When stat swap utility on non raid armor?
Ofcourse they should add in so you can get map completion with reward tracks in spvp/wvw.
1 for each region that can be completed as many times there are map in those regions 3 for Orr as an example.
But then everyone should get reward tracks in spvp/wvw/owpve for the legendary armor aswell
When stat swap utility on non raid armor?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678
Ofcourse they should add in so you can get map completion with reward tracks in spvp/wvw.
1 for each region that can be completed as many times there are map in those regions 3 for Orr as an example.
But then everyone should get reward tracks in spvp/wvw/owpve for the legendary armor aswell
That would still favor open world PDE more than the other game modes they could make the reward track just for one gift of exploration and I’ll take eight hours max or four hours with boosters because Matt completion give you to give some explanation for around 16 to 20 hours worth of exploration time
When stat swap utility on non raid armor?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740
Why does Open world Pve have a monopoly on Legendary weapons locked behind it? Why does only that gamemode get this utility?
Only if they give Legendary Weapons through Other means. Right now each game mode sans WvW has at least 1 Legendary exclusive to it, with open world Pve having the biggest monopoly.
But WvW is PvE… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tatYahtANC0
I have no issue whatsoever with Legendary Armor acquisition being restricted (because, by the time you make one set, chances are you could have made dozens of ascended sets for less), but as far as being able to stat swap, there is definitely utility outside of raids – specifically moving between PVE and WvW (but again, it really is a non issue, imo).
I have no issue whatsoever with Legendary Armor acquisition being restricted (because, by the time you make one set, chances are you could have made dozens of ascended sets for less), but as far as being able to stat swap, there is definitely utility outside of raids – specifically moving between PVE and WvW (but again, it really is a non issue, imo).
We get it you dont think its an issue, others do hence this thread.
I would use it.
Am I jumping through hoops to get it in a game mode I dont like no Im not.
When stat swap utility on non raid armor?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BrotherBelial.3094
Raiding in MMOs is known for its gear grind. ArenaNet couldn’t do that, so they offered legendary armor instead. I wouldn’t count on seeing it elsewhere because it’s needed to coax people into raiding. By the 3rd expansion however, it should be old news, so they might offer another set, assuming they don’t keep releasing them with raids.
SPvP will likely be the next to see legendary armor, but as a tournament reward. I wouldn’t count on WvWing getting any because it’s meant to be a casual playground for PvErs to get into PvP rather than for hardcore WvW.
In the past, a suggestion has been to add the swapping feature to ascended. It could happen one day, but certainly not until a full set of legendary gear has been released.
What will they do after the set is complete? Further raids for it would be pointless, no?
So another set that of Legendary Armour that only 5% of players can get? lol I’m quite relieved I care for neither LA or raiding :-P
New raids will probably mean new legendary armor sets. As much as I’d like a stay swap on my armor, I’m not going to raid. I don’t have the time to commit to learning how to do the raids, not to mention the possible and probable wast of game time. Raise in every other MMO I have ever played had been horrible. Unless you ware way over levelled for them, they are just toxic time bombs waiting to go off, I’m too old for that. I miss the days when multi player meant you where all in the same room and when someone got mouthy about it you could just give them a slap and tell them to calm down its just a game.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
Raiding in MMOs is known for its gear grind. ArenaNet couldn’t do that, so they offered legendary armor instead. I wouldn’t count on seeing it elsewhere because it’s needed to coax people into raiding. By the 3rd expansion however, it should be old news, so they might offer another set, assuming they don’t keep releasing them with raids.
SPvP will likely be the next to see legendary armor, but as a tournament reward. I wouldn’t count on WvWing getting any because it’s meant to be a casual playground for PvErs to get into PvP rather than for hardcore WvW.
In the past, a suggestion has been to add the swapping feature to ascended. It could happen one day, but certainly not until a full set of legendary gear has been released.
What will they do after the set is complete? Further raids for it would be pointless, no?
