, I think it makes sense to me that if you have two classes that have weak long range play, and two weapons that have long range (traditionally speaking…I’m cognizant of you Mesmer GS users) the natural instinct would be to give each one one of them.
I also recognize that unless they add more weapons in the future they will have to duplicate new weapon usage when they add future specializations if they keep with the idea of new specialization means new weapon/weapon use that the class didn’t have access to before.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Levetty.1279
I just want better sustain and more reliable damage for Mesmer so they can actually take part in all the open world and boss content that is the focus of the game.
And a new main hand weapon that should have been added 3 years ago.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Curunen.8729
For Chronomancer (or whatever they will call it), I’d like to see much more emphasis on Control – through use of slow/quickness, manipulation/control of enemy skill use and movement, more physical control effects like into the void and iwave, denial of damage, and of course a mechanic that isn’t shattering.
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