Private retriever of runaway NPCs
Mistband[MIST] – PVP Training guild EU
I’m throwing money at my screen but nothing is happening.
Try your DVD drive…
Someone needs to test it before I do.
Um.. no. Poor quality games is not a result of pre-orders. Poor quality games is a result of poor devs. They are exclusively seperate. Pre-ordering by no means magically makes a game suffer. If anything, it helps in developement costs.
I’m all for pre-orders, but i do hate when they include HUGE things that make people hate the game for not being able to get said things just because they were late cough Diablo III wings cough.
If it was something like black lion keys, or store credits or something, i’d completely go for that, as it doesn’t make people feel shafted out of something nice due to not being able to pre-order, aswell as it’s a “thankyou for pre-ordering”.
… I will pay! But fix the kitten hobosacks on engineer.
It is revealing how “money topics” are well represented by devs. I guess everybody has to make a living, right?
Mine is a ugly one though. That is because I love kits and they make me ugly.
And since my appearance is subpar’ my wife is actually pretty hideous too. Who do I blame? Guess yourself!
Runes of Magic… mmorpg…was F2P as well as every expansion that existed in game was free to download and play….granted it was a kitteny game to begin with but that is beside the point. YOU ASKED I DELIVERED.
Also, I do believe that the Mistfire Wolf was part of the original game pre-order package. And a hat too!?!
Anyways preorder the game. They don’t pay the devs until the publisher gets paid so do it in a steady wave until launch.
(edited by Indweller.1402)
^Tera is another one. Its completely free now anyway, with a cash shop with cosmetic items sort of like GW2. The Perfect World games as well, but PW is so pay to win that its not even funny. There’s a few others as well that i cant remember off the top of my head, but they’re crappy so it doesn’t really matter.
He just asked for examples, not good ones…LOL
Yeah i know. Tera and EVE are good ones though. Those are the only decent ones i can think of. The rest are pretty horrid. Oh yeah, Aion too. Almost forgot about that one. 3 good examples. Point is, its not a common occurrence for high quality, non-pay to win games to have free expansions, so don’t expect it to happen.
I cant believe someone asked for this to be free. I could see maybe asking for it to be free if there was a monthly subscription but even those types of games make you pay for the expansions. Unless you gave money to get gems you only paid once for this entire game so far. That is amazing. Especially for all the content this game has and has been added already for free. To ask for this to be free is honestly just being greedy/cheap. I love free stuff but sometimes you just need to know when you don’t deserve anything just handed to you and this is one of those times.
(edited by Graybes.8251)
Wallet standing by!
NO! NO NO NO NO NO! No pre-orders! Please do not encourage ArenaNet or NCSoft to create pre-order bundles that explicitly withhold features/content from those who don’t pay early. EA already does this and the end up releasing unfinished or poorly made games. Pre-orders are how big corporations make a profit without even delivering a product.
ArenaNet, please, I beg you. IF you do a pre-order option PLEASE do not make it so that there is some content/feature/item that you can only get by giving you guys money for an unfinished product. I want to give you my money, but not like this.
I wouldn’t worry about that… If anything GW2 has had the opposite.
I pre-ordered Digital Deluxe, paid more for the game, and got less content than you’ll get if you buy the same today (as in no legacy armor). So don’t fret about it.
Plus this is a MMO, you can’t really add DLCs that you need to buy in order for people to have/not have if you pre-buy. The only thing i have you don’t (because i pre-ordered) is a ring that you’ll toss away at lvl 10 or so.
And I want a huge Black Lion Trading shop sale when the expansion hits….a real huge sale! With big discounts (Not the silly 10-20% off we see usually) and new stuff for use in the new map O.O
I was able to play the beta test. I really liked the additions. I’m looking forward to the expansion, but not so much I want the devs to “hurry” a product filled with “little problems”.
I’ll be happy to wait until it’s complete and as bug free as possible.
I believe it’s going to be a great expansion!
To the people willing to part with family members for a pre-order… You will get more for organs then you will for the person as a whole… I’m not suggesting anything at all just stating a fact. Just saying…they only NEED one kidney…
This expansion should be free like other’s mmo …..not payable….
NAME JUST ONE mmo that is B2P or P2P that has free expansions. You haven’t played many MMO’s I take it.
EVE-Online. 2 engine updates and almost 30 expansions for free during last 10 years. Yes it have subscription, but if you have small trading empire or just grind you can pay with in-game currency.
Lineage 2 had free expansions before it went f2p.
This expansion should be free like other’s mmo …..not payable….
