What's up with all the timegates?

What's up with all the timegates?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: jacceb.7918


Legend pve backpack = timegated, Legend pvp backpack = timegated, Golden fractal skins = timegated(only 3 boxes with chance to get em a day). Shouldn’t there be content worth farming or atleast something to do that lasts more than one hour? Since some of these items are my major priority right now, i find myself just logging in doing dailies and logging out, and what’s the fun in that. It also makes me forced to play fracs and pvp every day instead of me being able to play fracs or pvp for a whole day when i feel like it with friends and still being eligible for nice loot.

What's up with all the timegates?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Seera.5916


Blame the people who would spend all day every day running through that content and then come running to ANet crying that they don’t have anything else to do and how they should release new content right now.

What's up with all the timegates?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ricky markham.8173

ricky markham.8173

seera totally right on this content locusts are what caused this

What's up with all the timegates?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tommyknocker.6089


People that are playing your game = possible cash.

The more timegates they stick in the game the longer players have to stay/return to your game.

Not rocket science, but it is greed, pure and simple.

Edit: clarity

(edited by Tommyknocker.6089)

What's up with all the timegates?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Neox.3497


The typical problem of dailies being ‘too good’ and the only thing worth doing.

What's up with all the timegates?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Soon.5240


….i find myself just logging in doing dailies and logging out….

All Anet needs to show their investors, who financed the expansion, is the metrics of your logging in each day.

No one at Anet cares what you do when you log in. They get paid for “eyeballs”.

What's up with all the timegates?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Esquilax.3491


People that are playing your game = possible cash.

The more timegates they stick in the game the longer players have to stay/return to your game.

Not rocket science, but it is greed, pure and simple.

Edit: clarity

This is correct but it’s called capitalism not greed. That is the societal structure that we live in, you really need to learn to deal with it.

What's up with all the timegates?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tommyknocker.6089


People that are playing your game = possible cash.

The more timegates they stick in the game the longer players have to stay/return to your game.

Not rocket science, but it is greed, pure and simple.

Edit: clarity

This is correct but it’s called capitalism not greed. That is the societal structure that we live in, you really need to learn to deal with it.

There are degrees. If a company offers a good product and good service, I am inclined to gladly purchase more of their product out of loyalty. If a company forces it’s will upon me I am more likely just going to turn my back on said practices.

Hopefully over time they learn the folly of their ways as many others come to that self same realization. If not there is no skin off my backside as it sits I refuse to deal with many companies now and one more won’t bother me in the least if practices like this become the norm.

What's up with all the timegates?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Guys you also get loads of people complaining “I only have 1hr to play and I want to get something done!” but these people get upset when they can’t get things other people do. So you have these daily structures and quick things to try and satisfy these people too as well as slow down the “locusts.”

What's up with all the timegates?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Vayne.8563


People that are playing your game = possible cash.

The more timegates they stick in the game the longer players have to stay/return to your game.

Not rocket science, but it is greed, pure and simple.

Edit: clarity

This is correct but it’s called capitalism not greed. That is the societal structure that we live in, you really need to learn to deal with it.

There are degrees. If a company offers a good product and good service, I am inclined to gladly purchase more of their product out of loyalty. If a company forces it’s will upon me I am more likely just going to turn my back on said practices.

Hopefully over time they learn the folly of their ways as many others come to that self same realization. If not there is no skin off my backside as it sits I refuse to deal with many companies now and one more won’t bother me in the least if practices like this become the norm.

But “you” one person, doesn’t matter. If six guys are like you and a thousand guys will log in for the time gate, you lose. Because that’s also capitalism.

Even the good game line is not really well thought out because everyone finds different things in games enjoyable. If they make a good game for me it might be a bad game for you. People want different things.

So this make a good game…good game for who? That’s why time gates exist in game. More people will log in to do it, no matter what players who hate this sort of thing do.

What's up with all the timegates?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tommyknocker.6089


People that are playing your game = possible cash.

The more timegates they stick in the game the longer players have to stay/return to your game.

Not rocket science, but it is greed, pure and simple.

Edit: clarity

This is correct but it’s called capitalism not greed. That is the societal structure that we live in, you really need to learn to deal with it.

There are degrees. If a company offers a good product and good service, I am inclined to gladly purchase more of their product out of loyalty. If a company forces it’s will upon me I am more likely just going to turn my back on said practices.

Hopefully over time they learn the folly of their ways as many others come to that self same realization. If not there is no skin off my backside as it sits I refuse to deal with many companies now and one more won’t bother me in the least if practices like this become the norm.

But “you” one person, doesn’t matter. If six guys are like you and a thousand guys will log in for the time gate, you lose. Because that’s also capitalism.

Even the good game line is not really well thought out because everyone finds different things in games enjoyable. If they make a good game for me it might be a bad game for you. People want different things.

So this make a good game…good game for who? That’s why time gates exist in game. More people will log in to do it, no matter what players who hate this sort of thing do.

Seems like far to many words to say “we all all different people”, and I learned that as a baby. I am happy for those that enjoy it, I really am, but I (inclusive) would rather they not time gate everything. As this has become the practice in about 90% of online games, my voice may as well be in an echo chamber at this point.

But If it is allowed, your highness, I am still going to use it, thanks.

What's up with all the timegates?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zerkules.4128


I blame the developer being inspired by bad designs from Mario 64 and Metroid Prime. Want to go to the next level? Well go through this level ten times and find a star in a different location each time! This does not increase replay value for me…. it makes the game boring unless you have a interesting story to tell or something else. I want to replay content because I choose to not because I am forced to do it over and over until it is worn out.

What's up with all the timegates?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Dvantaman.3617


Blame the people who would spend all day every day running through that content and then come running to ANet crying that they don’t have anything else to do and how they should release new content right now.

This. People complaining “Now what?” “What to do now?” “Lack of endgame?”

What's up with all the timegates?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Harper.4173


Blame the people who would spend all day every day running through that content and then come running to ANet crying that they don’t have anything else to do and how they should release new content right now.

That’s not even true – it’s not the complaints that are the cause of time gates.
Because guess what? People are complaining now that there’s nothing to do – in between the “gated” steps.

The real reason time gates are there is to keep you logging in every day and possibly getting some gem store thing. It’s about exposing you to the game as often as possible – and that means not allowing you to finish your stuff and take a break.

They’d rather you logged in 1 hour a day for 100 days rather than you spending about 5 hours per day for 20 days and then taking a break until new stuff is added.
That’s because each day playing is a day you’re exposed to gem store offers and whatnot – and they might just get your money.

Content locusts aren’t the issue here- honestly people like that have existed long before GW2 and that didn’t make game design change – what made it change was the fact they figured out a better way to monetize players.

If here they fall they shall live on when ever you cry “For Ascalon!”