So another set that of Legendary Armour that only 5% of players can get? lol I’m quite relieved I care for neither LA or raiding :-P
New raids will probably mean new legendary armor sets. As much as I’d like a stay swap on my armor, I’m not going to raid. I don’t have the time to commit to learning how to do the raids, not to mention the possible and probable wast of game time. Raise in every other MMO I have ever played had been horrible. Unless you ware way over levelled for them, they are just toxic time bombs waiting to go off, I’m too old for that. I miss the days when multi player meant you where all in the same room and when someone got mouthy about it you could just give them a slap and tell them to calm down its just a game.
You slaped your gaming mates you bully
When stat swap utility on non raid armor?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678
Raiding in MMOs is known for its gear grind. ArenaNet couldn’t do that, so they offered legendary armor instead. I wouldn’t count on seeing it elsewhere because it’s needed to coax people into raiding. By the 3rd expansion however, it should be old news, so they might offer another set, assuming they don’t keep releasing them with raids.
SPvP will likely be the next to see legendary armor, but as a tournament reward. I wouldn’t count on WvWing getting any because it’s meant to be a casual playground for PvErs to get into PvP rather than for hardcore WvW.
In the past, a suggestion has been to add the swapping feature to ascended. It could happen one day, but certainly not until a full set of legendary gear has been released.
What will they do after the set is complete? Further raids for it would be pointless, no?
So another set that of Legendary Armour that only 5% of players can get? lol I’m quite relieved I care for neither LA or raiding :-P
New raids will probably mean new legendary armor sets. As much as I’d like a stay swap on my armor, I’m not going to raid. I don’t have the time to commit to learning how to do the raids, not to mention the possible and probable wast of game time. Raise in every other MMO I have ever played had been horrible. Unless you ware way over levelled for them, they are just toxic time bombs waiting to go off, I’m too old for that. I miss the days when multi player meant you where all in the same room and when someone got mouthy about it you could just give them a slap and tell them to calm down its just a game.
Dev stated there will be an Introduction Encounter per wing that are easier and bosses will get progressively harder in the wings. So once more raids are out you can build up the Li faster to get the armor, without having to do the harder encounters.
Why does Open world Pve have a monopoly on Legendary weapons locked behind it? Why does only that gamemode get this utility?
Tournament of Legends…
When stat swap utility on non raid armor?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678
Why does Open world Pve have a monopoly on Legendary weapons locked behind it? Why does only that gamemode get this utility?
Tournament of Legends…
Too bad the Legendary Weapons are provided by the Hosting community and not Anet…. they only provide Lamas and Gems…..
from the Stickied thread about community hosted 2v2 and 5v5 Tournaments…
Important Information
ArenaNet handles gem and llama mini distribution.
Tournament prizing can take up to two weeks to distribute once the information has been provided to ArenaNet. For example, if an organizer takes two weeks to provide the winner’s information to ArenaNet, it can take a month to receive prizes.
Gem codes and llamas will be deposited directly to your account.
Do not contact ArenaNet staff members in-game regarding prize distribution. If you have a question or concern, please contact us at pvpcommunity@arena.net.
When stat swap utility on non raid armor?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BrotherBelial.3094
Raiding in MMOs is known for its gear grind. ArenaNet couldn’t do that, so they offered legendary armor instead. I wouldn’t count on seeing it elsewhere because it’s needed to coax people into raiding. By the 3rd expansion however, it should be old news, so they might offer another set, assuming they don’t keep releasing them with raids.
SPvP will likely be the next to see legendary armor, but as a tournament reward. I wouldn’t count on WvWing getting any because it’s meant to be a casual playground for PvErs to get into PvP rather than for hardcore WvW.
In the past, a suggestion has been to add the swapping feature to ascended. It could happen one day, but certainly not until a full set of legendary gear has been released.
What will they do after the set is complete? Further raids for it would be pointless, no?