Which expansion of other MMO is free except the ones from free to play games , which are actually pay to win ? Just give me one.
exactly. i think this person is new to mmos
It’s a pretty accurate guess if the content is as small as the living story has been. If they are only introducing 1 or 2 new maps to the current continent as small as the current living story did, then they are literally out of their minds. The entire expansion should be at LEAST the size of an entire region in the current continent, even then, paying more than $30 for that would be questionable.
I agree expansion should be free. Was kind of the whole idea behind the guildwars 2, pay for it once, never have to pay again thing. Its pretty obvious they want to make little money with the expansion, cause they think they can. I don’t think they will charge a bunch for it, so don’t worry or stress. I’m pretty excited about it, but more they wait, more I’m having doubts it will be release anytime soon.
This expansion should be free like other’s mmo …..not payable….
Which expansion of other MMO is free except the ones from free to play games , which are actually pay to win ? Just give me one.
exactly. i think this person is new to mmos
It’s a pretty accurate guess if the content is as small as the living story has been. If they are only introducing 1 or 2 new maps to the current continent as small as the current living story did, then they are literally out of their minds. The entire expansion should be at LEAST the size of an entire region in the current continent, even then, paying more than $30 for that would be questionable.
You certainly are new to MMOs in the genre. $30 is too cheap for an expansion that basically adds in 1 new whole class, 8 new subclasses, a whole new story campaign, all new guild revamp with housing (via Guild Halls), new end-game progression system, 100’s to 1,000’s of new items (including Legendaries), new sPvP mode (and map), new WvW map, new zones, new enemies with new enemy mechanics too.
Even at $60, it’s dirt cheap for what is being provided. Why? Because a subscription game like WoW doesn’t even do 1/2 that stuff in a 4-month span, and 4 months in that game is …. $60. Heck, the year between MoP and WoD, it was 12 months of no content; 12 x $15 = $180 to just play that MMO for only 1 year of the exact same content. When WoD launched, players had to pay $65 just to play it for one month ($50 for the box and $15 for that month).
How much did it cost for GW2? Just the $60. Not just for 1 year, but for the 2.5 years since the game has launched. That is all that anyone has had to pay to play the entire game since launch.
The Perfect World games as well, but PW is so pay to win that its not even funny. There’s a few others as well that i cant remember off the top of my head, but they’re crappy so it doesn’t really matter.
Not all of Perfect Worlds add-ons/expansions are free, as a matter of fact, what you get from the free version is a lot less than what you get from the paid versions(quite a few of them are that way, though there is a free option, it leaves out a lot of the additional content that you can only get by paying).
This expansion should be free like other’s mmo …..not payable….
Which expansion of other MMO is free except the ones from free to play games , which are actually pay to win ? Just give me one.
exactly. i think this person is new to mmos
It’s a pretty accurate guess if the content is as small as the living story has been. If they are only introducing 1 or 2 new maps to the current continent as small as the current living story did, then they are literally out of their minds. The entire expansion should be at LEAST the size of an entire region in the current continent, even then, paying more than $30 for that would be questionable.
You certainly are new to MMOs in the genre. $30 is too cheap for an expansion that basically adds in 1 new whole class, 8 new subclasses, a whole new story campaign, all new guild revamp with housing (via Guild Halls), new end-game progression system, 100’s to 1,000’s of new items (including Legendaries), new sPvP mode (and map), new WvW map, new zones, new enemies with new enemy mechanics too.
Even at $60, it’s dirt cheap for what is being provided. Why? Because a subscription game like WoW doesn’t even do 1/2 that stuff in a 4-month span, and 4 months in that game is …. $60. Heck, the year between MoP and WoD, it was 12 months of no content; 12 x $15 = $180 to just play that MMO for only 1 year of the exact same content. When WoD launched, players had to pay $65 just to play it for one month ($50 for the box and $15 for that month).
How much did it cost for GW2? Just the $60. Not just for 1 year, but for the 2.5 years since the game has launched. That is all that anyone has had to pay to play the entire game since launch.
Guild Wars: Eye Of The North Expansion – 35 USD on release date.
And this expansion story was developed way further with free expansion Guild Wars Beyond. Had everything as other full chapters except 2 new classes.
Guild Wars 2 (original) price point is 40 USD for full game. HOT is expansion and not a full game as Guild Wars 2, Guild Wars: Nightfall, Guild Wars: Factions, Guild Wars: Prophecies. Now answer me how expansion could go up in price from original game? How I can pay more and get less than original game?
This expansion should be free like other’s mmo …..not payable….
