Where the Journey is the reward because...

Where the Journey is the reward because...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Shadowmoon.7986


…..after you kill that big boss, and you open that big chest, you will be greeted by a bunch of blues and greens. The actual reward will not be rewarding.

There was no talk about a LOOT 2.0 system, like ones talked about from John Smith that would allow those who are unlucky with RNG a way to get the account bound items you want. Fractal weapons and tonic, Teq Hordes, Regurgitated Piles, Dungeon recipes, Bee Amulet. All of these items are behind a RNG gate that either you get your item or you get nothing. It doesn’t matter if it is your first run or your 500th, the odds remain the same. There is no Non RNG alternatives, and most are on a 24 hour time gate.
Then there is the DR, which will negatively impact drops if you do the same activity over and over again. Of course it is unsure if DR affects the above drops, because that information is held secret. But I would image that constantly farming the same events (teq and TT) or the fractals may flag you for this.

Where the Journey is the reward because...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: joshc.3129


…and this has what to do with Heart of Thorns?

Kill stuff to unlock weapons skills, most confusing thing I ever heard of. (sarcasm)

Where the Journey is the reward because...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sarie.1630


I like the sound of a game that I want to play for the enjoyment of playing, and not just purely for the loot at the end.

But then I’m a minority.

Where the Journey is the reward because...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ceta.6057


I like the sound of a game where I’m not the last one to get reasonable rewards. The rewards I can use to enhance my character during its journey through the game.

Where the Journey is the reward because...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sarie.1630


I like the sound of a game where I’m not the last one to get reasonable rewards. The rewards I can use to enhance my character during its journey through the game.

Since Ascended and Exotic equipment is so commonplace, I imagine you don’t refer to stats. This infers that you want rewards to make you look good on your journey? I get that. I like to look good on my way through a game, but it is heard of for the quality of a story, and the fun of participating in the open world to make me completely forget about what I look like.

On the other hand, in a game where the reward tends to be aesthetics, the journey for many tends to be the acquisition of those aesthetics, after which is it just game over?

Where the Journey is the reward because...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ceta.6057


I like the sound of a game where I’m not the last one to get reasonable rewards. The rewards I can use to enhance my character during its journey through the game.

Since Ascended and Exotic equipment is so commonplace, I imagine you don’t refer to stats. This infers that you want rewards to make you look good on your journey? I get that. I like to look good on my way through a game, but it is heard of for the quality of a story, and the fun of participating in the open world to make me completely forget about what I look like.

On the other hand, in a game where the reward tends to be aesthetics, the journey for many tends to be the acquisition of those aesthetics, after which is it just game over?

I would simply like to see a few satisfying drops; I’ve killed my share of Dragons.

I must be a sufferer of Johnsmithitus. No self respecting Ascended or Exotic equipment drops for me

( Not that it is a significant issue as I play FFXIV, there you get everything and the wedding dress )

(edited by Ceta.6057)

Where the Journey is the reward because...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Turtle Dragon.9241

Turtle Dragon.9241

I like the sound of a game where I’m not the last one to get reasonable rewards. The rewards I can use to enhance my character during its journey through the game.

Since Ascended and Exotic equipment is so commonplace, I imagine you don’t refer to stats. This infers that you want rewards to make you look good on your journey? I get that. I like to look good on my way through a game, but it is heard of for the quality of a story, and the fun of participating in the open world to make me completely forget about what I look like.

On the other hand, in a game where the reward tends to be aesthetics, the journey for many tends to be the acquisition of those aesthetics, after which is it just game over?

Go on Trading Post. Search for “Keeper”. Try to craft a full armor of it. Commonplace. Thanks.