So another set that of Legendary Armour that only 5% of players can get? lol I’m quite relieved I care for neither LA or raiding :-P
New raids will probably mean new legendary armor sets. As much as I’d like a stay swap on my armor, I’m not going to raid. I don’t have the time to commit to learning how to do the raids, not to mention the possible and probable wast of game time. Raise in every other MMO I have ever played had been horrible. Unless you ware way over levelled for them, they are just toxic time bombs waiting to go off, I’m too old for that. I miss the days when multi player meant you where all in the same room and when someone got mouthy about it you could just give them a slap and tell them to calm down its just a game.
You slaped your gaming mates you bully
Streets of Rage 2 could get really intense on mania, a few panicked punches and the insults would start to fly, but then I was like 9-10 years old at the time lol.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
Can’t say I disagree with you about the utility effect to some degree, but I still just have the say the same lines I always say whenever there are complaints about legendary armor:
1. It has yet to be released. We are essentially complaining about something that is not even certain yet.
2. ArenaNet never stated that there won’t be additional ways to acquire said gear. Hightly doubt they will keep something they worked on for a year (or even years?) from the general public like that.
3. And even if I am wrong about 1. and 2., legendary items have always made you do a good amount of different content pieces to acquire them. They are supposed to be a legendary journey after all. You can see raids as an upgraded version of dungeons, content you had to do for the weapons.
Can’t say I disagree with you about the utility effect to some degree, but I still just have the say the same lines I always say whenever there are complaints about legendary armor:
1. It has yet to be released. We are essentially complaining about something that is not even certain yet.
2. ArenaNet never stated that there won’t be additional ways to acquire said gear. Hightly doubt they will keep something they worked on for a year (or even years?) from the general public like that.
3. And even if I am wrong about 1. and 2., legendary items have always made you do a good amount of different content pieces to acquire them. They are supposed to be a legendary journey after all. You can see raids as an upgraded version of dungeons, content you had to do for the weapons.
Yea and the li would be earnable in wvw and spvp aswell since thats what you can do to get your dungeon tokens now.
When stat swap utility on non raid armor?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: maddoctor.2738
New raids will probably mean new legendary armor sets.
Please no… Legendary Trinkets maybe? A Raid Legendary backpack? But not another armor set…
New raids will probably mean new legendary armor sets.
Please no… Legendary Trinkets maybe? A Raid Legendary backpack? But not another armor set…
Oh so raids should have even more incentives aint the armor hostage taking enough?
When stat swap utility on non raid armor?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: maddoctor.2738
New raids will probably mean new legendary armor sets.
Please no… Legendary Trinkets maybe? A Raid Legendary backpack? But not another armor set…
Oh so raids should have even more incentives aint the armor hostage taking enough?
Talking about the next Raid not this one. Or you think the next one won’t have anything new?
New raids will probably mean new legendary armor sets.
Please no… Legendary Trinkets maybe? A Raid Legendary backpack? But not another armor set…
Oh so raids should have even more incentives aint the armor hostage taking enough?
Talking about the next Raid not this one. Or you think the next one won’t have anything new?
Ofcourse it will have something new a new skin for your legendary armor. + new minis new weapon skins etc.
Why should raid be the only content that get new exclusive things?
Dungeons only had dif skins and stats ( dont need diffrent stats with legendaries)
Fractal same thing with the fractal weapons untill the backpack droped but then you can get that in spvp aswell so dubble the paths to get it compared to armor.
When are we going to get the skinned version of as an example ghost eater hide and all the other invisible backpacks in dungeons?
(edited by Linken.6345)
When stat swap utility on non raid armor?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: maddoctor.2738
Ofcourse it will have something new a new skin for your legendary armor. + new minis new weapon skins etc.
We don’t yet have Legendary Armor but once we do, the Raid after that will need to offer something new. Why an armor skin again? To take another couple of years to create? That’s an extra time better spent creating armor skins for other types of content, provided it’s the same armor skin team that creates the legendary armor and other armor sets. If they go with a Raid per year, which is possible, that would be one legendary armor set per year… combined with the precursor armor skins, that would mean their entire armor skin team would be working on legendary armors every year.