Which expansion of other MMO is free except the ones from free to play games , which are actually pay to win ? Just give me one.
exactly. i think this person is new to mmos
It’s a pretty accurate guess if the content is as small as the living story has been. If they are only introducing 1 or 2 new maps to the current continent as small as the current living story did, then they are literally out of their minds. The entire expansion should be at LEAST the size of an entire region in the current continent, even then, paying more than $30 for that would be questionable.
You certainly are new to MMOs in the genre. $30 is too cheap for an expansion that basically adds in 1 new whole class, 8 new subclasses, a whole new story campaign, all new guild revamp with housing (via Guild Halls), new end-game progression system, 100’s to 1,000’s of new items (including Legendaries), new sPvP mode (and map), new WvW map, new zones, new enemies with new enemy mechanics too.
Even at $60, it’s dirt cheap for what is being provided. Why? Because a subscription game like WoW doesn’t even do 1/2 that stuff in a 4-month span, and 4 months in that game is …. $60. Heck, the year between MoP and WoD, it was 12 months of no content; 12 x $15 = $180 to just play that MMO for only 1 year of the exact same content. When WoD launched, players had to pay $65 just to play it for one month ($50 for the box and $15 for that month).
How much did it cost for GW2? Just the $60. Not just for 1 year, but for the 2.5 years since the game has launched. That is all that anyone has had to pay to play the entire game since launch.
Guild Wars: Eye Of The North Expansion – 35 USD on release date.
And this expansion story was developed way further with free expansion Guild Wars Beyond. Had everything as other full chapters except 2 new classes.Guild Wars 2 (original) price point is 40 USD for full game. HOT is expansion and not a full game as Guild Wars 2, Guild Wars: Nightfall, Guild Wars: Factions, Guild Wars: Prophecies. Now answer me how expansion could go up in price from original game? How I can pay more and get less than original game?
No, it was not. Guild Wars 2 was $60 original, $80 for the Digital Deluxe Edition, $150 for the Collectors Edition. ( :: )
And don’t compare the original GW1 price or any of it’s expansion; the game was not a true MMORPG like GW2 is (even the developers have said this directly themselves). This game has a lot more to it, makes use of actual 3D space (i.e. jumping), and is far more complex than that game.
P.S. Nightfall, Factions, and Prophecies might be standalone campaigns, but by no means are to be considered “full games” on the same level as Guild Wars 2. That is laughable at best.
This expansion can be $40 or even $50 and still be cheaper than the original game was at release. Players would still pay that much too, considering that there is no subscription, their character progress continues on, and it is a very cheap price-per-hour entertainment source {if someone sunk in 1,500 hours into the original game since release, at $60 it comes to $.04 per hour cost}. There is no need to devalue the developers’ work or the game’s entertainment.
I’m throwing money at my screen but nothing is happening.
Dollar bills aren’t heavy enough. Use nickels.
^_^ Eager for that release date (and the #1 Deep Dive on Traits. Make it happen!)
This expansion should be free like other’s mmo …..not payable….
NAME JUST ONE mmo that is B2P or P2P that has free expansions. You haven’t played many MMO’s I take it.
EVE Online.
Even DFO, which was controlled by NEXON, had free expansions.
(edited by Excludee.3850)
This expansion should be free like other’s mmo …..not payable….
NAME JUST ONE mmo that is B2P or P2P that has free expansions. You haven’t played many MMO’s I take it.
EVE Online.
Even DFO, which was controlled by NEXON, had free expansions.
EVE isn’t F2P or B2P, it is P2P. This means that you’re required to pay around $15 a month just to access the game, even in content dry spells where there is nothing new to the game. EVE’s “free” expansions hit every 4-6 months; that is to say it hits ever $60-90. Do you see what I mean?
I have no idea about DFO, because I don’t read into NEXON games because the company is known to have heavy P2W features in their game. Even the media takes pot shots at how money grubbing they are as a company to try to sell power for more $$$.
This expansion should be free like other’s mmo …..not payable….
NAME JUST ONE mmo that is B2P or P2P that has free expansions. You haven’t played many MMO’s I take it.
EVE Online.
Even DFO, which was controlled by NEXON, had free expansions.
EVE isn’t F2P or B2P, it is P2P. This means that you’re required to pay around $15 a month just to access the game, even in content dry spells where there is nothing new to the game. EVE’s “free” expansions hit every 4-6 months; that is to say it hits ever $60-90. Do you see what I mean?
I have no idea about DFO, because I don’t read into NEXON games because the company is known to have heavy P2W features in their game. Even the media takes pot shots at how money grubbing they are as a company to try to sell power for more $$$.
Nexon is also the largest shareholder of NC Soft, IIRC. Just a thought.