On the other hand, a trinket shouldn’t require as much time, if any time, and backpacks would take a fraction of the time since they look the same regardless of race/gender. Plus, getting ascended trinkets is stupidly easy and cheap, so a legendary version won’t be the same kind of improvement as legendary armor is.
Why should raid be the only content that get new exclusive things?
There are exclusive things in every Living World episode so far.
Fractal same thing with the fractal weapons untill the backpack droped but then you can get that in spvp aswell so dubble the paths to get it compared to armor.
One more reason to give a Legendary backpack in a next raid instead of a new armor set.
(edited by maddoctor.2738)
Ofcourse it will have something new a new skin for your legendary armor. + new minis new weapon skins etc.
We don’t yet have Legendary Armor but once we do, the Raid after that will need to offer something new. Why an armor skin again? To take another couple of years to create? That’s an extra time better spent creating armor skins for other types of content, provided it’s the same armor skin team that creates the legendary armor and other armor sets. If they go with a Raid per year, which is possible, that would be one legendary armor set per year… combined with the precursor armor skins, that would mean their entire armor skin team would be working on legendary armors every year.
On the other hand, a trinket shouldn’t require as much time, if any time, and backpacks would take a fraction of the time since they look the same regardless of race/gender. Plus, getting ascended trinkets is stupidly easy and cheap, so a legendary version won’t be the same kind of improvement as legendary armor is.
Why should raid be the only content that get new exclusive things?
There are exclusive things in every Living World episode so far.
Fractal same thing with the fractal weapons untill the backpack droped but then you can get that in spvp aswell so dubble the paths to get it compared to armor.
One more reason to give a Legendary backpack in a next raid instead of a new armor set.
Well you can get a way to earn the 15% currency aura next raid and the open world people get the legendary armor deal?
And since you will chase new skins in the new raid the old legendary armor and its skins should be fine to put out in open world content I mean its old you dont want that you want the new shiny.
Would much rather legendary trinkets and backpack pokes it head into WvW.
(edited by Linken.6345)
When stat swap utility on non raid armor?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678
Ofcourse it will have something new a new skin for your legendary armor. + new minis new weapon skins etc.
We don’t yet have Legendary Armor but once we do, the Raid after that will need to offer something new. Why an armor skin again? To take another couple of years to create? That’s an extra time better spent creating armor skins for other types of content, provided it’s the same armor skin team that creates the legendary armor and other armor sets. If they go with a Raid per year, which is possible, that would be one legendary armor set per year… combined with the precursor armor skins, that would mean their entire armor skin team would be working on legendary armors every year.
On the other hand, a trinket shouldn’t require as much time, if any time, and backpacks would take a fraction of the time since they look the same regardless of race/gender. Plus, getting ascended trinkets is stupidly easy and cheap, so a legendary version won’t be the same kind of improvement as legendary armor is.
Why should raid be the only content that get new exclusive things?
There are exclusive things in every Living World episode so far.
Fractal same thing with the fractal weapons untill the backpack droped but then you can get that in spvp aswell so dubble the paths to get it compared to armor.
One more reason to give a Legendary backpack in a next raid instead of a new armor set.
Well you can get a way to earn the 15% currency aura next raid and the open world people get the legendary armor deal?
And since you will chase new skins in the new raid the old legendary armor and its skins should be fine to put out in open world content I mean its old you dont want that you want the new shiny.
How about you get Legendary Armor in Open Pve when WvW /Pvp gets Access to the Legendary Weapons( to include all HoT).
Ofcourse it will have something new a new skin for your legendary armor. + new minis new weapon skins etc.
We don’t yet have Legendary Armor but once we do, the Raid after that will need to offer something new. Why an armor skin again? To take another couple of years to create? That’s an extra time better spent creating armor skins for other types of content, provided it’s the same armor skin team that creates the legendary armor and other armor sets. If they go with a Raid per year, which is possible, that would be one legendary armor set per year… combined with the precursor armor skins, that would mean their entire armor skin team would be working on legendary armors every year.
On the other hand, a trinket shouldn’t require as much time, if any time, and backpacks would take a fraction of the time since they look the same regardless of race/gender. Plus, getting ascended trinkets is stupidly easy and cheap, so a legendary version won’t be the same kind of improvement as legendary armor is.
Why should raid be the only content that get new exclusive things?
There are exclusive things in every Living World episode so far.
Fractal same thing with the fractal weapons untill the backpack droped but then you can get that in spvp aswell so dubble the paths to get it compared to armor.
One more reason to give a Legendary backpack in a next raid instead of a new armor set.
Well you can get a way to earn the 15% currency aura next raid and the open world people get the legendary armor deal?
And since you will chase new skins in the new raid the old legendary armor and its skins should be fine to put out in open world content I mean its old you dont want that you want the new shiny.How about you get Legendary Armor in Open Pve when WvW /Pvp gets Access to the Legendary Weapons( to include all HoT).
If you want that start asking for reward tracks that unlock map poi, vista, waypoints for each of the maps then mate.
Ofcourse it would take 2-3 times longer to do then doing the map normaly.
Its asking for a easier but more time consuming way to earn the maguma exploration just like peope are asking for with armor in raids.
To this date I havent seen anyone of you people ask for it tho only useing it as an argument to shut people up when they ask for.
What you feel you and the niche click you play with deserve exlusivly.
When stat swap utility on non raid armor?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678
Ofcourse it will have something new a new skin for your legendary armor. + new minis new weapon skins etc.
We don’t yet have Legendary Armor but once we do, the Raid after that will need to offer something new. Why an armor skin again? To take another couple of years to create? That’s an extra time better spent creating armor skins for other types of content, provided it’s the same armor skin team that creates the legendary armor and other armor sets. If they go with a Raid per year, which is possible, that would be one legendary armor set per year… combined with the precursor armor skins, that would mean their entire armor skin team would be working on legendary armors every year.
On the other hand, a trinket shouldn’t require as much time, if any time, and backpacks would take a fraction of the time since they look the same regardless of race/gender. Plus, getting ascended trinkets is stupidly easy and cheap, so a legendary version won’t be the same kind of improvement as legendary armor is.
Why should raid be the only content that get new exclusive things?
There are exclusive things in every Living World episode so far.
Fractal same thing with the fractal weapons untill the backpack droped but then you can get that in spvp aswell so dubble the paths to get it compared to armor.
One more reason to give a Legendary backpack in a next raid instead of a new armor set.
Well you can get a way to earn the 15% currency aura next raid and the open world people get the legendary armor deal?
And since you will chase new skins in the new raid the old legendary armor and its skins should be fine to put out in open world content I mean its old you dont want that you want the new shiny.How about you get Legendary Armor in Open Pve when WvW /Pvp gets Access to the Legendary Weapons( to include all HoT).
If you want that start asking for reward tracks that unlock map poi, vista, waypoints for each of the maps then mate.
Ofcourse it would take 2-3 times longer to do then doing the map normaly.
Its asking for a easier but more time consuming way to earn the maguma exploration just like peope are asking for with armor in raids.To this date I havent seen anyone of you people ask for it tho only useing it as an argument to shut people up when they ask for.
What you feel you and the niche click you play with deserve exlusivly.
We have asked for it for years, to no effect. I still ask for it and they don’t have to take longer they could have one reward track that awards one GoE guess what that will be on par with The Map comp GoE since it can take 16 hours for 2 GoE boom problem solved I have asked for it before Anet has refused to implement it, it would be equivalent time to acquire in the gamemodes so don’t try to say
“To this date I havent seen anyone of you people ask for it tho only useing it as an argument to shut people up when they ask for.
What you feel you and the niche click you play with deserve exlusivly.”
When all you want is an easier way to acquire something since you don’t want to put the effort into raiding to get the rewards( guess what I slogged through the . So again until they give all gamemodes access to the Legendaries then they should keep the exclusivity, and nice try at Lumping me in with the Raiders and generalizing, I have only Killed 8 raid bosses because I spend my time doing other things and helped my guild beat the bosses when I was bored, I mainly PvP and WvW so yeah my niche click and our “Exclusive” Rewards….. bahahahaha
Maybe if you Advocated for all Legendaries being accessible in all modes people would take you seriously and not see you as someone whining because they can’t get a shiny without putting forth the required Effort for said shinies, but no you only want an easy method for the one shiny you can’t get.