Honestly, I don’t really care about paying for the expansion if it turns out to be good. Someone asked if any MMOs (they did say B2P or P2P) did free expansions, so I chimed in. Also you can theoretically play EVE for free if you’re good. I did it for a while. It’s a lot of effort, but eh, it’s doable if you’re dedicated. shrug
(edited by Excludee.3850)
Will there be any extras for pre orders?
Share up and take my money
I guess a lot of people are jobless and cant support something they love? Facepalm.
No, it was not. Guild Wars 2 was $60 original, $80 for the Digital Deluxe Edition, $150 for the Collectors Edition. ( :: )
And don’t compare the original GW1 price or any of it’s expansion; the game was not a true MMORPG like GW2 is (even the developers have said this directly themselves). This game has a lot more to it, makes use of actual 3D space (i.e. jumping), and is far more complex than that game.
P.S. Nightfall, Factions, and Prophecies might be standalone campaigns, but by no means are to be considered “full games” on the same level as Guild Wars 2. That is laughable at best.
This expansion can be $40 or even $50 and still be cheaper than the original game was at release. Players would still pay that much too, considering that there is no subscription, their character progress continues on, and it is a very cheap price-per-hour entertainment source {if someone sunk in 1,500 hours into the original game since release, at $60 it comes to $.04 per hour cost}. There is no need to devalue the developers’ work or the game’s entertainment.
Actually I don’t care what genre was GW1 in someone classification. It is just game from same developer and same publisher. That why price point of GW1 matters. It’s like Paradox suddenly raise their price on HoI4 compered too EU4, witch is unlikely. It is common sense. Yes I was wrong about GW2 price point, but it gives us starting point for HOT to be 87,5% (52USD) price of the original ;-)
Actually I do enjoyed standalone Nightfall story more that GW2 story. It had more PvP modes out of the box, and that’s why I conciser it worth more valuable than GW2. I don’t care about zerker runs of dungeons, I don’t care about WvW zerging wars, I don’t care about 150 people trains, I don’t care about legendary weapons. I don’t care about jumping, lol. Good game made of good story, and good gameplay for you and your friends.
Argument about subscription is bad. Nobody would work to get money losses. Most people play any good game without expansions not more than 200-400 h. It’s mere 3-4 month of gameplay. I played 490h over 4 month, and spend total of 95 USD to have all 8 profs, and have decent inventory on my main. GW2 sell character slots, bag slots and other things… actually I payed in subscription base games less. If I play game with subscription like EVE-Online I would pay the same amount of money for 6-9 month…
(edited by Yakez.7561)
I have patience but when its something as good as an expansion I kinda wish it was a surprise so that I could forget about waiting. I say take your time and polish that expansion…
I’m throwing money at my screen but nothing is happening.
Try your DVD drive…
Someone needs to test it before I do.
nope didnt worked for me
probly because i dont have a device that would output the remeins…
so i have to guess the right price and insert it there….
Will be the upcoming expansion be bought by in-game currency? (Gems).
Will be the upcoming expansion be bought by in-game currency? (Gems).
No. This has been answered by Arena Net multiple times. This is a PAID expansion that cannot be bought by Gems.
Fun as many important topics in PvP section get no attention (or just no answer?) but when you mention your wallet someone swoops right in. ^^
Anet grow a pair of… kittens and start talking to ppl. Yes they might troll you or they might rage but it happens on all forums. Communication from devs, an honest one, usually makes the community love those devs.
I have to ask, will I be able to prepurchase the expansion using Paypal?
My wallet is ready
I think you meant pre-purchase :P
My wallet is also ready just give me a date already !
I wouldn’t worry about that… If anything GW2 has had the opposite.
I pre-ordered Digital Deluxe, paid more for the game, and got less content than you’ll get if you buy the same today (as in no legacy armor). So don’t fret about it.
Plus this is a MMO, you can’t really add DLCs that you need to buy in order for people to have/not have if you pre-buy. The only thing i have you don’t (because i pre-ordered) is a ring that you’ll toss away at lvl 10 or so.
Exactly. I don’t know if I WANT to pre-order this time!
I really hoped that they would mail me the items that I saw offered with the later game sales, since I had already purchased (at a higher price)- but nope.
The same thing, I imagine, will happen with HoT. Gamble as you wish!
(edited by LadyMari.7920) is NOT EA !
pre-purchase only had beta access, everything else was the same no matter when you actually bought the game.
People crying wolf, because they’ve been burned by the likes of EA before.
you should read about dev studios and publisher track records before getting all up in a bunch, EA was never trust worthy to begin with.