(edited by BlaqueFyre.5678)
When stat swap utility on non raid armor?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189
When all you want is an easier way to acquire something since you don’t want to put the effort into raiding to get the rewards.
This comment grates on my nerves so very, very much.
First, many (likely most) have not asked for it be easier. They have only asked for an alternative option. So stop making assumptions that options equate to “easy” because they don’t.
Second, there are people that would be interested in raiding; however, assorted reasons may prevent them from doing so. Its not necessarily lack of skill, lack of desire, or lack of motivation.
When stat swap utility on non raid armor?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678
When all you want is an easier way to acquire something since you don’t want to put the effort into raiding to get the rewards.
This comment grates on my nerves so very, very much.
First, many (likely most) have not asked for it be easier. They have only asked for an alternative option. So stop making assumptions that options equate to “easy” because they don’t.
Second, there are people that would be interested in raiding; however, assorted reasons may prevent them from doing so. Its not necessarily lack of skill, lack of desire, or lack of motivation.
First idc if it grates on your nerves, it is my opinion based on the numerous topics that bring this up.
Second Go look at most threads about getting Legendary Armor Most ask for either Easier raids to acquire it or it to be added to open world which by definition easier than Raids so yes it is asking to be easier to acquire. ( I.e. More time/more gold does not equate to similar difficulty)
Third if they were interested in raids they would find a way to do them, if they have time to spend in game they have time to work raids into that playtime, it comes down to the players priorities and effort, I have limited time to play this game I am still able to get done what I want in my limited time. So yes it’s a lack of motivation/effort, they could put forth the effort to find a guild that Raids when the times they play, they can attempt PuGs during the time they play if they really wanted to raid and work towards the Legenday armor.
When all you want is an easier way to acquire something since you don’t want to put the effort into raiding to get the rewards.
This comment grates on my nerves so very, very much.
First, many (likely most) have not asked for it be easier. They have only asked for an alternative option. So stop making assumptions that options equate to “easy” because they don’t.
Second, there are people that would be interested in raiding; however, assorted reasons may prevent them from doing so. Its not necessarily lack of skill, lack of desire, or lack of motivation.
First idc if it grates on your nerves, it is my opinion based on the numerous topics that bring this up.
Second Go look at most threads about getting Legendary Armor Most ask for either Easier raids to acquire it or it to be added to open world which by definition easier than Raids so yes it is asking to be easier to acquire. ( I.e. More time/more gold does not equate to similar difficulty)
Third if they were interested in raids they would find a way to do them, if they have time to spend in game they have time to work raids into that playtime, it comes down to the players priorities and effort, I have limited time to play this game I am still able to get done what I want in my limited time. So yes it’s a lack of motivation/effort, they could put forth the effort to find a guild that Raids when the times they play, they can attempt PuGs during the time they play if they really wanted to raid and work towards the Legenday armor.
Yes but most also say it will take longer more time less difficult but same effort, you want same time or even quicker for your implementation and that dont cut it mate.
When stat swap utility on non raid armor?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678
When all you want is an easier way to acquire something since you don’t want to put the effort into raiding to get the rewards.
This comment grates on my nerves so very, very much.
First, many (likely most) have not asked for it be easier. They have only asked for an alternative option. So stop making assumptions that options equate to “easy” because they don’t.
Second, there are people that would be interested in raiding; however, assorted reasons may prevent them from doing so. Its not necessarily lack of skill, lack of desire, or lack of motivation.
First idc if it grates on your nerves, it is my opinion based on the numerous topics that bring this up.
Second Go look at most threads about getting Legendary Armor Most ask for either Easier raids to acquire it or it to be added to open world which by definition easier than Raids so yes it is asking to be easier to acquire. ( I.e. More time/more gold does not equate to similar difficulty)
Third if they were interested in raids they would find a way to do them, if they have time to spend in game they have time to work raids into that playtime, it comes down to the players priorities and effort, I have limited time to play this game I am still able to get done what I want in my limited time. So yes it’s a lack of motivation/effort, they could put forth the effort to find a guild that Raids when the times they play, they can attempt PuGs during the time they play if they really wanted to raid and work towards the Legenday armor.
Yes but most also say it will take longer more time less difficult but same effort, you want same time or even quicker for your implementation and that dont cut it mate.
Time =/= Effort period.
If it takes the same time and equivalent Effort to have a reward track then that is a perfect solution since there is absolutely no difficulty to World Exploration it’s just a time sink of about 16 hrs (which can be done faster if speed clearing) which doesn’t include all the PvE collection requirements for said Legenendaries. to complete for two Gifts of Exploration, so let’s see a time sink of 8 hrs (can be shortened with Boosters) awarding one GoE is the exact same. with my idea I have advocated that if implemented PvE gets a way to acquire GoB.
So again until you advocate for all game modes get access to all Legendaries You are equivalent to whining for a shiny you can’t otherwise get without putting forth similar effort, my idea implementation fits both the time and requirement efforts involved.
When stat swap utility on non raid armor?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189
Second Go look at most threads about getting Legendary Armor Most ask for either Easier raids to acquire it or it to be added to open world which by definition easier than Raids so yes it is asking to be easier to acquire. ( I.e. More time/more gold does not equate to similar difficulty)
I have read many of the threads. Many of the people asking for an easier mode just want access to the story involved in the raids. A lot of them could give a rat’s kitten less about the armor. Several have even explicitly said that the ability to earn items towards the armor could be removed from the easier mode.
There are ways to balance out ‘difficulty.’ You equate difficulty to skill, others may equate it to stamina and perseverance. You don’t view it that way, fine, that’s your opinion. Doesn’t make it right.
Third if they were interested in raids they would find a way to do them, if they have time to spend in game they have time to work raids into that playtime, it comes down to the players priorities and effort, I have limited time to play this game I am still able to get done what I want in my limited time. So yes it’s a lack of motivation/effort, they could put forth the effort to find a guild that Raids when the times they play, they can attempt PuGs during the time they play if they really wanted to raid and work towards the Legenday armor.
Sorry, but no.
I’m one of those people that would like to give raiding a try. However, I’ve not been able to find a NA group that does it between 8am and 10am weekend mornings when I’m available and PuGs at that time of day for anything are not plentiful.
Nor do groups want someone that can only give maybe an hour to an hour and a half on a weekday night on an inconsistent bases because my life doesn’t kittening revolve around a game. I’m sorry I’m a responsible adult with a job, a commute time, and a family. That’s not a lack of motivation, desire, or effort (because I’ve obviously looked and been turned down).
So take your self–righteous assumptions and shove them.
(edited by LanfearShadowflame.3189)
When stat swap utility on non raid armor?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678
Second Go look at most threads about getting Legendary Armor Most ask for either Easier raids to acquire it or it to be added to open world which by definition easier than Raids so yes it is asking to be easier to acquire. ( I.e. More time/more gold does not equate to similar difficulty)
I have read many of the threads. Many of the people asking for an easier mode just want access to the story involved in the raids. A lot of them could give a rat’s kitten less about the armor. Several have even explicitly said that the ability to earn items towards the armor could be removed from the easier mode.
There are ways to balance out ‘difficulty.’ You equate difficulty to skill, others may equate it to stamina and perseverance. You don’t view it that way, fine, that’s your opinion. Doesn’t make it right.
Third if they were interested in raids they would find a way to do them, if they have time to spend in game they have time to work raids into that playtime, it comes down to the players priorities and effort, I have limited time to play this game I am still able to get done what I want in my limited time. So yes it’s a lack of motivation/effort, they could put forth the effort to find a guild that Raids when the times they play, they can attempt PuGs during the time they play if they really wanted to raid and work towards the Legenday armor.