I wouldn’t worry about that… If anything GW2 has had the opposite.
I pre-ordered Digital Deluxe, paid more for the game, and got less content than you’ll get if you buy the same today (as in no legacy armor). So don’t fret about it.
Plus this is a MMO, you can’t really add DLCs that you need to buy in order for people to have/not have if you pre-buy. The only thing i have you don’t (because i pre-ordered) is a ring that you’ll toss away at lvl 10 or so. I don’t know if I WANT to pre-order this time!
I really hoped that they would mail me the items that I saw offered with the later game sales, since I had already purchased (at a higher price)- but nope.
The same thing, I imagine, will happen with HoT. Gamble as you wish!
~1st Halloween
~Southsun Shores event with the Ancient Karka
~1st Wintersday
~Flame & Frost events
~1st SAB opening
~Dragon Bash
~Festival of the Four Winds
All these events and their skins released in the game before the special version with the $6.25 (500Gem) skin got included. All the unique, one-time experiences were played by early adapters of the game that new players who obtained the newer version did not and could not ever experience again.
P.S. I’m pretty sure that as an early player who experienced all those events with their Achievements, that one was able to obtain the 400 Gems at the 5k Achievement Points (and even eventually the additional 400 Gems at 10k). Even gold obtained way prior still would be enough to get skins too.
I will probably wait for the first sale. I don’t yet have a level 80 toon.
This expansion should be free like other’s mmo …..not payable….
NAME JUST ONE mmo that is B2P or P2P that has free expansions. You haven’t played many MMO’s I take it.
As far as I know the only MMO that meets those criteria is EVE Online. EVE has a monthly fee but all expansions are free.
I know that WoW has a monthly fee and I’m pretty sure (I’ve never played it, you understand, but that’s what I gather from my Blizzard storefront) that you also pay for individual expansions, which strikes me is stupid.
I’m perfectly happy to give Anet my money once for the game and then again for the expansion, because even paying for twenty expansions will still not cost me as much as EVE has over the years.
I am concerned, however – is the expansion required? I mean, it’s not something that’s ever come up in EVE, where you either get the free expansion or you don’t play the game, but if people have to buy the expansion or lose access to the base game that would be a bit kitten.
Eve business model is like AA a mixture of both subscription and free to play.
EVE is a clear precedent for free expansions in MMOs, they had like 15 last time I played and probably more by now (usually 1-2 per year).
That last line sounds like you’re trying to weasel out of accepting a straight answer – there’s no need to do that. Just because EVE has free expansions doesnt mean any other game has to have them.
I certainly think Heart of Thorns should be a paid expansion in the $30-60 range.
My wallet is ready…in fact, my debit card keeps mysteriously falling out of it onto my keyboard. Let’s move things along shall we Anet?
I herd it is now available to pre order Heart of thrones is this correct and where at give me the link asap – will this also include extra character slots ?
I herd it is now available to pre order Heart of thrones is this correct and where at give me the link asap – will this also include extra character slots ?
i’m pretty sure you heard wrong, dont believe anything unless its announced by arenanet themselves.
I herd it is now available to pre order Heart of thrones is this correct and where at give me the link asap – will this also include extra character slots ?
Maybe Heart of Thrones is available, but whatever it is it’s not a GW2-related product.
I want it! What will you accept as payment? My wife or is it a cash only sort of deal?
I’m just putting my relatives on Ebay, I’m all ready to pre-order
I love your enthusiasm, but I’d suggest you keep your family members close. (And your guildies closer. No I did not just say that.
If I could exchange my brother for a gw2 pre-sale, I would. He doesn’t accept me because I’m gay, and he said that whoever I find won’t be welcome, so…
Sometimes blood isn’t thicker than water, and sometimes just because someone is blood related, doesn’t mean they’re true “family”.
This expansion should be free like other’s mmo …..not payable….
They need the money and support cos there’s no sub fee. I will gladly pay whatever
Amount of money for it.
Well if we don’t see any filler content (eg dragon bash) to make the waiting more bearable I may have grown bored of the game and moved on by then. Seeing as this thread is 4 months old does not give me hope for the timely release with many more specializations to be shown; not to mention guild halls etc.
And yes I could play something else and come back upon release, but this stagnation just sends a bad message to the players IMO. Making us wonder what, if anything, is coming to keep us interested till then.
(steps out of cryo-tube) IS REAPER RELEASED YET?!
I’m throwing money at my screen but nothing is happening.
Try your DVD drive…
Someone needs to test it before I do.
Nah, you got to use an external floppy drive… you still have yours right?
It seems you can preorder… now…
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