Sorry, but no.
I’m one of those people that would like to give raiding a try. However, I’ve not been able to find a NA group that does it between 8am and 10am weekend mornings when I’m available and PuGs at that time of day for anything are not plentiful.
Nor do groups want someone that can only give maybe an hour to an hour and a half on a weekday night on an inconsistent bases because my life doesn’t kittening revolve around a game. I’m sorry I’m a responsible adult with a job, a commute time, and a family. That’s not a lack of motivation, desire, or effort (because I’ve obviously looked and been turned down).
So take your self–righteous assumptions and shove them.
I have gone through those post there were maybe 2-3 people generally only wanting the story, when there were more trying to use that as a way to get an easier road to Legendary Armor.
There are more than just NA guilds that raid on NA servers look around you would be surprised by the OCX/SEA guilds that raid. And I am a responsible adult that has a full time job a Family and I am able to balance in time for this video game to accomplish what I want. you are providing excuses that’s fine that’s up to you, and it impacts me not one bit if you raid or not, or put forth the effort no need to justify yourself to me, I couldn’t careless, I am just a nameless person on the internet.
When stat swap utility on non raid armor?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189
Second Go look at most threads about getting Legendary Armor Most ask for either Easier raids to acquire it or it to be added to open world which by definition easier than Raids so yes it is asking to be easier to acquire. ( I.e. More time/more gold does not equate to similar difficulty)
I have read many of the threads. Many of the people asking for an easier mode just want access to the story involved in the raids. A lot of them could give a rat’s kitten less about the armor. Several have even explicitly said that the ability to earn items towards the armor could be removed from the easier mode.
There are ways to balance out ‘difficulty.’ You equate difficulty to skill, others may equate it to stamina and perseverance. You don’t view it that way, fine, that’s your opinion. Doesn’t make it right.
Third if they were interested in raids they would find a way to do them, if they have time to spend in game they have time to work raids into that playtime, it comes down to the players priorities and effort, I have limited time to play this game I am still able to get done what I want in my limited time. So yes it’s a lack of motivation/effort, they could put forth the effort to find a guild that Raids when the times they play, they can attempt PuGs during the time they play if they really wanted to raid and work towards the Legenday armor.
Sorry, but no.
I’m one of those people that would like to give raiding a try. However, I’ve not been able to find a NA group that does it between 8am and 10am weekend mornings when I’m available and PuGs at that time of day for anything are not plentiful.
Nor do groups want someone that can only give maybe an hour to an hour and a half on a weekday night on an inconsistent bases because my life doesn’t kittening revolve around a game. I’m sorry I’m a responsible adult with a job, a commute time, and a family. That’s not a lack of motivation, desire, or effort (because I’ve obviously looked and been turned down).
So take your self–righteous assumptions and shove them.
I have gone through those post there were maybe 2-3 people generally only wanting the story, when there were more trying to use that as a way to get an easier road to Legendary Armor.
There are more than just NA guilds that raid on NA servers look around you would be surprised by the OCX/SEA guilds that raid. And I am a responsible adult that has a full time job a Family and I am able to balance in time for this video game to accomplish what I want. you are providing excuses that’s fine that’s up to you, and it impacts me not one bit if you raid or not, or put forth the effort no need to justify yourself to me, I couldn’t careless, I am just a nameless person on the internet.
I’m aware there are more than just NA guilds on NA. My point is, I’m on a NA server and despite having looked, I’ve have 0 luck finding a raiding group that meshes with my schedule. There are a few on EU servers, but I don’t play on EU.
You’re assuming / setting forth that people that don’t raid do so because they are scared, lazy, or both and my point was that that assumption is entirely inaccurate. Its narrow minded. You seem to be of the mind set that because you can do something, so can everyone else, when that’s obviously not the case given that not all situations are the same. You see legitimate reasons as “excuses” because “you do it just fine.” Goody for you, we are not all you.
When Anet gives me 9 heroes with which to raid on my time, I’ll more than happily do so.